Full-time Teacher/C8 School Meet Old Friends
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Full-time Teacher/C8 School Meet Old Friends
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C8 School Meet Old Friends

"It's not as light as you say. I tried it, but it was hopeless, and the interview was dropped just like that." Jiang Li shook his head. Normal jobs had all sorts of requirements. Teachers belonged to the civil service, but that was even more so for teachers. Other than an ID card, he didn't have anything else. Teachers were not even allowed to apply for security.

Ding ding ding!

A light flashed in Jiang Li's head.


If I can't be a teacher, I can ask for a second job as a security guard. No matter what, I have to stabilize my job first.

Jiang Li said, "Yanzi, does your school recruit security?"

Xue Yan shook her head to indicate that she didn't know. As a student, she normally wouldn't pay attention to these matters.

"I heard it's not that easy to be a security guard. Soldiers first, kung fu first, brother you …" "Can you do it?" Xue Yan originally wanted to say something cute and tender, but after thinking for a moment, she bit her tongue.

Jiang Li smiled as he bent his arm. "You're underestimating me. It's not a problem for me to fight a hundred people by myself."

"Bullsh * t." Xue Yan sneered. "Then let's go together later."


"What are you doing?" I'm willing to admit my defeat and say that I will treat you to a week's breakfast. I will treat you to a week's breakfast. Seeing Jiang Li returning to the shop, Xue Yan hurriedly called out to him.

"Oh, you misunderstand. I just took a few ice popsicles to eat on the way. It's free anyway, isn't it?"

"You …" Xue Yan was speechless. What kind of person was this!?


Jiang Li and Xue Yan took the bus and arrived at Jiangling City's third high school about ten minutes later.

Xue Yan was afraid of being late, so she made her way back to the classroom first. Jiang Li went alone to the recruitment office to look at the recruitment notice.

The more he looked at it, the more downcast he became. There were too many rules and regulations. Even security personnel had to have a college degree …

It seemed like there was no hope.

If things don't work out, why don't you set up a stall to treat them?

Ai, my dream teacher!

Jiang Li sighed and was about to leave when a joyful voice came from behind. "Sir, is that you?"

Jiang Li turned to look at the newcomer and could not help but laugh. "Ah, what a coincidence."

This woman was the mother of the little girl he saw on the bus two days ago.

The woman was overjoyed, and said a bit embarrassedly: "I felt like you when I saw your back just now, I didn't expect it to be you. That day, I was really sorry. I was so busy taking Niuniu to the hospital and didn't even leave a phone number. I regretted it so much that I thought I would never see you again. "

Jiang Li asked, "Is Niuniu alright?"

The woman nodded, "Yes, the doctor gave her a tetanus shot. She is fine now. Thanks to your help, otherwise my girl would have been in trouble. Why do you think people are so bad these days? "Hey, look at me, I was so excited that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zhou Fang, and I'm a teacher at this school."

"My name is Jiang Li."

The two of them shook hands, and Zhou Fang said, "Mr. Jiang, are you looking for a job? I think you've been staring at the recruitment notice for a long time. "

Jiang Li nodded. "Mm. I want to be a teacher, but I don't have a diploma."

"The first thing we value in recruiting teaching staff is our character. A diploma and the like are secondary. Let's talk about them first." Zhou Fang took out her keys and opened the recruitment office's door. Jiang Li was taken aback. "You are?"

Zhou Fang smiled and said, "I'm mainly responsible for the recruitment."

Inside the house.

Zhou Fang poured a cup of water for Jiang Li and said, "Mr. Jiang, with your qualifications, our school has a position suitable for you. With how skilled you are, you even know medical skills …"

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