Full-time Soldier King/C6 Meritorious Imprisonment
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Full-time Soldier King/C6 Meritorious Imprisonment
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C6 Meritorious Imprisonment

Hearing the joyous explosion, Zhu Jin couldn't believe that his boss, who looked like a gambler, had actually won the bet. Due to the fact that they were all wearing the uniform of devils, there weren't many casualties on this small team. Only one soldier was shot through the shoulder by a bullet, but only a small hole was left. Because the bullet's speed was too fast, the bullet did not stay in the body for too long, it was no longer packaged, the intelligence was a penetrating wound, and the wound area was very small, as long as it did not hit an important part, it would be fine for a period of time.

Hua Bicheng led the small group in the direction of the Chinese military positions at a rapid pace in the dark. There were no stars in the sky tonight, and they had no compass. After walking for a long time, Hua Bicheng found that they were lost. At first, Zhu Jin couldn't hold himself back. Once the sun rose, the twenty or so of them would be unable to hide behind the Japanese military positions. The bombing of the ammunition depots would definitely cause the devils to increase their patrolling abilities in the areas protected by the rear. There was no chance of survival. It could be said that they were currently racing against death.

Hua Bicheng was also sweating out of anger. However, he could not afford to let anyone else find out. Otherwise, the morale of this small team would completely crumble. It was the sound of a car not far away. With a wave of his hand, Hua Bicheng and the others spread out and set up an ambush on both sides of the road. It was a black sedan, but the lights were off because it was in the middle of a Sino-Japanese fire zone. The black car almost stopped right before Hua Bicheng and the rest. A devil with a military knife on his head got out of the car and walked to the side of the road.

The sound was exceptionally clear in the quiet night. Hua Bicheng saw that the kung fu sword at the piss man's waist was sheathed with chrysanthemums. He suddenly thought of the symbol of the royal family of the Four Pirates of Chrysanthemum, his grandmother, he had run into a big fish! Hua Bicheng slowly stood up from the weeds by the side of the road.

Startled, the driver shouted in Japanese, "Who is it!" The ghost, who was urinating on the roadside, quickly pulled out the gun at his waist.

Hua Bicheng thought to himself with a hint of wickedness. This "Ol 'Two" of his was as short as his height. He answered the questions calmly: "Don't shoot, we are from the Sakata Alliance of the Ninth Regiment!"

Perhaps Hua Bicheng's pure Japanese language had bewitched the devils in the carriage, or perhaps it was because the place where Hua Bicheng and the others were currently located was deeper than the Japanese lines. In any case, these two devils did not suspect Hua Bicheng's identity.

Hua Bicheng got all the soldiers on both sides of the road to come out. The place where Zhu Jin stood was right next to the piss thief. Zhu Jinyi's face was wet, and when the devil saw this, his face became distorted. After the devil in the car saw that the person with the highest rank among them was only a first lieutenant, he also laughed brazenly.

Hua Bicheng took advantage of the time the group of evildoers was laughing at Zhu Jinyi to see if anyone else was there. The one who peed was a young officer, while the driver was also a second lieutenant. No wonder the other party was so rude. The young man seemed to be a young man sent by the royal family of the Volcano to Shanghai to do a mixed battle.

However, Hua Bicheng did not intend to let him return to the side of their imperial relatives. Hua Bicheng quietly made a hand gesture from behind him, and the subordinates who understood immediately rushed up to the two sides of the car and opened the doors. They then directly stabbed the Second Lieutenant General who was driving the car with a knife. A small Japanese second lieutenant had no weight in Hua Bicheng's eyes!

Zhu Jin, who was slightly slower, had also knocked down the General evil spirit with a single strike of his spear. The General evil spirit snorted on the ground. It seemed like Zhu Jin's attack was very heavy! No wonder! He was still making fun of him even when he was peeing on his face. How could Zhu Jin, a large man from the Northeast, endure this?

Hua Bicheng personally searched the car. In the briefcase of the royal officers, they found reinforcements for the 11th and 14th Phantom Regiments, a map of the coastline where they landed, and a map of the Japanese military in the area of Wusong and Shanghai. More importantly, he found the compass on the evil spirit driving the car. The Japanese military map was clearly more detailed than the Shanghai map used by the Fifth Army. Hua Bicheng was not surprised. The devils were indeed meticulous in their work. The intelligence agents of the Pirate Kingdom in North China had drawn up a military map, which was detailed to the point that every village's well was marked on it. Those who commit adultery and evil must have great wisdom and courage. And the devil was obviously a traitor and a villain throughout the country.

Looking at the map and the compass, Hua Bicheng saw that they had returned to a long way back. They were now very far away from the Chinese army's line of defense. Fortunately, they had discovered it in time. If they were to turn around now, they should be able to turn to the vicinity of the 19th route's defensive area by dawn.

Hua Bicheng knew that it was impossible for these people to lead a Japanese imperial chief to pass through the Japanese lines of defense, so after repeatedly questioning them and finding nothing to gain, he had Zhu Jin kill the imperial chief with a bayonet.

Hua Bicheng slowly drove the car next to a pond, pressed down the throttle with a brick and pushed the car down. The car that was full of dead devils bubbled a few times in the pond and slowly disappeared.

After receiving the news that the ammunition depot had been bombed, the infuriated Captain Feng spilled all the manoeuvres he had on hand. He wanted to eliminate the troops that were in charge of ambushing the arsenal within the lines of his own regiment. The ammunition depot was gone. If he let the army who attacked him escape, he really would have had an abdominal incision made!

The ninth legion had also dispatched a large number of troops to search the area, and such a close inspection had caused Hua Bicheng and his unit a great deal of trouble. When Hua Bicheng and the others were about to pass through the last line of defense of the Japanese army, they were found out by the general evil spirit. The fierce fighting between the two sides dispersed in the dark of the night.

At dawn, Hua Bicheng was discovered by the soldiers of the 19th Route 19 Army. He had run to the back of the 19th Army's line of defense, and since he was wearing the uniform of a Japanese lieutenant, he was captured as a Japanese officer by the 61st Division of the 19th Army.

As soon as Hua Bicheng saw the officers of the 61 Division of the Gendarmerie, he immediately gave his name and took out the captured Japanese military information from his pocket. 61 divisions did not dare to hesitate. They immediately sent the information to the 19th and the 5th army's General Zhang Zhizhong. General Zhang was overjoyed to see this information. This was simply a gift from the heavens! However, because General Zhang was too excited, he did not hear the 61 Division Gendarmerie Troops say that the person who sent the information was Hua Bicheng.

The fighter jets on the battlefield were fleeting. General Zhang immediately called the Commander of the 19th Route Army to use the important information in his hands to make a report, but he didn't tell the 61st Division whether the information was true or false due to the need to keep it a secret.

The officers of the 61st Division of the 19th Route Army had to call the army brigade of the 87th Division of the 261st Brigade, reported by Hua Bicheng, and when the brigade commander, Song Xiren, received the call, he was in a rage over the demon-taking of the position of the 1st Battalion. After Hua Bicheng blew up the Japanese armory, Sakata's troops received a death order from the brigade commander. On the phone, the general finally said, "If you still can't take down the position, then cut off your stomach!"

Sakata took off his jacket, brandished his military knife and charged at the front! When he attacked the 1st Battalion, he found out that the troops opposite him were all wounded, and either died in battle or committed suicide, none of them surrendered! Looking at the bodies of the Qana soldiers lying in the trenches, Sakata suddenly had a terrible thought. "If we face such enemies in Shanghai, how much will the imperial army have to pay to obtain this eastern Paris?"

The Sakata Alliance had lost more than half of its troops since the start of the war, and his alliance no longer had the strength to continue attacking. When Sakata reported to the Brigade Commander, he didn't mention the number of enemies at all, but emphasized that his regiment had taken over a position that the army was struggling to hold. The Company Leaders at the side felt their faces burning, but none of them wanted to stop the lieutenants' lie. The Chinese army's fearless performance had shocked them, and they didn't want to face such an enemy again!

In the end, Sakota used this despicable lie to defend the honor of the Imperial Army, and then all the Sakota troops turned to the rear to rest and reorganize Sakota. Sakata left the hellish battlefield in Shanghai as he wished.

Because of Hua Bicheng's sneak attack, the intensity of the Japanese 9th Regiment's fire had been significantly reduced, and Song Xi and his subordinates could clearly feel it! Following that, he received a new military map from the military, which made Commander Song extremely excited! Song didn't care what happened to the devil. This was a perfect opportunity to strike back, and he, Song Xi-hsien, would never let it go. When Commander Song heard the report from the staff officer that Hua Bicheng had been captured while the fighter jet was preparing to counterattack, he immediately decided that Hua Bicheng was a coward that abandoned his escape position.

Because in the afternoon, Song also requested valuable artillery support for Hua Bicheng from the military commander Zhang Zhizhong, who was stationed in the first battalion. Now that the First Battalion had lost its position, this brat Hua Bicheng was able to run so far away. This made Song Xi extremely angry: "I will personally destroy this weakling." Song Xi broke the red and blue pencil he was using to do his map work into two pieces and threw it towards Hua Bicheng, as if he was throwing his head away!

The 61st Division Gendarmerie, knowing Song Xiuping's reaction on the other end of the phone, immediately concluded that Hua Bicheng was a deserter who had used false information to try to save his own life, and tied him up and sent him to the Military Justice Department.

The officers of the Office of Military Justice were too busy supporting the fighting in the city to ask about the case of Hua Bicheng, so he was thrown into prison for no apparent reason.

Hua Bicheng's nerves had been stretched taut ever since he had crossed over to Hua Bicheng. Now that he was sent down, he was physically and mentally exhausted. The moment he entered the Law Department's prison, Hua Bicheng unexpectedly fell asleep on the ground.

The guard in charge of the cell frowned as he thought to himself, "What do you mean by sleep after entering the cell?" I've seen people who live and die, and I've seen people who cry out that they're wrong, and I've seen many of them come in these few days when they were freaked out by the war, but this is the first time I've seen a man like this one who uses a cell as a hotel.

The military police of the 19th Route Army who escorted Hua Bi Cheng over didn't say anything about the crime of a lieutenant colonel. Since there was no explanation, they just let it be. After all, they had seen quite a number of cases where a lieutenant colonel was promoted immediately after leaving prison for so many years. If he likes to sleep, then let him sleep!

The several leaders of the Military Law Department's prison came to a tacit understanding. They seemed to have forgotten the existence of such a character like Hua Bicheng. However, after eating such a meal, he had actually become fatter. The soldier in charge of the cell could not help but admire Hua Bicheng's calmness.

Hua Bicheng was fast asleep in his cell in the Military Department. The war outside was coming to an end.

Zhang Zhizhong, the commander of the Fifth Army, used Hua Bicheng's information to get a clear understanding of the Japanese troop's disposition. He quickly organized their forces to avoid the attack and to recover part of their lost territory, but the final outcome of the war was still determined by each other's military strength. As of February 27, the army of Wusong and Shanghai received reinforcements from the 11th and 14th divisions of the army. The total strength of the army rose to 90 thousand people, 80 warships and 300 aircraft.

The Chinese army only had 19 troops and the Fifth Army's total army was less than 50 thousand people, so their equipment was also poor. And after a month of bitter fighting, the casualties are more serious, so the left side of the Liuhe River area is very weak.

Learning from the failure of the previous three commanders, Bai Chuan decided to land on the flank of the Liuhe River and attack the Chinese defenders on both sides of the city. On March 1, General Bai Chuan Qi commanded the 9th Division to attack Hong and Shanghai from the front. He escorted the 11th Division to the mouth of the Yangtze River with the 3rd Fleet. Then, he suddenly landed at the mouth of the Liuhe River, Yang Lin and Qi Ya. The garrison troops of Kaiding and Taiyuan were forced to retreat and defend the line.

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