Funerary Lady/C14 What the hell
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Funerary Lady/C14 What the hell
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C14 What the hell

My chest heaved up and down, and I seemed to have lost my mind.

The pain from my body continuously assaulted my brain, causing me to tremble slightly.

Now that he knew he would rather die than submit, the fear in his heart slowly faded.

The moment Da Xiong fell to the ground, the stone in my hand directly smashed ruthlessly towards him.

Da Xiong's body is robust and sturdy, but he's also relatively clumsy. Furthermore, he thinks that I don't have the ability to retaliate at all, so I simply wasn't prepared for it.

After being ruthlessly smashed by me, I immediately let out a blood-curdling screech. My body abruptly tilted to the side and I fell to my side.

Due to the pain in my body and my extremely weak body, the amount of strength that I could use was not much. I guessed that Da Xiong should have at most been knocked out by me.

Just as I was about to support myself and stand up, I did not expect Da Xiong who was beside me to have already crawled up and directly slapped me. There was fresh blood flowing from his forehead, but the color of his blood had already darkened due to the rain.

"You f * cker, you don't need face anymore, right? I will play you to death today! "

Da Xiong's eyes seemed to have turned red, I never thought that after throwing the stone out, Da Xiong would still be so energetic.

As expected … Still not strong enough?

Firstly, his body was weak, and secondly, because of the fear in his heart, his hand trembled the moment the rock was thrown out. This way, he wouldn't be able to use his full strength.

Da Xiong's slap caused my head to be a little muddled, and at the same time, he charged towards me with a face full of blood.

I shouted loudly. I wanted to escape. I wanted to stand up and forcibly support my body as I tried to leave.

Who knew that at this time, Da Xiong, who was in front of them, would suddenly widen his pupils and let out a sharp cry.

I never thought that a burly man would actually be able to shout like that. At the same time, my body slowly looked towards the direction where Da Xiong's gaze met.

But... Da Xiong's pupils suddenly shrank as if he had seen something incomparably bizarre. I saw that even his body was trembling.

There was clearly nothing here … Why did this happen?

I took a deep breath, but Da Xiong looked like he had gone mad. He gave off waves of mournful screams as he ran down the mountain as if he had gone mad.

The direction that Da Xiong was looking at just now... It was clearly the tomb of the foster father. Could it be that he saw something on the grave of the foster father?

Or perhaps … Did I stun him with that stone, causing him to hallucinate?

The former was more absurd, and the latter was less likely to appear.

Thinking about it here, my eyebrows creased. Looking towards the direction where Da Xiong left in, I couldn't see his figure anymore.

His blood could still be vaguely seen on the ground. When he thought back to the scene just now, he was still shocked.

Looking at my palm, which was still stained with traces of blood, I threw the stone to the side.

I never thought that I would actually have the courage to attack others. I may be indifferent to people, but all of my indifference is fear and distrust towards living people …

I've suffered too much from living people all these years. I don't want to return the pain back to them, I just want to stay away from them.

Now that I'm standing in front of my foster father's tombstone, thinking about Da Xiong's terrified expression from before, I trembled and asked:

"It's you …" are you protecting me? "

The pain in my body made me unable to stand steadily. I could only lean slightly against the stone tablet. The chill in my heart seemed to have become even stronger than before.

Maybe it was the pain and the cold that stimulated my brain. At this moment, I suddenly thought of a lot of things.

When I was thirteen years old, I was scolded by my village children by pointing at my nose and saying that I was unlucky to be seen by my adoptive father.

The foster father didn't make a move, but somehow or other, he made his stomach ache for a few days. From then on, the child hid when he saw me.

When I was 15 years old, I was still bullied by the kids in the village. My foster father first beat me up because of me, then didn't know what he did. In short, those kids seemed to have received quite a bit of shock and no longer dared to provoke me.

There were many similar things, including adults and children.

After thinking about it carefully, my adoptive father had given me a lot of torture in the past few years, but he had also given me a lot of protection.

The foster father made the villagers scold me behind my back, but no one dared to scold me in my face.

They were afraid of me, and even more afraid of their adoptive father.

But now that his foster father was dead, this fear would slowly transform into revenge …

I suddenly thought back to what Grandma Daocao had said, that my adoptive father was very good to me.

I can't agree with those words. I still hate my foster father to the bone, but …

"If you were still alive, these people wouldn't dare bully me right …"

I have longed for you to die countless times, is it right or wrong? "

As I said this, I could no longer hold back my tears.

It slowly flowed and turned into crying. The bitterness in his heart was all vented out to the dead man in front of him.

Only the dead were the best listeners …

It was also because of the momentary clarity of my brain that I suddenly began to question a question that hadn't been questioned for many years.

Back then, when I saw my foster father and Aunt Zhang … What were they doing? Could it really be a fornication?

Ever since I had a better understanding of the matters between men and women, I had believed this question completely, but the moment Da Xiong threw himself at me, I started to have suspicions.

An adoptive father was someone who was very conservative in matters between men and women. Even if he was having an affair with someone else, he definitely wouldn't do it in front of a corpse …

The dead were big and the affection between them was high. This had always been the theory of foster fathers, so … Would foster father really do such a thing?

I still vaguely remember that there was something like a candle in the surroundings. Could it be that...

I can't figure it out... I can't figure it out... Although I still have a deep memory of this kind of thing happening in my mind, I was still unable to find any clues.

Perhaps there were some truths that I didn't see, but after so many years, there was no way to trace them back.

Besides, the abuse I've received from my adoptive father over the years was real, and it couldn't be mixed with any falsehood …

Thinking up to here, I clenched my teeth. I wanted to know the truth, but it was as though there was an invisible wall in front of me that prevented me from surpassing it …

They seemed to be very close, but when they looked closely, they felt that it was very far away.

At this time, the rain slowly stopped, but the thunder and lightning did not stop, as if it was the precursor of an even bigger rainstorm.

Just as I was thinking about these things in a daze, I suddenly saw a streak of light flickering in the distance.

It seemed to be a flame, but... It looked as though it could be extinguished at any moment …

Looking at the flickering flames in the distance, my pupils also slowly changed color, because those flames are currently … They slowly approached.

At the same time, a bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, brightening up the surroundings. At this moment, I saw that the flames were like the flames of a lantern, slowly approaching each other as if they were floating.

It's the will-o '-the-wisp...

The Ghost Flame was a flame that would often appear in the tombs deep in the mountains. It was a rather scientific explanation for the Ghost Flame.

However, to the countryside, seeing the ghost fire was still an ominous sign.

At the same time, there was a clap of thunder, and the thunder continued for a long time. At the same time, I heard strange sounds in my ears.

That sound... It sounded like crying, but also like laughter. It echoed in my ears just like that.

The wind in the surroundings was already very cold, and now it seemed as though it was boring into my clothes, as if … It's a kind of cold that comes from inside out...

"Hee hee …"

The laughter by my ear is even more creepy. It is cold and bizarre, as though there is a pair of eyes staring at me from beside me.

What was going on? What is it?

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva. I could feel my sweat flowing out. However, the moment my sweat flowed out, it was washed away by the rain.

There was a ghost … There was really a ghost …

I struggled to stand up, but felt my body tremble. Just now, Da Xiong's leg had kicked into my thigh, so when I stood up, I felt a heart-wrenching pain.

The moment I stood up, I saw a ferocious face … Appearing in front of me...

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