Funerary Lady/C10 Startled cat
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Funerary Lady/C10 Startled cat
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C10 Startled cat

Even my heart is in my throat at this moment, because corpses are not allowed to touch anything like cats until they're buried in the ground.

Otherwise, many strange things might have happened. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I've heard people say that it's very possible … He knew how to swindle corpses!

Even the adoptive father had said that.

Because the black cat was weak, its movements were clumsy. However, it was a cat after all. It grabbed the edge of the coffin and with a few kicks, it jumped into the coffin.

This cat must have been licking the blood under the coffin to stimulate its beastly nature. In addition to its hunger, it smelled the blood inside the coffin and wanted to eat the corpse.

At this moment, the black cat had already jumped into the coffin and was moving forward on the corpse's leg.

Liu Songxian and I's hearts were both stuck in our throats … His previous eagerness to catch the black cat had turned into a stealthy approach …

It had to be known that the black cat had already entered the coffin. If the black cat was frightened, then there was a high chance that the cat would destroy the corpse and run towards its face.

Although the nostrils and mouth of the corpse had been sealed, it was difficult to ensure that some kind of aura would enter the corpse and cause some strange phenomena.

Thus, at this moment, I didn't even dare to breathe loudly. My body was a little stiff, so much so that I could clearly hear my own body rubbing against one another as it stiffened …

It was all due to nervousness... I tried my best to calm my emotions, but sweat continued to flow. The black cat still walked around the coffin as if nothing had happened, as if it was looking for a place to start, but it didn't know where my heart was at this moment …

At the same time, the black cat seemed to be staring at its adoptive father's blood-stained face, and directly ran towards him.

It's over! Too late!

At this moment, I only had this thought in my mind. After that, I helplessly looked at the black cat as it charged towards my adoptive father's face.

Liu Songxian also clenched his teeth, his face instantly becoming pale. Looking at his posture, he seemed to be prepared to escape at any moment …

The reason I believed a cat could talk to a corpse and risk a corpse is because my adoptive father told me so.

Even though I hated my foster father from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't deny that he was very good at living in vain. There were people in the village who said that a person with an evil nature like his foster father could even see ghosts …

I have never dared to be vague about the strange incidents he spoke of and the rules and regulations. I will carefully follow and remember them.

The adoptive father often said that free living was not a good job. Some people were respected, while others were destined to be scolded.

However, regardless of being respected or being scolded by others, it was still a business of earning money for the dead. If one was not careful, it was possible that they would follow the dead.

Actually, his words were actually sarcastic in my ears. Since you know that this business is filled with dangers, why did you let me do it?

Why would you rather be cruel and let me learn your so-called ability?

Returning to the main topic, the black cat immediately charged towards my foster father's face. Just when Liu Songxian and I were about to lose all hope, the black cat suddenly stopped in its tracks.

In just an instant, the black cat seemed to have suffered some sort of shock. It actually turned around and charged in another direction!

At the same time, it let out a shrill scream. The moment the black cat turned around … I saw that its pupils had widened, as if it had encountered an extremely strange matter.

How could this be … How could this be …

At this time, Liu Songxian was standing at the back of the coffin, causing the black cat to explode. It was like a hedgehog, thinking that Liu Songxian wanted to block their path, it immediately waved its claws, wanting to attack Liu Songxian.

Liu Songxian subconsciously blocked, and three bloody marks instantly appeared on the back of his hand. With a scream, he subconsciously dodged.

When the black cat landed on the ground, it immediately ran off into the distance.

I also took a deep breath and ran in front of Liu Songxian.

"Big Brother Liu, are you alright?"

Liu Songxian shook his head slightly. Taking a deep breath, he rubbed the blood on the back of his hand and asked:

"Little girl, cats communicate with yin and yang and can see a lot of things that ordinary people cannot. What do you think that black cat saw just now?"

Looking at the black cat's reaction just now, I panicked. I didn't know what to do.

That's right … This black cat had clearly seen something terrifying just now. When it turned around, its pupils had dilated, but … What could it see that could cause such an exaggerated reaction from the black cat?

I looked in front of me and saw nothing. It was just a cat, so of course I wouldn't be scared like that by the malevolence of a corpse …

I am starting to take what Liu Songxian had just said seriously. Maybe, everything that this person said wasn't completely false.

After all, a foster father doesn't have any children. Although I called him father, I didn't have any blood ties to him, nor did I have any feelings for him.

And as far as I know, the adoptive father doesn't have many relatives.

However … Perhaps this black cat really did represent some kind of ominous event today …

After all, when the black cat walked out from under the coffin, that expression … It was too strange.

At this time, Liu Songxian had already dried the blood on the back of his hand. To a cat, a corpse could not be scarier than a living person.

To attack a living person out of fear, one must have seen something other than the corpse …

"Little girl, you should believe me now right? Those pallbearers are probably coming soon, you mustn't be too vague.

And just like that, he covered the coffin and used the ink thread to wrap it around it. This is for the good of the villagers, and also for the good of your father! "

What happened just now made my heart like duckweed, I have no one to rely on.

At this point in time, people will develop a kind of blind recognition, especially girls.

At this moment, I finally wavered, but I still said,

"Then can you take out the things in my father's mouth and nose? I really don't want my father to be buried like this …"

Liu Songxian shook his head:

"No, this matter is too demonic. I already said it before, your father's corpse has already been tormented to the point where it's unbearable. You definitely can't act rashly anymore."

I know that you, as a girl, can't bear to do it, but there's nothing that can be done. After all, none of us know the purpose of all this …

When your father was alive, didn't he always like to study some evil things? Even if you haven't studied it, there are some truths that you should understand, right … Something... "You can't move it so easily …"

Liu Songxian stared intently at me, and said these words, but his eyes made me suddenly quiver, and I remembered what Grandma Daocao said …

Grandma Daocao is a person that is respected by many, and she also seems to be very kind and kind. When he told me to watch out for Liu Songxian, it means that there must be something wrong with Liu Songxian …

Seeing me in a daze, Liu Songxian asked:

"Little girl, have you thought about it yet? Sealing the coffin will take some time. If the other coffin carriers were to know about this, they would definitely not dare to work."

Liu Songxian was right, from the looks of it... It was indeed for my own good, but … He and Grandma Daocao … Who should I trust?

The Grandma Daocao should be a good person, but Liu Songxian only took the money to do things. It's already not bad that he could help me so much, I really can't imagine him as a bad person …

Perhaps … Grandma Daocao must have made a mistake … I'm really not very good at figuring out the thoughts of living people...

Thinking about this, I slightly frowned and nodded my head.

"I'll do as you say!"

Right now, I can only follow what Liu Songxian said, and Liu Songxian's words are somewhat reasonable.

Looking at how my foster father is now, it really does seem like someone is using some kind of Evil Theurgy. If it really is a Evil Theurgy, someone like me, who knows nothing at all, naturally can't rashly change anything …

Seeing me nod my head, Liu Songxian did not hesitate at all. He directly grabbed onto the heavy coffin lid and told me:

"Little girl!" Help! We have to hurry up! "

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