Funerary Lady/C1 Bereavement
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Funerary Lady/C1 Bereavement
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C1 Bereavement

Funerary Lady, also known as Accompanying the Funerary Slave, was a bad habit that continued in many remote villages. There was a saying that life could not be a human, and death was not allowed to bring one's soul to bear.

Ever since I was young, I have been viewed as an ominous thing by my fellow villagers, and unlike the other girls, I was highly regarded because I was a wild girl who was picked up from a cemetery, and my adoptive father was a mournful person who hid from all the villagers.

The main reason is that foster father always likes to study some evil things. Many people in the village and I have personally witnessed him digging out a big black dog's eye and swallowing it.

In fact, before I was eight years old, my adoptive father had been very good to me, and he was not a cruel person.

But I remember the day of my eighth birthday, when a man died in the middle of the night in a house near ours, and the man's daughter-in-law came to his adoptive father so early in the morning to ask him to help.

Since it was a waste, the adoptive father naturally didn't dare to hesitate and immediately packed up his things. Before he left, he even caressed my head and said,

"Xiao Die be good, and watch the house. I'll come back for your birthday at noon."

Zhuang Xiaodie, that's my name. My adoptive father got it from Zhuang Zhou Xiaomeng who was obsessed with Butterfly, but later on it was too difficult to write and it was changed to Xiao Die.

Allowing me to change my name on my own also showed how much my foster father doted on me. However, I never thought that after this trip, the foster father who doted on me would never come back …

From morning until nine in the evening, I watched through the window as my adoptive father entered the woman's house. However, he didn't come out.

My heart felt wronged, I had clearly said that I would return at noon, and let me wait until now. The young me at that time only thought about my foster father and not my words, so I walked directly towards the woman's house. That woman was not much younger than my foster father, and the man who died had the surname of Zhang.

At that time, I was still filled with unwillingness, and could not care about the number of dead people, so I walked straight towards the Aunt Zhang's house, about to open the door.

Before I could push open the door, I suddenly heard waves of painful groans coming from inside the house. These groans came from the Aunt Zhang s, but when I listened carefully, it did not feel like pain.

Even though I'm small, I still know that normally, when people die, they would only cry, so why is it that when the Aunt Zhang came back, they would only moan?

Perhaps if I was a little bit louder, I wouldn't have barged in so rashly when I heard this sound. However, at that time, I directly pushed open the door and rushed in.

The moment I opened the door, I was stunned. There was only a yellow cloth on the floor, and on the yellow cloth, there were three naked bodies. Two of them were my foster father, my Aunt Zhang, and the other was my Uncle Zhang.

Inside the room, there were more than ten large red candles, illuminating the entire room, as well as the two living people's bodies.

The two of them were completely naked, sitting face to face, both of them panting heavily. The corpse was lying on the ground with its eyes wide open, as if it was staring at two living people, and it was also staring at me …

The moment the door was opened, the red candle flickered. Then, the foster father went into a rage and shouted,


The scene before me truly made me panic. At that time, I didn't understand what they were doing, but I knew that it was definitely an adult's private matter.

I immediately ran back home. Not long after, the foster father returned with an ashen face and messy clothes. He stared at me for a long time as he muttered to himself. It was unknown what he was mumbling about.

Suddenly, my foster father slapped me hard. That was the first time he hit me in my memory. After that, he ignored my sobbing and sat alone in the room drinking wine.

Afterwards, the news of his father having an affair with Aunt Zhang somehow spread out. It took several days, and perhaps it was due to embarrassment, that his foster father shut himself away and did not come out.

On the other hand, I could see that the Aunt Zhang's house was covered with red ribbons. It was red and not white, just like a funeral.

Everyone in the village said that Aunt Zhang had gone mad, this was the first time a funeral was conducted like this in the entire village! It was a funeral, and it was so quiet that no one dared to come. Even the coffin bearers had paid a high price to be brought in from the other villages.

And on the night of the seventh day in Uncle Zhang, the foster father was sitting inside the house drinking wine as usual. Suddenly, there was a series of knocks on the door, and someone told the foster father that he was hanged on the Aunt Zhang!

Originally, my foster father's face was flushed from the alcohol. After hearing this news, even his eyes turned red and he dragged me straight to Aunt Zhang's house.

The child's eyes were clean and he could see things that adults couldn't see. The foster father had always been afraid of scaring me, never letting me look at the body.

The last time I saw Uncle Zhang's corpse, I had nightmares about it.

But this time, my foster father dragged me to Aunt Zhang's home. I saw that Aunt Zhang was wearing a set of colorful clothes with heavy makeup and extremely thick makeup.

His eyes were staring fixedly, as if he was looking in a certain direction.

The instant I saw the corpse, I cried out loud. This was the second time I saw a corpse, and the corpse that I saw this time was clearly more sinister.


The moment I started crying, my foster father slapped me hard in the face:

"What the f * ck are you crying for!? It's all because of you, you f * cking unlucky star! If I had known earlier, I would have let you die in the unmarked cemetery! "

The foster father and the Aunt Zhang were already seen as adulterers, everyone scolded them. Everyone said that the adoptive father was a piece of scum that harmed the Aunt Zhang, causing him to die in shame.

No one in the village was willing to help him deal with this funeral. He felt unlucky because Aunt Zhang did not have any close relatives, only a few distant relatives who stayed away from him.

The adoptive father did all the useless things by himself. If he couldn't do it, he would pay a high price to invite an outsider to do it. He even personally carried the coffin into Old Zhang's tomb.

And right after this funeral, the foster father started to change. He started to become addicted to alcohol and become crazy …

He forced me to inherit his trade, and every day he told me what to do with my mourning work. He would whip me for it, saying he wanted me to feel like crying, and so many times I would cry until my throat turned hoarse and my body turned black and blue.

There were also kind-hearted people in the village who tried to persuade their adoptive father that they shouldn't treat a little girl like this, but their adoptive father had never paid any attention to it.

Not only that, but my adoptive father often forced me to watch him do some cruel things, such as throwing a stray cat into a pot and boiling it to death, and strangling the stolen puppies to death.

And ever since I was nine years old, my adoptive father would give me a pill every once in a while. It smelled disgusting and smelly, but under my adoptive father's surveillance, I had to eat it.

When I was fifteen, my foster father, after drinking too much and giving me a beating, started making me the Funerary Lady. Normally, only people who have died miserably would ask Funerary Lady to help them, and not only did Funerary Lady have to help them with a lot of useless matters, he also had to act like a relative to them. On the night that the dead person fell into the grave, he had to protect them and accompany them during their final journey, fulfilling the duty of a servant.

Under the abuse of the adoptive father and the looks of the villagers, I worked as a Funerary Slave for two years. In these two years, I exchanged a large amount of money for my adoptive father, and while my foster father could earn a lot of money by doing white work, for some reason, his family life became poorer and poorer, and his adoptive father became drunk everyday. I don't know where he spent all his money for, but I don't know.

I also tried to escape from my foster father's side, because ever since the incident in the Aunt Zhang, love had already turned into torture, and I couldn't bear such a life.

But I don't understand why. I ran away five times, no matter where I hid or how far I ran, my foster father would always find me. After bringing me home, there would be a beating.

And on my seventeenth birthday, my adoptive father gave me medicine and told me:

"Second Uncle Li from the village entrance has gone. Today's funeral, go and send him off."

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