Full-time Teacher/C9 Zhou Fang's Crow's Mouth
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Full-time Teacher/C9 Zhou Fang's Crow's Mouth
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C9 Zhou Fang's Crow's Mouth

Jiang Li's large eyes flickered. "You don't need a diploma?"

Zhou Fang smiled brightly, "If anyone else asks, they will definitely ask for it, and they will have to graduate from a famous university. But if it's you, Mr. Jiang, then it doesn't matter, because you are the one who saved my girl's life."

Jiang Li said happily, "Then..." What is it? "

Zhou Fang pushed the two job profiles to Jiang Li and said, "You can officially become a teacher and staff of the school after you have passed the exam in a month with a salary. Although the salary of the school doctor is a little lower than that of the class teacher, I still hope that you can consider the school doctor, and not the class teacher of Class 3, because there are so many problems in that class …"

Of the two jobs that Zhou Fang had given him, one was the school doctor and the other was the form teacher of Class 3.

Jiang Li didn't ask any further. For him, having a job was already pretty good, and the school doctor was also pretty good, wasn't he?

"Just sign it?"


Jiang Li signed his name with flying dragons and dancing phoenixes.

Zhou Fang smiled and said, "Let's go. I'll bring you to the academy's doctor's office. Our old school doctor has resigned because of a family matter, causing the school doctor's office to be empty for a long time. He hasn't been able to recruit anyone yet." "As you know, sixteen or seventeen year olds are currently in a period of youthful rebellion. Small fights are hard to avoid, and with the addition of the various societies that train them, it's easy for them to bump into each other …"

Zhou Fang dutifully explained to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li nodded and listened attentively.

"Don't worry, school usually doesn't have any big issues, it's just a few stumbles. If there really is a big accident, then we can just call an ambulance. I've worked in school for ten years, but I haven't met any … "

Before Zhou Fang could finish her words, she saw a large group of students rushing over from afar. All of them panicked, and when they saw Zhou Fang, they shouted, "Teacher Zhou, it's bad! Guo Wei's leg is broken!"

Zhou Fang turned pale with fright, "Where is he?" Have you called 120 yet? "

"Yes!" "The ambulance is rushing over here, and Guo Wei's in so much pain, so you should go take a look." The students were so scared that their faces turned white. Their bodies were covered in blood, which made Jiang Li slightly frown. This was not a simple fracture.

Everyone arrived at the stadium. When Zhou Fang saw Guo Wei's miserable state, she was so scared that her legs went limp.

Guo Wei was lying in a pool of blood, a big chunk of his right leg protruded out, causing him to scream out loud in pain. There were a lot of students around him, but no one dared to get close for fear of causing another injury.

What should he do?

If this went on, wouldn't he die from the pain?

Just as everyone was at their wits' end, a figure dashed over. It was Jiang Li.

He squatted beside Guo Wei and ignored the blood stains. He put his arm on the ground and let Guo Wei rest his head on it. He checked the wound and said, "Buddy, don't be scared. Relax, don't look at your wound."

Guo Wei, a 1.8m man, was in so much pain that he was crying. He thought to himself, how can I not be scared? How can I relax?

Soon enough, Jiang Li finished his inspection and frowned deeply.

It was true that Guo Wei's right leg was severely injured, but it was nothing compared to the internal injuries that he suffered from the fall.

If he couldn't get rid of the blood clot as soon as possible and then stop the bleeding, Guo Wei would soon fall into a coma due to the blockages in his blood vessels.

After determining Guo Wei's condition, Jiang Li helped him up. Taking a deep breath, he abruptly slapped Guo Wei on the back with his right arm.


Guo Wei spurted out a mouthful of black blood and fainted.

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