Funerary Lady/C12 Yin-yang line
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Funerary Lady/C12 Yin-yang line
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C12 Yin-yang line

"Little girl, what happened? Keep crying!"

Seeing me staring blankly, Liu Songxian who was carrying the coffin in front of me suddenly said.

Only then did I realize that I was too focused on running in the same direction as before that I forgot what I was supposed to do.

Before I could continue crying, a loud bang resounded in the sky.

At the same time, I saw that the coffin actually emitted a series of tremors. It was as if I could hear a series of popping sounds coming from the coffin.

At the same time, I suddenly heard Liu Songxian scream, and my body staggered, almost falling to the ground.

Fortunately, his many years of experience in lifting coffins allowed him to stabilize his body in an instant. At this moment, his face turned pale, and his body actually trembled slightly.

By this time, they were already halfway there. According to the rules of the coffin bearers, the coffin must not fall to the ground at this time.

Even if he had to fight to the death, he had to reach the end in one breath.

The chilly wind and the ice-cold rain made everyone's mood somewhat dejected, adding a strange feeling to it.

At the same time, Liu Songxian's miserable scream made everyone lose their courage. I hastily ran to the front of the coffin and looked at Liu Songxian's pale face.

"Are you alright, Big Brother Liu?" I asked.

Liu Songxian shook his head:

"Don't worry, it's alright. I've been in this line of work for so many years, so I can still overcome this little problem."

Brothers, let's keep walking and hurry up. Don't worry about me! "

Actually, with so many people carrying a coffin, logically speaking, it should not have placed too much of a burden on his shoulders. However, Liu Songxian's previous performance was as though there was something heavy pressing on his shoulders, and it was extremely strenuous …

However, the current situation didn't allow me to think any further. In that instant, the shadow that I saw … Is it true...

If that was true, could it be that the Aunt Zhang was really lingering around to watch her foster father's funeral?

Everyone continued moving forward and finally reached the mountain I had chosen.

When selecting graves, if time was short, he would first observe from the foot of the mountain, find the general location, and then, after arriving at that location, carefully consider where to bury the coffin.

When we were at the foot of the mountain, I had already chosen the position. When we arrived at that position, Liu Songxian and the others would carry the coffin, while I would stand at that position and look at my surroundings.

"The front is bright while the back is tall. There is a bright hall in front and a mountain behind. In the wind and water, this can be considered a mediocre area.

However, since my father has died miserably, there must be something that can turn into evil around him. Otherwise, it will be very hard for him to rest in peace. "

I said this to the rest of them and then took advantage of the rain to circle around the area.

I know that I have to finish this process quickly. After all, Liu Songxian is still injured, so I'm afraid that something might happen to him.

But before I could find a good place, I heard a cracking sound from the coffin.

After which, I suddenly realised that the bar for carrying the coffin had actually bent so much that it seemed as though it could break at any moment …

Looking at this scene, I was shocked. We are already at the top of the mountain. If the barrage were to end, all my efforts would have been in vain.

Right now, the most important thing to do was to find a suitable place to bury the coffin before it broke. This way, the coffin could be put down.

The coffin could not land on the ground, meaning that from the beginning to the end, it could not land on the ground.

But if they had already reached the chosen grave, then they could put it down.

I looked at the surrounding situation and quickly speculated in my mind.

Feng Shui is one of the most profound knowledge I have ever come into contact with. It is harder to read Feng Shui than to mourn and watch the night.

"There is a hall ahead, and a wall behind it. The center is separated into Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are like two different places, and they are centered around resentment."

I recited the words that were often mentioned in Feng Shui. At this moment, I had found a good place and hastily told everyone:

"Quick, come this way!"

After everyone heard what I said, they hurriedly headed towards the direction that I was leading. They were all coffin bearers, so they naturally knew that this was a taboo.

However, he didn't expect that after these people took a few steps, there was a loud 'pa' sound as the stick broke. The coffin heavily fell onto the ground, letting out a loud sound.

Even the coffin itself began to crack from the impact.

I frowned slightly. The coffin shouldn't be this heavy. You should know that the coffin I bought was made of top-quality wood …

How could a crack appear so easily? Also, why did the lever for carrying the coffin break …

Could it be that the corpse had suddenly become heavy? If that was the case, why didn't the pallbearers sense anything unusual?

The scene in front of me reminded me of yesterday when I tried to use a rope to carry my foster father's body out of Aunt Zhang's house. At that time, the rope suddenly snapped as well.

"Brothers, are you alright?"

The stick broke suddenly, and I was afraid that some of the pallbearers might be hurt, but fortunately they were all right.

At this moment, I saw that Liu Songxian's body was leaning a little towards the side, and he was subconsciously leaning to the side …

It seemed like the injury to his shoulder from earlier had caused his muscles and bones to be injured, and he had not recovered yet.

Without waiting for me to open my mouth to greet him, Liu Songxian suddenly said:

"Girl, this bar is broken, how about …" Is your adoptive father buried here? "

Hearing Liu Songxian's words, I frowned slightly. Burying was not child's play, choosing a grave could be said to be one of the most important parts in this matter.

He could not bury the corpse there just because the yoke was broken.

It was only a coincidence that the lever broke. If the pole broke in the village, would he bury the corpse in the village?

Just as I was about to refuse, my eyes suddenly move to the place where the coffin landed …

This place... My pupils contracted and I took a deep breath.

This mountain was uneven, but the place where the coffin landed was a very flat place, this kind of terrain was called a nail in the middle of chaos.

It was as if he was nailed to this mess, with a certain sense of stability.

At the same time, the chaos in the surroundings wasn't chaotic. There was a certain order, and upon closer inspection, there was even a sense of turbulence, like that of ocean waves.

There were two types of chaos in the mountains. One type caused people to be distracted, while the other type gave people a sense of beauty that made them feel calm.

Nail in the waves, can clear the air of resentment, calm the mind, plus the general situation of the front and back, this kind of Feng Shui strategy, than the Yin and Yang threads I selected earlier.

He blamed himself for being too careless. He hadn't even realized that he was in such a good position.

At the same time, I was a little surprised. Could there really be some kind of power guiding it? Otherwise, how could such a coincidence have occurred …?

You have to understand that the fall of the coffin was an accident. It actually landed on top of a Feng Shui field that I didn't notice earlier.

This was truly strange …

Even though this explanation was inconceivable, it had to be said that it was possible … It was the burial ground the foster father had chosen for him.

"Buried here, sorry to trouble you."

Next was digging and burying the coffin. The matter had already reached its conclusion, so the following matter was quite smooth.

However, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was no way to burn the paper. They could only place the paper money and the horse in front of the grave.

After the coffin was buried and everything was ready, everyone left. Only I, the Funerary Slave, was still standing in the rain. It was as if I heard those people who left sigh in sympathy.

They... Are you pitying me?

There was nothing to be sorry for. After falling into such a situation, I could only blame myself for being too cowardly.

What's more … At least I'm still alive, and the man in the new grave before me is already dead.

Buried the corpse, but difficult to bury those memories, those painful memories, still reverberate in my heart.

The work of mourning was over, but I was still crying, expressing the pain in my heart through this work.

"What happened? Who did you offend?

Even though you weren't a good person when you were alive, but … "Since you are already dead, why must you go through all this suffering?"

Sitting at the grave, I seemed to be talking to myself, but also to the people in the grave.

In the blink of an eye, it was already night …

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