Funerary Lady/C15 Soulshake night life-saving technique
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Funerary Lady/C15 Soulshake night life-saving technique
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C15 Soulshake night life-saving technique

A hideous face appeared in front of me. This face was covered in bloodstains and looked extremely mournful.

Furthermore, blood was still flowing down my chin. My eyes met the face, and I could even hear the heavy breathing …

Beneath this face were colorful clothes, just like the clothes that Aunt Zhang and her foster father were wearing when they died.

His face also had long hair, similar to the Aunt Zhang, but from his eyes … it didn't seem to be Aunt Zhang.

The ferocious face had large eyes, but they did not have black ones. Scarlet blood flowed from them.

Just as I stood up and saw this scene, I was so scared that my soul nearly left my body. I screamed and nearly fell to the ground again.

At the same time, sounds like the wailing of ghosts and the howling of wolves actually came to my ears. These sounds seemed to come from all directions, and were extremely shrill and ear-piercing.

My mind was blank, and my only thought was to run!

I turned around and ran. At this moment, there was no longer anyone behind me. However … Strange sounds echoed from behind me.

"Pa …" "Pa …" "Pa …"

I instantly recognized it, then... The sound of footsteps followed closely behind me.

Because it had just rained, the ground was covered in mud, so when walking, it would emit such a sound.

Turning around to look, there just happens to be a flash of lightning. I can't see anyone, but I can see... The puddle was moving behind him.

This isn't an illusion, it's not an illusion. There really is something following behind me!

Ignoring the pain in my body, my heart was filled with fear. It seemed that this was the first time I had come into such close contact with a supernatural incident.

If one were to say that I was skeptical of the words of the gods and ghosts, then at this moment, I have no doubts whatsoever!

There was a ghost! There was really a ghost!

I crazily ran towards the forest. A gust of cold wind blew by and behind me, sounds of "hua la la" came from the tree branches and leaves.

His foster father had said that humans and ghosts were from the Yin Yang realm, so logically, they should not disturb each other.

Most people who saw ghosts would accidentally offend the Ghost Being, or perhaps by chance.

Then which type should I belong to now?

"Xiao Die... Xiao Die... "

At this moment, I seemed to hear someone calling to me from behind. The sound was mixed with the wind, and it was so illusory that I couldn't even tell if it was male or female.

However … I heard it so clearly, there was a sound...

Hearing this voice, my hair stood on end. I didn't even dare to turn my head back as I continued to run forward aimlessly.

If I'm not wrong, this is what people say... Ghost Cry Soul...

This kind of thing often happened. When the person with the weaker yang energy walked in the dark alleyway, deep in the mountains, or in the graveyard, they might hear someone calling your name behind them.

He might even hear the voice of someone familiar to him. In this situation, he definitely could not turn back, much less agree.

Otherwise, your soul would have been taken away by the thing behind you. At least, you would have gotten sick. In the worst case scenario, you might even lose your life …

The persistent footsteps and shouts almost made me forget the pain in my body. My mind was stretched to the limit.

However, my body was too weak after all. Furthermore, after being drenched by the rain, my entire body was emitting a burst of cold air. After running for a short while, I started to pant. I could not hold on much longer.

"Wuu … wuu …" "Sob, sob …"

It was unknown if it was the sound of the wind or the sound of ghosts crying behind him.

At this moment, I entered a forest. Due to the injuries on my leg, I couldn't stand steadily and directly slid down the hill. There were numerous wounds on my body caused by tree branches.

Waves of intense pain made me feel a heart-wrenching pain. At this moment, I couldn't even cry.

Just at this moment, a pair of hands suddenly hugged me and my body suddenly stiffened. I subconsciously wanted to struggle free with all my might. I didn't even have the time to see who was hugging me from behind.

"Little girl, don't make a sound, it's me!"

A familiar voice came from behind me. Upon closer inspection, it was Liu Songxian.

Wrong... Wrong...

It was already late at night, and Liu Songxian had already left at noon. He should have already returned to the Old Bull Village by now, so how could he appear here so late in the night?

The elders said that the ghosts in the mountains were most adept at deceiving people, deceiving others.

This was what people often said about tricks and tricks.

Could Liu Songxian behind him be some sort of bewitching technique?

I slightly frowned. I wanted to say something, but I didn't dare to, because I was grabbed from behind by Liu Songxian just like that. I could even clearly hear my own breathing.

Seeing that I no longer struggled, Liu Songxian released the hand he was holding me with, grabbed onto one of my hands, and said:

"Little girl, don't be scared, follow me!"

I can't trust Liu Songxian!

At this time, the words' Grandma Daocao 'suddenly appeared in my mind, and even if the one behind me was the real Liu Songxian.

This person was suspicious even though he had run up the mountain in the middle of the night.

Moreover, this person's words during the day were only half true and half false. Now that he thought about it, this person was truly untrustworthy.

"I don't trust you."

I said bluntly, wanting Liu Songxian behind me to let go of me.

But before I could finish my words, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching behind me. At the same time, the tree behind me shook violently. Under the deep night sky, I could still see the leaves behind me falling down crazily!

Without waiting for me to think any further, Liu Songxian had already grabbed onto me, not caring about what I just said to him.

I already had injuries on my body, so how could I withstand Liu Songxian's pull? I felt as if my entire body was going to fall apart, as intense pain assaulted me.

Liu Songxian dragged me and quickly ran to another direction, hiding behind a large rock.

I think what he did was a little ridiculous, after all... We're not facing a human right now. What's the use of hiding behind a rock?

I saw that Liu Songxian's body was also drenched by the rain, and at this moment, there were actually mottled bloodstains on his body, and quite a few wounds appeared on his thin clothes.

The rain had stopped for a while, but Liu Songxian's body was still so wet, it was obvious that he had stayed on the mountain for a period of time.

Furthermore, the wounds on his body were definitely not caused when he was with me. What did Liu Songxian do on the mountain?

Why didn't he go back? Could it be … There was some kind of plan?

I slightly frowned, but Liu Songxian didn't give me a chance to ask a question. He grabbed a black thing from his pocket and breathed it towards my face.

After what happened with Da Xiong, now that I see someone attacking me, my heart is trembling.

"What are you doing?"

After what happened, I seem to have a deeper fear of living people and a greater distrust of them.

This also caused me to feel a bit colder in the eyes of others.

"The ash at the bottom of the pot, the swallow mud, it's a life-saving item."

The branches behind him produced a weird "hualala" sound. This sound was not normal and was not caused by the wind. It was as if something had touched them.

The bottom of the pot is gray, and the swallow is mud. I do know these two things, which used to be used to ward off evil.

The adoptive father had used both.

The so-called ash at the bottom of the pot was black ash obtained from the bottom of the pot, while the swallow mud was dug out from the bottom of the swallow's nest.

At this time, the two things were mixed together. Liu Songxian didn't give me any explanation and smeared it on my forehead.

"Nine Hell Ghost King Token, this place is extremely evil. Yin and Yang have their own boundaries, do not disturb others."

With that said, Liu Songxian used his finger to draw a rune on the mud at the center, which is the location of the India Hall.

At the same time, Liu Songxian followed the same method and smeared a layer of black mud on his head.

The incantation he had just muttered was probably also a spell, a spell that the white workers had mastered.

After finishing everything, not only did the surroundings not calm down, instead, it became even more frenzied. My heart also tensed up.

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