Full-time Teacher/C6 New Mathematics Question
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Full-time Teacher/C6 New Mathematics Question
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C6 New Mathematics Question

Xue Yan nodded, "Yes, of course. Little big brother has a thick skin and knows that my family's ice popsicle is free. He eats it all the time, how annoying."

Even though she said it was annoying, Xue Yan's face was flushed.

Chen Mi naturally did not understand the feelings of a young girl who was full of poetry. She nodded and said, "Later, bring me to see him after school."

"Sure." Xue Yan nodded and left.

"A little over twenty years old … "Five minutes to solve my conjecture …" Chen Mi shook her head. No, I have to be quiet.

Xue Clan's Little Store.

Chen Mi quietly sat in the corner, reading a book. Seeing that the sky had already dimmed down, he asked somewhat impatiently, "Xue Yan, will he really come back?"

Xue Yan forcefully nodded her head and said, "Teacher Chen, don't worry. I just sent him a message and he said that he will definitely be back within 15 minutes. I believe that little brother will not lie to him."

Chen Mi acknowledged. There were still five minutes until the appointed time. He had to wait for an hour.

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Li walked in and smiled. "Xue Yan, how is it? I didn't lie to you, right? You lost a week's breakfast to me. Don't forget!"

Xue Yan's brows twitched. "You only know how to eat!"

Chen Mi frowned as he sized up Jiang Li. He was not the type of person to judge a book by its cover. However, Jiang Li's current appearance was very different from his own image. He was dirty, so he didn't know what to do, but he still maintained his politeness and asked, "Mister, I heard you solved my math problem yesterday?"

"Chen Mi's conjecture?" Jiang Li nodded. "Yes."

Chen Mi took a deep breath and said, "Sir, I've brought another question. Can you solve it in front of me?"

Jiang Li said indifferently, "Show me the questions."

Chen Mi handed the rolled up paper to Jiang Li.

This was a difficult functional question. Even though Jiang Li was talented, it took him a full two minutes to figure it out. Then, whoosh whoosh whoosh, it took him about three minutes to figure it out.

When he was done, he handed the rolled up paper to Chen Mi. "That's the answer."

Xue Yan couldn't understand what Jiang Li was writing. She could only ask weakly, "Teacher … Teacher Chen, does little brother count as the right one?"

Chen Mi was completely petrified and stared blankly for half a minute before waking up. He did not reply to Xue Yan's words because … He didn't know the correct answer to this question either. It came from a math god in the group. He had been trying to figure it out for several days but still couldn't figure out where to start.

Even so, he could still understand that the little brother Xue Yan spoke of did not deserve his reputation. He did indeed have a deep degree of mathematics, but as for whether his answer was correct or not … When he went back in the evening to ask the God of Mathematics, he would know.

"Are you alright? If there's nothing else, I'll be going. " Jiang Li scratched his back forcefully. His entire body was itching and feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"No, there's nothing else. I'll be taking my leave first …" Chen Mi left in a hurry. He was a relatively simple person. His mind was filled with math problems.

"I'm leaving too."

With that, Jiang Li trotted off into the distance. Xue Yan ran after him and shouted, "Don't forget to come for breakfast tomorrow morning."

"Oh!" "Roger that!"

"En!" Jiang Li replied. He rushed towards the public baths nearby and spent the entire day outside. His body was about to turn sour from the waves.

While Jiang Li was humming a song and washing up in the public bathroom, Chen Mi had already returned home. She sent Jiang Li's answer to the group chat as soon as she got it, and also mentioned 'God of Mathematics'.

"God, take a look. Is your answer correct?" Chen Mi typed out.

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