Full-time Teacher/C3 Math Genius
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Full-time Teacher/C3 Math Genius
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C3 Math Genius

"It's very simple. What is there that I don't understand?" While eating the popsicle, Jiang Li took out the exercise book and read it. When he handed it back to Xue Yan, he found the other two mistakes that had resulted from his carelessness.

Before dinner, there were not many customers in the restaurant. The owner came over and smiled, "Thank you very much, otherwise my family's Swallow would have been criticized by the teacher again. What's your name, little brother?"

"Jiang Li." Jiang Li introduced himself and was about to reach for the third popsicle when the boss said, "Are you not full yet? Let me make you another wonton bowl, please?"

Feeling a little embarrassed, Jiang Li pulled out two bunny ears from his pants pocket. "But I don't have any money left."

"Hahahaha!" The boss laughed heartily. From the bottom of his heart, he really liked this straightforward young man. "If I ask you out, you don't need money. Isn't it just a bowl of wontons?"

"Eh, then can I add a few meat buns? If only I could have another bowl of dumplings." Jiang Li said shamelessly.

Xue Yan silently rolled her eyes.

Even if you are handsome, you can't take an inch from it! Eating an overlord's meal in such a righteous manner?

"No problem, no problem at all." The boss laughed and went to make wontons and dumplings for Jiang Li.

"Big brother, since you're so good at math, I'll test you." If you can do the next one, I'll ask Dad to make you breakfast for a week. " Xue Yan thought of the 'Chen Mi's Conjecture' on the blackboard in the school corridor.

"Please make your move."

"Please advise me."

A few minutes later, after eating less than half of the wonton, the problem was solved.

Xue Yan looked at the densely packed equations on the draft paper and felt her teeth ache.

Bastard, I don't understand at all!

How could such a seemingly simple question be so complicated to calculate? Teacher, you are truly abnormal! Little brother Jiang Li, you're even more abnormal!

"Don't lie to me, I have to show it to teacher tomorrow."

"Don't worry, it's 100% accurate. I'll come and get breakfast tomorrow." Jiang Li said confidently.


Without realizing it, it was already 6: 30 am and the business of the restaurant had started to get busy. No matter how thick-skinned Jiang Li was, he could not stay in the restaurant any longer and affect the business. Fortunately, he had eaten his fill. After exchanging WeChat with Xue Yan, he strolled around the night market.

If he could be a teacher, he would not mention where he was staying tonight. This was a very serious question.

Jiang Li retracted his gaze from the park. No way, no way.

Although I was often bullied by madwomen to the point that I had to use the sky as my cover and the ground as my bed, but I have already escaped from the clutches of the devil.

"Quick, may I trouble the comrade in front to let us pass? There is a patient here."

At this moment, a young couple carried an old man as they quickly ran past Jiang Li. The old man seemed to have lost his mind, his legs drooping as he was dragged along by the wind.

Not far ahead was a small clinic. Not long after the three entered, the young man came out holding a phone. He was sweating profusely. "Hurry, hurry! My dad is going to die!"

When Jiang Li arrived at the clinic, he saw through the glass window an old man lying motionlessly on a sickbed. The doctors and nurses in the clinic were helpless to do anything.

However, they couldn't be blamed for it. A small clinic like this could treat ordinary fever, colds, coughs, and when faced with a serious illness, it was completely helpless. Firstly, it didn't have the medical skill, and secondly, it didn't have the equipment.

When Jiang Li walked in, he checked the pulse and said with furrowed brows, "The pulse is very weak. It could be a stroke or a cerebral hemorrhage. He won't be able to hold on for long and must take immediate action."

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