Funerary Lady/C13 Body protection
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Funerary Lady/C13 Body protection
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C13 Body protection

It was already late into the night, but the rain was still pouring down. My body was already soaked through.

I was sitting at the grave with all sorts of thoughts in my head.

This mountain was very big, and the larger graves in the village were almost all located in a slightly lower position, and were all gathered together.

There was also a clear way of distinguishing between the Zhang Clan's cemetery and the Li Clan's cemetery. It was very obvious at a glance.

In other words, on the night that he guarded Second Uncle Li's grave, although many graves were dug up in the village, they weren't too far away.

I will try to find out about this matter, because when the matter of my adoptive father is settled, the villagers will definitely come and find trouble with me.

Thinking about this, my frown deepened. Due to the rain, my body was trembling.

In my memories, this is the first time I saw such a heavy rain when I was in Funerary Slave.

The night was quiet, with only the sound of the wind and rain. This way, it was convenient for me to think.

Closing my eyes, I tried my best not to be disturbed by any external forces as I tried to recall everything that happened after Second Uncle Li's death.

That day, when my foster father asked me to become Second Uncle Li's Funerary Lady, I felt that there was something wrong with his expression.

It's precisely because I hate him, and have hated him for so many years, that every expression I have towards him can be said to be perfectly grasped.

Usually the person you know best is not the person you love, but the person you hate...

Moreover, from the day Aunt Zhang died, the word 'love' didn't seem to exist in my world anymore.

There was no love, and not much hatred. There was only one person, nothing more.

However, I didn't pay attention to this anomaly. Now that I think about it, when my foster father told me to take that pill, could he have realized that it was the last pill he gave me?

Since he committed suicide, he had already planned to do so from then on …

If he really didn't commit suicide, then at least at that time, he also had some sort of realization that his end was near …

After that, there was the strange scene that I saw at night. An adopted father who should have already died, yet he still went to dig up the corpse.

The body of Aunt Zhang's family had mysteriously disappeared, and even now, there was still no trace of them. There were also the strange things that happened in Aunt Zhang's family, and the curses written in the middle of the Aunt Zhang's tombstone.

What had his adoptive father done all these years? What kind of person had he offended? Why would someone destroy his corpse even when he was dead?

What did Liu Songxian and Grandma Daocao know about each other, what were they hiding, and what did it have to do with this?

Actually, I can basically be sure that there must be a mastermind behind this.

This mastermind might be one of them... Perhaps not. I don't know what the ultimate purpose is, but I am almost certain of the existence of this hand.

At this point, I have to believe that a lot of supernatural things have happened around me. Even if I didn't want this to get any closer to the theory of ghosts and gods, I have to admit it now.

While I was thinking with my eyes closed, I suddenly felt the rain above my head stop dripping. Then, a hand fell on my shoulder.

The sound of the rain was so loud that I didn't hear anything at all just now. Now, due to the shock, my body suddenly trembled.

After which, I suddenly turned my head and saw a face that I loathed the most...

It was actually Da Xiong … Da Xiong was still holding onto his umbrella, looking at me while smiling, but his smile made my heart turn cold.

I took a deep breath and subconsciously moved backwards a bit before knocking against the tombstone belonging to my adoptive father.

It was already very late, and they were on the mountain with no one around. What did Da Xiong want to do?

Seemingly seeing the fear in my eyes, Da Xiong chuckled and said:

"Sister Xiao Die, looking at how heavy the rain is, I knew that you wanted to come over and guard your father, so I specially brought an umbrella over.

Your body is very thin, don't you dare break the ice. "

Even though I didn't really understand the thoughts of living people, there was an instinctive sense of fear and distrust. Thus, at this moment, my heart was still on guard, afraid that Da Xiong would suddenly do something that would harm me.

Seeing that I was deliberately keeping a distance from him, Da Xiong laughed and sat down beside me, but kept a distance, the umbrella in his hands almost reached all the way to my side.

"Girl, it was your bro's fault for hitting you that day, you better not hate your bro."

In that situation, if I didn't beat you up, those hooligans in the village wouldn't have been able to swallow you alive.

"This can be considered as a strategy to slow down the fighting …"

As Da Xiong said this, he stared at my frail body.

"Sister Xiao Die, you're wearing such thin clothes, aren't you cold? I'll warm you up. "

As he said that, Da Xiong rushed towards me without any explanation. I never thought that he would suddenly attack, without any time to dodge, I was immediately hugged by him.

Da Xiong was just like how he was, born with a strong build, and my frail body was pressed down by Da Xiong to the point where I almost couldn't hold on.

Da Xiong hugged me without explanation, causing me to feel unspeakable disgust. I wanted to struggle free, but who would have thought that both of Da Xiong's arms were holding me, as though they were pincers that couldn't break free at all.

"Let me go!"

No matter how foolish I am, I should understand Da Xiong's intentions by now.

But how could the current Da Xiong listen to me?

"Sister, I'm just warming you. Isn't it much warmer now?"

As we spoke, Da Xiong's hands began to grope around behind my back and that large face with a smile slowly neared my neck. I could clearly hear his heavy breathing.

"Girl, you're so pretty at such a young age, that damned dad of yours is really lucky.

"But your father is old after all, so he definitely can't do that. Let me have a taste of his true pleasure …"

As Da Xiong spoke, he was about to untie my clothes, and the language behind him was even more filthy, to the point that I felt disgusted.

"Let me go!"

My eyes were cold, and I didn't know if it was out of fear or anger, but my voice was a little hoarse.

Indeed, I'm weak. When I'm bullied, I might not even dare to retaliate, but … I can be beaten, but I can't let others sully my body!

This is what the foster father instilled in me since I was a child. The foster father is very conservative towards the affairs of men and women, and under this influence, I am also very conservative towards these matters.

But right now, Da Xiong couldn't care about me, he wanted to tear off my clothes like a mad dog.

"Girl, stop struggling. Just give it to me here and let that damn dad of yours see how exciting it is.

As long as you obey me, in the future in the village, I will protect you and no one will dare to bully you! "

Although Da Xiong is usually domineering in the village, he is at most a master who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

But now that I have no one to rely on, I just happen to be the target of someone like Da Xiong!

When I thought of this, and saw Da Xiong coming towards me, without any hesitation, I smashed my head against him heavily.

This strike coincidentally smashed onto Da Xiong's chin. I heard a crisp sound, and then Da Xiong let out a blood-curdling scream.

But at most, this only made Da Xiong feel a lot of pain, it did not cause him any real harm, and instead angered Da Xiong.

Da Xiong suddenly stood up, and fiercely kicked a few times towards me who was pressed down on the ground, all of them aimed at my lower abdomen.

I cried out in pain. Although I had been abused by my adoptive father ever since I was young, my adoptive father would usually hit the back of my hand or something like that. He had never kicked my abdomen like this before.

I felt as if my internal organs were trembling. After being kicked a few times, my body lost all of its strength and curled up like a dead bug.

"A whore wants to set up a chastity memorial archway? Your elder wants to play with you in front of your damned father's grave!"

With a flash of lightning, Da Xiong's face became extremely hideous, the umbrella had already been thrown to the side.

If you want my body, you'll have to take my life first …

At this moment, there was only this one thought in my mind. After groping around, I found a small stone on the ground.

At this moment, Da Xiong leaned over, and wanted to continue taking off my clothes …

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