Full-time Teacher/C18 Ji'an Hall
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Full-time Teacher/C18 Ji'an Hall
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C18 Ji'an Hall

Even though he thought that, Chen Young Master still had to go along with the performance. He said weakly, "Really? Teacher Jiang, I don't mind …" As long as it can cure my illness, but... I'm starting to feel dizzy again. I just want to go home and sleep, okay? " Chen Shaojun said weakly.

Jiang Li nodded. "Sure. I need to go back and prepare some things as well. I can't cure this empty-handed disease."

"Thank you teacher, I'll be going then …" Goodbye, teacher. "

"Mhmm, see you later."

Chen Young Master left.

With not a single student left, no matter how unwilling Jiang Li was, he could only walk down the building. When he reached the bottom of the building, he ran into Zhou Fang, who had come looking for him.

"Teacher Jiang!" Zhou Fang exclaimed, "Are you alright?"

Jiang Li welcomed him with a smile. "Teacher Zhou Fang, why have you come? I'm fine, I'm fine."

Zhou Fang stared blankly for a moment before sizing up Jiang Li.


Didn't I say that Class 3 is a demonic class and they would do everything they can to teach their Gu Master? Why is Teacher Jiang completely fine? On the contrary … You seem to be in a very good mood?

Could it be an exaggeration?

"You … Were you giving lessons to the students just now? "

"Mhmm, good girl."

Chen Young Master had behaved very well just now, whatever he wanted to do, he would do it.

Zhou Fang was stunned. "Alright, that..." I'm here to inform you that the teacher's office in the main building has been cleaned up, so you can come over to rest anytime. "

Jiang Li smiled and thanked him, "Thank you, Teacher Zhou. However, I may not have the time to go, but it's a bit far from here. In the future, I'll just rest at the old building. There are plenty of places."

There was a fifteen-minute break between classes. Running from the sixth floor to the main building's office probably took seven or eight minutes. This time, they didn't even have enough time to hurry on their way. What the hell was there to rest for?

Zhou Fang acknowledged, "Don't keep it in your heart all by yourself. If you say it out loud, everyone will think of a way to help you out."

"Thank you …"

"Teacher Jiang, you're too polite."

The two chatted for a while before the bell rang. Zhou Fang went back to continue her lessons while Jiang Li returned to the hotel with a heavy heart.

As for Chen Young Master's strange illness, although he could treat it, he was lacking in medicinal herbs.

If only they were on a mountain or on an island, then it would be great. He would grab a bunch of all sorts of herbs … Right now, he could only try his luck at the traditional Chinese medicine store, but … The matter returned to its original point after a while. There was no money!

Jiang Li felt a headache coming on.

It's hard to be a rich man without money.

Moving bricks was impossible, as the money earned was too little. They could only maintain their accommodation and clothing. If they wanted to buy expensive herbs, they would have to do a lot of work.

As he was walking, Jiang Li suddenly smelled a faint medicinal fragrance. He looked up and found that there was a very big Chinese pharmacy across the street — Ji An Tang.

He had a better idea of the price of the herbs.

With this thought, Jiang Li walked into Ji An Hall.

There wasn't much business in the shop at the moment. There was only a young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, dozing off at the counter. When he saw Jiang Li enter, he lazily straightened his back and asked, "Do you want to see a doctor or get medicine?"

"Grab the medicine." Jiang Li took out a pen and paper and wrote down a series of names of the medicinal herbs. He then handed them to the waiter.

When the waiter took a look at it, his eyes immediately lit up in amazement.

The handwriting was so beautiful, like flying dragons and dancing phoenixes. It was just like the words that were automatically typed on a computer. It was very pleasing to the eyes.

However … This was a Chinese pharmacy, not a calligraphy association. It was a breathtaking place, but the waiter didn't say anything. He began to easily open the medicine cabinet to retrieve the herbs.

But soon, the waiter felt that something was amiss. There were a total of sixteen different types of medicine on the list. There were only eleven in his store, and the remaining five were something he had never heard of before, let alone seen or heard of.

Withered Grass...

Richardson's heart.

What was this?

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