Full-time Soldier King/C20 Divergent Meeting
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Full-time Soldier King/C20 Divergent Meeting
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C20 Divergent Meeting

A black car sped through the city until it reached a courtyard on Huangpu Road. The street was covered in trees and there were few people around. The car began to slow down. There were armed soldiers on both sides of the gate, and many bodyguards in black Chinese mountain uniforms were walking around the yard. At the door, Hua Bicheng handed over his gun and drove through the gate.

The main building in the courtyard was a two-story western-style building. The exterior wall of the building was red, and it faced south. The courtyard that Hua Bicheng entered by car was the famous "divergence", Jiang's private residence in Jinling. After receiving the German chancellor's invitation to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Jinling Government had alarmed President Jiang. After receiving the letter from the German chancellor inviting Hua Bicheng to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Jinling Government had then recommended Hua Bicheng to President Jiang.

Hua Bicheng got out of the car first, and helped Director Yu Ren out. The two of them followed the officer into the living room on the east side of the building, where a large photo of Sun Yat-sen and the highest authority was hung on the wall. Sun Yat-sen sat upright in his Zhongshan suit, the highest authority wearing a military uniform, wearing a long sword, and stood behind Sun Yat-sen. Hanging above the photo was a handwritten note written by Sun Yat-sen, which read: "When you're safe and sound, you must believe in it. When you're bitter, you must taste it together."

Hua Bicheng and Yu Ren walked through the living room and climbed the stairs to the second floor. There weren't many rooms on the second floor. The door of one of the rooms on the west side was ajar, revealing a large desk through the crack in the door. The desk was filled with books. It was clear that this was President Jiang's study. It looks like Headmaster Jiang's treatment of Yu Ren was not low at all. Entering and exiting President Jiang's residence was like entering his own home.

A thick Zhejiang accent came from behind him, "You're here? Elder Yu, why didn't you introduce this little fellow villager of yours to me? "

Hua Bicheng then took on a standard military posture and gave a military salute, "Colonel Hua Bicheng of the National Revolutionary Army's 17th Route Army, Shaanxi's 3rd Security Service Brigade, greets the Principal!"

This person was dressed in a black silk gown and had a shiny skull. At first glance, one could tell that it was President Jiang. Next to him was a white qipao.

Hua Bicheng and Yu Ren followed Principal Jiang and his wife into a small living room on the second floor. Principal Jiang and Song Mei-ling sat in the main seat, while Yu Ren also sat casually at the side.

Principal Jiang waved his hand, signalling Hua Bicheng to sit down, "Old Yu, why is your hometown's young talent so nervous?" "No, it's just a private meeting." What Principal Jiang said wasn't wrong. Those who were able to enter "divergence" were all important figures of the National Government, and those who could reach the second floor were extremely rare. This kind of private place was usually used to receive the relatives of Principal Jiang and his wife.

"Honorable Nephew Zhi Shi, Chairman Li is more courteous and corporal, feel free to do as you please." Yu Ren said from the side.

Hua Bicheng did not dare to be so casual. Although he had sat down, his legs were still together, his waist was straight, and both of his hands were placed on his knees.

"Colonel Hua is really young and capable. Even an invitation to teach at Princeton has been turned down, not to mention a professorship, even if Americans wanted to enter the university. " Song Meisheng was the first to speak, wanting to ease Hua Bicheng's nervousness: "I didn't expect that Shaanxi Province could produce such a talent."

Hua Bicheng saw the discontented look on Yu Dui Ren's face, who was also from Shaanxi Province. That's right, he didn't expect to be discriminated against in this region of the Republic of China by no means inferior to the Republic of China. However, he could only reply respectfully, "Madam is too kind."

"Hua Bicheng, I have read your On National Defense and have a good sense of strategy. It's also quite to my liking. " Principal Jiang opened his mouth, "What you said in your essay is that China's resistance to the war is a just war and that it has gained a lot of international support. Do you think we have any more reliable allies we could have once we start a war with the pirates? "

"In my humble duty, I will make a fool of myself, and fight against the sun once and for all. China has no reliable allies. " The moment Hua Bicheng opened his mouth, Principal Jiang, Song Meisheng, and Yu Ren, who were standing at the side, were all extremely shocked.

"Go on." Principal Jiang calmed himself down.

"In today's world, there are only benefits between countries. National interests determine national diplomacy." "Whether it is Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union or the people of the Soviet Union, the most important thing is the interests. This humble servant still remembers that it was the British, French and US that agreed to the outrageous request of the pirates to occupy Shandong Province together at the Peace Conference in Paris. As long as the business interests in China do not suffer, they will not care about the life or death of the Chinese people. As for the Soviet Union, it was now concerned about how not to get caught up in a two-line war between Europe and the Far East in future wars, since both Germany and the Pandemonium were now dissatisfied with the current world order and were trying to change the situation by waging war. China can only try its best to secure foreign aid to protect its national interests in the midst of the contradictions between the strong and the weak. It simply must continue to strengthen itself. "

"Imperialism is unreliable!" Although the First Lady was displeased by Hua Bicheng's attack on the United States, President Jiang said from the bottom of his heart that the events of September 18 had clearly revealed that the Japanese were invading China and that the Kuomintang had submitted the matter to the League of Nations for a ruling aimed at maintaining world peace. The League of Nations had sent out a Lipton investigation team to propose a solution, which was for the pirates to withdraw their troops and for the Northeast to be controlled by the international community! Isn't this the same as turning the exclusive control of China's northeast into a joint occupation by all the major powers? What were the results of the British and American mediation in last year's disaster? What kind of friend was there in Shanghai, where the Japanese could be stationed after the Chinese troops left the city? Thinking of this, Headmaster Jiang praised sincerely, "Elder Yu, I didn't expect that Hua Zhishi's view of diplomacy would be so direct. The Three Qin Empire is truly a place of excellence. The position of colonel's brigadier is really a waste of talent. "

"Chairman, you are flattering me. The Jiang and Zhe regions are the places where human culture and embroidery can be found." Yu Youren politely praised Jiang's hometown.

After that, President Jiang told Hua Picheng about the invitation from the German Chancellor Hitler to visit him. Hua Picheng was obviously pretending to be surprised, while President Jiang repeatedly encouraged him to use the visit as much as possible to promote and expand the economic and military cooperation between China and Germany. Before taking his leave, Hua Bicheng assured Headmaster Jiang that he would do his best to achieve the greatest benefit for his country and his people.

On January 30, 1933, Hua Bicheng boarded the cruise ship Jianchang from Shanghai to Germany on his own. With the sound of the whistle, Hua Bicheng stood on the deck, looking at his homeland in the distance. He thought of his homeland that was suffering, and couldn't help singing a song about Zhang Mingmin's "Chinese Heart": "Although the dress is worn, my heart is still Chinese …"

Most of the Chinese on the boat were also people who wanted to stay away from their homeland. They felt their guilty conscience being touched by Hua Bicheng's song. They all began to sing along with Hua Bicheng. The song resonated throughout the sea and sky. Many people on the boat were already in tears. They had left their hometowns for their homeland and their homeland …

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