Full-time Soldier King/C13 Recruitment will Begin
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Full-time Soldier King/C13 Recruitment will Begin
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C13 Recruitment will Begin

Before Hua Bicheng left for his family, the butler, Uncle Bai, pulled his son, Bai Shuo, who had come from his hometown, along. He said that the young master had made a comeback and wanted his son to follow him to see the world. Uncle Bai had been with the Hua family for many years, and facing such a request, Hua Bicheng naturally had no reason to refuse. Thus, he brought Bai Shuo with him to Xianyang.

Hua Bicheng, the new commander in chief of Xianyang Police only had a few dozen guards under his command. The Shaanxi Third Brigade was just a name on paper, and was a short team. Hua Bicheng had to pull this team himself. Yanghu City only gave Hua Bicheng a stack of blank letters. The first thing Hua Bicheng did when he took office was to give Bai Shuo a letter of appointment, Bai Shuo, the Lieutenant Colonel, and the Military Chief.

After these few days of interaction, Hua Bicheng discovered that Bai Shuo had never studied at a military academy, and the military officer was unable to do so. However, as a sincere and loyal person who could write down his accounts, it was still appropriate for him to be the person in charge of military logistics for the vice-captain.

The general security matters in Xianyang would not be sent to the police headquarters. There was also a police station in the city. The new officer, Hua Bicheng, was very worried. Actually, he was just a commander in chief, but this soldier was easy to deal with. There was no need to worry about not being able to recruit soldiers, but how could an experienced officer deal with him? Right now, he couldn't run a Xianyang Military Officer School, so Hua Bicheng was lying in the rear courtyard of the Headquarters, planning on how to set up his own class. If only the people who had raided the armory with him were here. When Hua Bicheng thought of this, he smacked his forehead. That's right! How do I remember, there are still a lot of veterans from the Wong Shanghai war scattered in the hospitals around Shanghai. These were all talented people.

Early the next morning, Hua Bicheng was standing in the yard with a toothbrush in his mouth as he began to assign tasks to the vice-captain, Bai Shuo. Hua Bi Cheng asked Bai Shuo to buy a train ticket in the morning and take a few people to Shanghai. Whether it's the 19th or the 5th or the 18th, they're all going to kidnap and sell to me. Especially the staff officers and artillery, even if you want to tie them up, you have to do it for me. As such, Bai Shuo was sent to Shanghai by Hua Bicheng to be a trafficker, while Hua Bicheng went to buy some things from Chen Dongli, who opened a restaurant called "Drunken Immortal Tavern" in Xianyang.

Chen Dong Li looked at the list in her hand, a little dizzy. "Five radio stations, 5,000 gas masks, 500 German MP40 submachine guns, 30 American 60-mm mortars, 100,000 rounds of bullets …" What was Hua Bicheng trying to do? It seemed like this fellow wanted to throw all the income he had earned onto his troops.

At first, she thought that Hua Bicheng was just using his position as the commander in chief of Xianyang Security to earn some money. However, in order to gain more profits, he had to be the one who was in charge of the Qing Gang. He didn't expect that the list Hua Bicheng handed over for the first time would be this kind of list. Chen Dongli thought for a moment, then told Hua Bicheng that such a large batch of military supplies was not a small amount, and that it was not something that could be done in a short period of time.

Hua Bicheng touched Chen Dong Li's pretty face and told her that he did not intend to get the materials immediately. He would only take them out first and give the elder brother half a year to slowly settle on the goods.

Chen Dong Li pushed Hua Bi Cheng's arm away and rolled her beautiful eyes at him. Hua Bi Cheng immediately felt that his soul was about to fly away.

Hua Bicheng touched his chin and smacked his lips. Then, he returned to the Headquarters of Police Headquarters, feeling somewhat unsatisfied.

The task that Hua Bicheng had given himself these past few days was to recruit soldiers. These Republic of China soldiers were not as easy to recruit as 21st century soldiers. Who knew how many young and strong the warlords had filled in these years. Unless the citizens had reached the point where they had no way to survive, they would definitely not let the domestic workers become cannon fodder. There was a saying among the people, "Good men do not join the army unless they are made of iron!" One could imagine how low status joining the army held in the hearts of the people. Several soldiers of the headquarters suggested that Hua Bicheng assign the "Latin" mission to the village heads and the stragglers of the villages. As long as they could gather the number of people below, the commander of the village wouldn't need to ask about their methods.

Hua Picheng was adamant that the officers below should be allowed to "Latin" for the guard brigade. Commander Hua knew that as long as his orders were sent out, the grassroots officials who were wholeheartedly working in the eyes of the money would carry his banner and search for the cream. He, Hua Picheng, would not take the name of the moneybags and scold them. Furthermore, it would be very difficult to train them by force. Since they didn't want to join your army voluntarily, they would be passive during the training. What Hua Bicheng wanted was a team that could only fight hard, but could also win. If the mental problems of the recruits were not resolved well, it would be difficult to achieve his desired goal.

Hua Bicheng sent people out to post notices for recruits, but didn't receive any good responses. The conscription of Shaanxi's third police brigade encountered a big problem. Thus, after a whole week, Hua Bicheng's dozens of recruitment points near Xianyang had only managed to pull back less than a hundred people, not even enough to form a company.

Hua Biancheng had always thought that the people that China did not lack the most were people. The job fairs in the 21st century were a sea of people, and when he went to participate in the job fair, he was almost squeezed to death. But now, this "Big Boss", Hua Bicheng had to face a situation where no one was willing to take up his position. It's a dangerous job.

Chen Dongli secretly expressed that the elder brother's guild was willing to help Hua Bicheng get rid of a portion of the soldiers, but Hua Bicheng really didn't want the gang's influence to permeate into his army, so he politely declined. Chen Dongli didn't insist. He wanted to see how this anti-Japanese hero would solve the problem that he was currently facing.

If the army of the Republic of China wasn't strong, most of the military camps would be empty.

Xianyang used to have a garrison force, but they were assigned to the field units last year. The barracks where they were stationed were always empty, and when the Shaanxi Third garrison Brigade was established, Captain Hua ordered his men to take over the area. There were only about a hundred soldiers in the base, so it was quite obvious that it was quite spacious. The first few soldiers of Hua Bi Cheng were actually sitting in a building with a large amount of blue and white tiles. They were so happy that they were having a good time with the landlord and the rich. Hua Picheng had locked himself in his room all morning. Finally, he figured out a way.

The newbies who had just put down their hoes were split up into several groups by the village they were born in and squeezed into a few large camps. Now, they were looking at Hua Bicheng's group with fear and trepidation.

"Erxi, the person walking in front seems to be a high-ranking official!"

"How do you know? Your relative? "

"The officer who recruited the soldiers from that day was following behind his butt. How could he not see that horse's fawning appearance!"

"Never mind, never mind. Being a soldier and getting paid is something we can't do anything about, we have to deal with the matters of the officers, we have to eat lunch soon, there are so many people in Little Wang Manor, we can eat meat when we return, we can only drink soup, today we have to move faster, and get ahead of them. "

Erxi moved his head down from the windowsill. He looked at his second brother who was leaning on the brick bed, picking his teeth with a branch, then looked at the tall beam above his head. Thinking about the days he had spent in the army these past few days, it felt like a dream.

Zhang Erxi and his elder brother, Zhang Changxi, had joined the Shaanxi Third Security Brigade in Wugong County. However, Erxi felt that he had sold himself out. That day, the two brothers rushed dozens of miles to the county town in order to catch medicine for their father who was sick in bed. The old shopkeeper looked at the prescription before looking at the two brothers' patched up clothes. Five oceans!

When Erxi stepped out of the medicine store, he squatted on the street and cried. He was so happy that he anxiously circled around his younger brother, only to see the Third Western Security Police Brigade recruiting officers who were shouting loudly on the street.

The recruiting staff of the 3rd Shanxi Province's 3rd guard brigade recruitment station was constantly encouraging the young men on the streets. However, even if these recruits said that they were receiving treatment as much as they wanted, the commoners would still not believe it.

Three meals a day, fish and meat, as well as a large piece of salary for every single month, all of them free of charge. It was likely that some old boss who couldn't catch a strong man wanted to lie to him.

On the table, there was a seal of the ocean, saying it was to pay the recruits for their accommodation. 4 dollars each, you pass the physical examination and take it with you. The commoners of the martial arts world were even more certain that this was not a good thing. Look, they had already taken out the "money for the decapitation". The commoners that passed by quickly left this "land of conflict".

Changxi and Erxi looked at the sea of white flowers, their hearts moved. When they thought about their father on the sickbed, the two brothers braced themselves and walked up, letting the recruiting officer finish his inspection and receive eight pieces of ocean. They were overjoyed to put themselves in the military station and let Erxi buy medicine from the medicine store before bringing the rest of the money back to their hometown.

The result was exactly as the recruiting officer had said! Even though the two brothers were very aggressive and could never win over others, they could still get some small pieces of meat to eat. Erxi felt that he was celebrating the New Year every day for the past few days.

"I say, brother, why don't we get someone to send a message and call all of our brothers here to eat. With meat here, we can't even eat it three times a year at home." Yun Xi said to Chang Xi.

"Great!" We welcome all who come! " The one who followed up was Hua Bicheng. Changxi and Erxi huddled on the brick bed in a panic as they looked at the officer with a smile and a straight military uniform. He didn't know when, but Hua Bicheng and a few other officers had already entered the living quarters and were standing behind Chang Xi.

Half an hour later, Changxi, Erxi and more than thirty new recruits who had just joined the Third Security Brigade were huddled together on the field.

There was a large red flower tied on the chest of each of these new recruits. Er Xi felt that it was a bit awkward and kept fiddling with the ribbon under the red flower. He felt like he was a bridegroom who was about to get married. It's not like I'm marrying a wife. Why would I dress up like this?

After a while, Hua Bicheng came over and started lecturing. The two brothers didn't understand what he was saying, but when they secretly looked at the recruit next to them, they were also at a loss. Finally, the officers gave each of them a packet of white flour and a leg of pig, and in the end everyone in the playground was given a three-day vacation.

Changxi and Erxi could only stare at the ocean in their hands. The Chief had also said just now that when they returned, they would all be squad leaders, and their military pay would be increased. Hua Bicheng sent these confused recruits to the entrance of the military camp, and separated them into several groups according to their distance from home.

Hua Bi Cheng looked at the fading backs of the new recruits and thought to himself: "Giving them so many benefits should they come back. If these kids end up 'disappearing', I'll be at a huge disadvantage."

"Hammer!" I do not believe that those farmers who dig in the soil will not be jealous of such generous treatment. " Hua Picheng, who had been completely exhausted by the recruitment for the past few days, couldn't help but curse. The guards beside him were all stunned. They all cursed their superior in unison. Why did a university hire such a person to teach?

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