Full-time Soldier King/C9 Anti-japanese Hero
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Full-time Soldier King/C9 Anti-japanese Hero
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C9 Anti-japanese Hero

On the second day, when the sky was still just starting to brighten, He Jiang was escorted in a prison cart to the execution grounds outside of Jinling City. Not long after they left the city, the prison cart that was escorting He Jiang "Clang Dang!" After a sound, the prison van stopped and the front of the carriage sank several tens of centimeters down. Other than the chauffeur, a few other prison guards quickly came down from the back door of the prison cart to stand guard. A prison guard with a box of cannons hanging from his belt came out to check on the situation, and was puzzled, "This is the national highway, how could there be such a huge road pit?" The leading guard was shocked. As he pulled out his cannon, he shouted, "Someone is trying to rob the carriage!" The bullets flew towards the prison guards who were surrounding the carriage, causing them to fall to the ground.

When He Jiang got off the prison cart, a person in the crowd walked up with a refined look in his eyes. He was in his early twenties, and together with He Jiang, they held each other's hands tightly.

"Comrade He Jiang, thank you for your hard work!"

"Thank you, Comrade HAN!" He Jiang continued to hold the other person's hands tightly. This person was Central G Jiangsu province's Party Secretary Pan HAN. He was responsible for the rescue operation.

"The organization has decided to transfer you to the Soviet Union right away. Due to Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, many of our comrades in the White Zone have gone on a rampage. to the Soviet Union. "

"Comrade HAN, I will follow the organization's arrangements, but before I leave, I want to get rid of you." He Jiang made a request.

"Oh, making a request to the organization seems like the first time you can do it. Private or business? "

"It's a business matter, a private matter." He Jiang told Pan about his encounter with Hua Bicheng in prison.

"It turns out that the hero of the Japanese military arsenal was put in prison during the war in Wangwan and Shanghai." "We have also been investigating who did this surprise attack, and we have had no results. Comrade He Jiang, rest assured. Even if you didn't say anything, we would still be duty-bound to save such patriotic soldiers. Let's hurry up and move. "

A limousine that was prepared beforehand quickly drove them away.

A week later, articles appeared in newspapers around the world, only slightly smaller than those denouncing the Jin'ling government. Later newspapers began to follow up on Mr. Hua's case, criticizing the Jinling government for persecuting anti-Japanese heroes. He said the incident was evidence that the Jinling government was crushing the army for the sake of peace. All of a sudden, the national public opinion that was already shouting out loudly turned aggressive because of this "persecution incident" that suddenly popped up. Students began to take to the streets again with banners and banners, and the propaganda machines of the various democratic parties went all out against the Jin'ling government.

Rumors and new discoveries about Hua Bicheng being "persecuted" began to circulate among the public. All of a sudden, Hua Bicheng became the most popular person in the country. Some of the more advanced female literary youths even had articles in the newspapers expressing their desire to enlighten and explore the rest of their lives together with this "anti-Japanese hero".

Letters expressing their love for the military prison in Jinling had paralyzed the postal system, forcing the city to arrange for a mail van to deliver mail to the prison every day.

Hua Bicheng's position in the prison became even more highly regarded. A bunch of prison guards helped him open and read the letters, and unexpectedly, a few bold, single guards replied to these fanatical fans' love letters in the name of Hua Bicheng. Very soon, a few young women who had received the replies put the letters in the newspaper. People began to sigh at Hua Bicheng's "anti-Japanese hero" for his optimism and desire for love even after he had been imprisoned. On the second day after the love letter was announced, people began besieging Jinling Prison, especially the young female students. Jinling Prison staff rushed in from the surging crowd with difficulty to work, their faces more or less covered in claw marks. Of course, the female students did not have a good temper towards these accomplices who had persecuted the anti-Japanese heroes. Thus, their sharp nails became weapons of attack.

The entire Jinling, the entire Jiangsu, and even the entire East China Sea had turned into a pot of porridge because of him. The uncontrollable development of the situation soon put the government on edge. Shao Yuanchong, the chairman of the Kuomintang's core propaganda committee, immediately became an ant on a hot pan. The phone on his desk rang non-stop, and all the bosses at various levels took turns asking about the details.

Even the military and central generals were dispatched and discovered that there was indeed such a controversial figure in Jinling's prison. The Military Law Department had yet to come to a conclusion. He checked the newspapers on the market. The first few that published the news about Hua Bicheng were mostly those mediocre newspapers that were spread all over the place. However, the article described Hua Bicheng's situation as though they had seen it with their own eyes.

It was also strange how this tabloid reporter started to care about current affairs and how they found out about the inside information. However, the other side had the benefits of being a tabloid. If they sent some police officers to run around, they could lock up around ten or twenty families without arousing public anger. Now that they thought about it, most of the mainstream newspapers were angered by the Jin'ling government's submissive attitude towards the pirates. In any case, everyone had already poured a lot of dirty water on the Jin'ling government these days. In the end, those scholars who were already feeling thirsty and dispirited after cursing saw this "fresh material" immediately added fuel to the fire. These few push hands together and finally created a vortex of public opinion. The intelligence agent who checked the newspaper said that the few small newspapers said that the script originated from the post and that the clue was broken.

The reason why these tabloids published this article was because the most recent mainstream newspapers were scolding Jinling, causing sales of tabloids like them, which mainly wrote gossip, to plummet. Just as he was worrying about his livelihood, a piece of gossip and legend arrived in his hands, and he rushed to publish it, hoping to make use of this vortex of public opinion to get a slice of the cake. Now they had even lost the place where the An clan had decided to stay. The central government also said that they had found a letter that had just been sent to these newspapers. From the handwriting, it seemed that the previous article was written by the same person. However, due to the huge storm caused by the previous article, several newspapers were scared and didn't dare to publish it.

After knowing this, Shao Yuan Chong scolded these idiots who wanted money more than their lives. They actually gave him such a big trouble. As he did so, he told his subordinates to compile the investigation report and send it to the top brass together with the original mailing manuscript. He finally got himself a job.

General Zhang Zhizhong, who had finished his business in Shanghai, saw the newspaper report and quickly found the 19th Route Military Gendarmerie unit that captured Hua Bicheng. He confirmed that the source of the Japanese military intelligence was the hotspot in the newspaper, Hua Bicheng. General Zhang felt that it was his negligence that had caused Hua Bicheng to suffer such injustice, so he immediately wrote a report to the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Department of Military Justice to explain the situation.

When General Zhang's report arrived, the important members of the government were all staring at each other. Originally, he had planned to find a few witnesses to incriminate Hua Bicheng and vent his anger like a volcano erupting. However, the moment General Zhang's report arrived, his plan of framing Hua Bicheng was immediately foiled. It looked like they had really captured a hero who could fight against Japan.

When the Chairman saw General Zhang's report, he angrily threw away the teacup in his hand and cursed the Military Administration Department in his Zhejiang style official language, "The Military Justice Department and the Propaganda Department are both pigs!" Such a ready-made anti-Japanese hero did not even know to advertise for the government, but now he was used by the democratic parties and the people as a justification for attacking the government.

How could this not infuriate the Chairman? Inside the living room on the first floor of the Luo Yang official residence, the Director of the Overwatch Council, Yu Ren, was currently leaning against a sofa, sipping tea and reading a newspaper. After the war between Hong Kong and Shanghai started, as Jinling was too close to Shanghai, the chairman decided to move Jinling's government department to Luoyang as a temporary capital.

The government's various departments are busy dealing with the aftermath of the war in the city. Only the Overwatch Council, which sits on the right, has the leisure to do so. The Council, in accordance with Sun Yat-sen's five-power constitution, is the highest supervisory organ of the core government of the Republic of China, exercising the powers of impeachment, adjudication and audit. Born in ancient Chinese history.

The bearded Yu Ren had lost his natural disposition, but his calligraphy skills could be said to be second to none in China at the time. Yu Ren had joined an alliance in his early years, participated in the Revolution of 1911, and was a genuine elder of the Kuomintang.

A clerk rushed into the living room and handed Yu Ren a document. Yu Ren casually threw it on the sofa beside him and nodded to indicate that he would accept it. The clerk turned around and left. As he walked out of the meeting room, he quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat.

"I didn't expect this Hua Bicheng to be Hua Zuan's child!" Yu Ren made up his mind, which meant that his personality would decline. This time, he had to be in charge of this matter. He shook the phone, "Hello! "Get me the Chairman."

The Chairman's outburst of anger made the work of all government departments particularly efficient. That night, Minister He of the Ministry of Military Affairs and Chairman of the Kuomintang's core propaganda committee, Shao Yuanchong, climbed onto the military aircraft parked at Luoyang Airport and rushed to Jinling overnight.

On April 20, Hua Bicheng was acquitted.

Minister He had announced on the spot that he would not prosecute Hua Bicheng in Jinling Prison.

Minister He then awarded Hua Bicheng the National Light Medal on behalf of the Military Council and announced his promotion to colonel Hua Bi Cheng as a recognition of Hua Bicheng's outstanding contribution to the battlefield in Wusong and Shanghai. The advertising committee members were desperately taking photos at the scene, causing Hua Pi Cheng's eyes to go blurry from the flashing lights. He was truly impressed by the smiling Department Head He standing across from him. In the end, someone who was used to messing around in front of the camera had actually already worn a pair of gold-threaded sunglasses.

The next day, the government's propaganda machine was fully equipped to explain the situation to the public. Hua Bicheng had been placed in Jinling Prison to protect the newly born war hero. The Military Affairs Department had sent people to investigate and verify Hua Bicheng's military exploits.

Hua Bicheng was not under personal control. From the fact that his love letters to and from the female students were free, it could be seen that his correspondence was not restricted in the slightest. It could be inferred from this that Hua Bicheng was highly protected in Jinling Prison and was not a form of persecution as the forces who attacked the government claimed. As soon as the government's propaganda was seized by the various forces, the recriminations in the newspapers began to escalate further. The exposure rate of the fuse, Hua Bicheng, was naturally very high. It could be said that his fame had reached a level known by everyone.

However, the government did not give Hua Bicheng any actual posts, and the information and information about Hua Bicheng's capture of the information was kept secret on the grounds of military secrets. This was something that Minister He could suppress from this anti-Japanese hero who had caused him so much trouble. He wanted to vent the anger in his heart. A small military officer had actually caused Department Head He, the third ranked person in Jinling's government department, to stay on the plane overnight. No matter what, Minister He had to get back at him for this dissatisfaction …

The decision to award Hua Bicheng with the National Light Medallion was also decided by Minister He. Although the rank was not low, only second to the Azure Sky Medal, it was still not something practical. Department Head He planned to hang Hua Bicheng with the medallion to the top, top, bottom, and bottom, so he wouldn't give this kid any actual benefits. The disturbance caused by Hua Bicheng gradually subsided with his release and rewards. At this point, the Sino-Japanese peace talks started again, and the focus of public opinion began to shift.

However, no one knew that the day before Hua Bicheng was released, a copy of the Japanese military newspaper Hua Bicheng containing information about the attack of the ammunition depot was secretly sent to the palace in Luoyang. The address of the recipient was the President's office.

In late April, 1932, the government was under great pressure to negotiate with the Chinese. But before the agreement was signed, something big happened in Shanghai. It was a big event that would make the people of the country proud. It was a big event that would shock the entire government. The armistice was followed by a military parade at Hongkou Park on April 29 to celebrate the long-lived holiday of the emperor and the Japanese victory. The Korean anti-Japanese sage Yen Fengji blended into the crowd and threw bombs at the main table. As a result, the Great General of the Imperial Army, Bai Chuanyi, was killed on the spot. The Japanese envoy, Heavy Light, had his leg broken by Sunflower, and the Regiment Commander, General Takeda, was blinded in one eye. Yin Fengji was later arrested and executed in the Pirate states. The head of the Japanese army was punished in such a way.

The Chinese immediately took advantage of the explosion to demand further expansion of the Japanese military power in Shanghai, which had been agreed upon between the two sides in the previous negotiations, and the chairman had to force himself to agree. On May 5, China and Japan signed the Agreement on Cessation of War between China and Japan under the mediation of Britain, the United States, France and Italy. The Japanese troops returned to the pre-war defense zone (the north, east and the area beyond the border of Shanghai's public concession area), while the Chinese troops stayed at the site (Anting town on the Shanghai Ningxia Railway to the Changpu line on the Yangtze River), and the war zone was classified as an unarmed area. The signing of the Wusong Cessation Agreement was tantamount to declaring that China had lost control of Shanghai and that its own troops could not enter its territory. Shanghai, the largest city in China, became a free port for the Gangsters and the Western world.

After staying in Jinling for a few days, Hua Bicheng did not wait for Gao Sheng's appointment order. Instead, he waited for the order to enlarge his position. So the famous anti-Japanese hero had to pack up and take the train home to Xi'an. Along the way, there would always be people who recognized Hua Bicheng as the anti-Japanese hero. Thus, Hua Bicheng returned to his hometown in high spirits.

However, the moment he entered the house, the anti-Japanese hero aura above his head immediately lost its luster. No matter how great a hero you are, you can forget about putting on airs in front of your father and mother. Not to mention that Hua Bicheng's father, Mr. Hua Kehing, did not believe the extravagant reports in the newspapers at all.

Who knew how many bullshit stories had been published in this Chinese newspaper over the years. In the past few years, many of those warlords who had been involved in the war had owned several newspapers to brag about themselves. Ever since the government came to power in Jinling, it was even more impossible to read the newspaper. They did not see that last year's loss of the three Northeast provinces caused the official newspapers to fall into a collective silence. Even the just-ended Wusong and Shanghai Resistance War, Jinling, advertised its victory in the newspapers. Even Shanghai can't be garrisoned, yet they're still shouting that it's a victory! What if he admitted one day that he had lost the war and couldn't put the ointment flag in Xi'an?

Old Man Hua was dozing off now when he saw the newspaper. Currently, Old Master Hua naturally wouldn't believe those praises written in the newspaper. Didn't his own son know? How could he have the guts to do such a big thing in the newspapers? In the end, it was due to the large amount of silver coins spent on Jinling and Elder Yu's words that saved this good-for-nothing beast. Those in the newspapers were most likely excuses the officials who had received money gave Hua Bicheng to get rid of his crimes.

Hua Bicheng clearly understood the temperament of his family's old man. No one would believe that the hero of the anti-Japanese war had returned home with a perturbed mood.

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