Funerary Lady/C11 Ink line seal coffin
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Funerary Lady/C11 Ink line seal coffin
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C11 Ink line seal coffin

With that, I immediately helped Liu Songxian to get busy, and directly closed the coffin.

At this moment, I felt a bit apologetic towards the man in the coffin.

I was clearly guarding the corpse, but I still managed to turn the corpse into this state. Furthermore, I even had to bury the corpse this way …

It took a lot of effort for his thin body to lift the heavy coffin lid. At this moment, the sky was almost completely bright.

Finally, he covered the coffin with the lid. Liu Songxian picked up the ink stone and pulled out the ink stone. I grabbed one end and wrapped it around the coffin.

Mo Dou was originally a tool used by carpenters, but he had the ability to exorcise evil spirits and similarly intimidate corpses in coffins.

After finishing all this, the other coffin bearers walked out.

Just now, when they were trying to seal the coffin, they made a very loud noise. It was impossible for them not to hear it, and they just didn't want to get involved in any unnecessary matters.

A few people walked out to look at the coffin, then asked Liu Songxian:

"Old Liu, why did you seal the coffin so early?"

"Just seal it as soon as possible and we'll set off earlier. This is a good time for us."

This person died miserably. Or was he committing suicide? Seal the coffin with ink thread, just in case. "

Regarding the matter from last night, Liu Songxian didn't mention it, which made me feel grateful in my heart.

At this time, a coffin bearer asked:

"Little girl, what kind of people came to your house last night? "What a ruckus …"

I slightly frowned. There was indeed someone who came by last night, the Grandma Daocao had come by, and there was even someone who managed to cause the corpse of my foster father to become like this.

But Liu Songxian said that he did not hear anything, could it be … Did these people hear him?

"What did you hear?" I asked quickly.

"What did you hear …" It was a rather ordinary sound, just footsteps and voices. It was quite lively.

"I thought you were here to pay your respects. I was wondering why there were so many of them. When your father was alive, he clearly …"

Just as he was about to continue, he was touched by someone beside him and stopped.

I knew, of course, that he was going to say that my adoptive father had a bad reputation, and that I was in a daze last night, and that everything had happened since I woke up.

Focusing my gaze on Liu Songxian, I asked:

"This sound... You heard it too? "

Liu Songxian nodded.


Since you heard it, why didn't you say so earlier?

According to the description of the pallbearers, the sound came in the middle of the night. There was the sound of footsteps and voices, and it took a long time for it to subside.

Liu Songxian knew what was fishy about this matter. Furthermore, since his foster father's body had become like that, he was the first one to discover it. What was he hiding?

Will you... What did the body of his foster father have to do with him?

Logically speaking, that shouldn't be possible... Although the two villages were very close to each other, their communication was not very close. Liu Songxian had even found a lot of wailing jobs in their village for his adoptive father, and the coffin in the Aunt Zhang back then was even found and carried by his foster father, Liu Songxian …

The relationship between the two should only be limited to cooperation.

I slowly shifted my gaze away from Liu Songxian. Now that the coffin is sealed, opening it again would only startle the dead, even if I wanted to, the coffin carriers would not agree.

Now I only hope that this will be over soon and that nothing else will happen.

It was a gloomy day, and the sun had never risen. When the time came, everyone lifted the coffin.

"Lift the coffin!" "Shadow Travelling Technique!"

Liu Songxian shouted, and then everyone immediately carried the coffin up.

The moment the coffin was lifted up, I saw a black and red patch on the ground. Fortunately, the black and red area was not very big.

At this moment, those who had been invited to play the funeral songs from other countries were already in position.

Wearing white clothes, I followed behind the coffin, crying in the same mournful way I used to cry, but this time it was more mournful than usual.

The melodious sounds of mourning rang out, and the mournful sounds of weeping rang out. The group of people slowly walked under the dark sky.

The adoptive father was a foreigner. When he moved to the village as a teenager, he had started to wail and wail. No one in the village knew what the adoptive father used to do.

Furthermore, the only person in the village who was able to mourn was his adoptive father, so people all called him a mourner. As time passed, people even forgot the name that should have been inscribed on the tombstone …

Zhou Jing.

The foster father didn't have an ancestral grave in the village, so he could only avoid the ancestral tombs and choose a place with better feng shui.

Avoiding the tombs of the ancestors could be considered a rule. It was said that if a lone person was buried next to the tombs, they would be pushed aside and bullied by those people …

After following my foster father for all these years, I have some knowledge of Feng Shui, so it is possible to look at a grave. After all, this is one of the responsibilities of Funerary Slave, choosing a place to rest for the rest of their lives.

However, most people would not rely on Funerary Slave in the area of Feng Shui, because Funerary Slave was a young woman. Furthermore, those who invited Funerary Slave were all people who met a tragic end, and they had to be more cautious in choosing graves. In regards to Feng Shui, people felt that Funerary Slave was not trustworthy.

Ever since I was young, my foster father had taught me a lot of Feng Shui knowledge, all for the sake of making me a good Funerary Slave.

Plus, it was relatively easy to choose a grave for the adoptive father. The adoptive father was alone and had no children, so there was no need to deliberately choose a grave for his children.

All he needed to do was to choose a place where his soul could rest and calm the grievances of his adoptive father, the man who had died a horrible death.

The sky was getting darker and the sky was covered by dark clouds. This kind of weather was not suitable for burial.

However, according to Liu Songxian, the corpse of the foster father must be taken advantage of as soon as possible, otherwise, trouble might come knocking.

Halfway up the mountain, a light drizzle suddenly fell from the sky. Waves of cold wind blew past.

At this moment, we were only halfway there and we still had at least an hour to travel. I frowned slightly. If the rain was too heavy, the coffin bearer would not be able to continue on.

After all, the mountain roads are rugged, and the roads are muddy. It's hard for people like us to continue following behind, let alone carry coffins.

So everyone asked Liu Songxian what he should do.

"Keep going!" It shouldn't rain very heavily in a short period of time if you increase your speed! "

Liu Songxian gritted his teeth and said, he was definitely considered a senior amongst the coffin carriers, and since he said that, the rest of them naturally had no objections.

But when I looked at the sky, it was overcast, and it was clear that it was about to rain.

The feeling Liu Songxian gives me is even more anxious and nervous than I am. Is it because what happened yesterday that caused him to be too fearful …

No... I think it's not entirely true. Although there's a reason, there must be another reason that caused Liu Songxian to become so anxious … That should be the secret buried deep in his heart …

At this moment, I began to feel that it was true that the Grandma Daocao told me to be wary of Liu Songxian.

In the morning, because he was too nervous, his entire person lost his resolve and blindly followed Liu Songxian's advice.

But after thinking about it carefully, even if you give me another chance, I will still listen to his opinion. After all, at that time … I have no choice.

Even though I was on the mountain, my mind was still in a state of chaos. The events of the past two days had been constantly stimulating my brain.

The ghosts scared me, and the people scared me, too. I suddenly began to think, what would my foster father do if these things happened to him?

He shook his head, letting himself walk out from these random thoughts. Even if the coffin sealing was the wrong choice, he could only accept his mistake.

Cold rain fell on my face. The rain was getting heavier, and the ground was getting wet.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning flashed in the dark sky, illuminating the surroundings.

At the same time, I subconsciously glanced over from the corner of my eyes and saw a figure with disheveled hair standing under a tree. I couldn't see his face, but I could see the colorful clothes on his body.

That figure just stood there quietly, as if he was watching everything.

Is it the Aunt Zhang? At this moment, my sweat and the rain had already mixed together. I looked in the direction where I had just left in a daze.

That figure appeared along with the bolt of lightning. However, it disappeared along with the bolt of lightning, and in a flash …

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