Funerary Lady/C17 New body
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Funerary Lady/C17 New body
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C17 New body

The frantic and twisted screams echoed throughout the village. It was impossible to tell who the voices belonged to.

I felt a chill run down my spine. What happened? Where did this sound come from?

Beside me, there was a person who didn't even believe in Phase s. The waves of miserable screams made me even more afraid and I didn't dare to continue walking forward.

Fear, despair, and all sorts of emotions were mixed within this scream. Just what kind of pain did it feel to make someone cry out like that?

Actually, if it was before, hearing such a voice, I might have really gone over to take a look.

But now, I don't have this courage anymore. Too many things have happened and it has already stretched my spirit.

"I'm going home." I said this to Liu Songxian woodenly, and then I was about to leave.

At this time, Liu Songxian asked:

"Girl, you yourself … Can you do it? "

"Fine, at least it's safer than following you around. However, today's matter …" I still have to thank you. "

As I spoke, I ran in the direction of my home without looking back. At that time, I had also thought about it, Liu Songxian was a foreigner, if his entire body was wet, how could he live there in the middle of the night.

I do have a few empty houses, but... If they brought him back with them, they would either lure the wolf into the house or cause gossip if someone saw them.

Right now, I am alone and unable to protect myself. How can I care about others?

After a slight hesitation, I ran back home without looking back.

Looking at Liu Songxian's expression, he doesn't intend to tell me what he knows.

Of course, if it all ends like this, it doesn't matter whether I know the truth or not.

However … Can I go over? I can't remember the first time I ever asked such a question.

Very quickly, I returned home. I changed my clothes and directly slipped into the blanket. I didn't know if it was due to the cold or the fear, but my body was trembling.

The hideous appearance of my foster father's corpse continuously echoed in my mind, as well as the sinister face that I saw tonight.

And tonight, I have already violated the Funerary Lady's rules, so before I could finish keeping watch, I ran back.

At that time, because of the fear in his heart, he didn't care too much about it. However, when he recalled it now, he felt some lingering fear.

There were several rules in this life that could not be violated, because all of these were just like a ritual that had been passed down for thousands of years by the ancestors!

No one knew what the consequences would be if they violated the rules.

The adoptive father normally looks crazy, as if he doesn't care about anything, but in terms of rules, I always feel that he sees things more important than his own life.

He curled up within the blanket like a wounded lamb. The wounds on his body were already starting to hurt. This pain was akin to tearing his heart and tearing his lungs apart …

The thunder outside continued to thunder and lightning unceasingly, continuing to thunder, causing my heart to become extremely gloomy.

The rolling thunder, on the other hand, caused the glass to emit a buzzing sound …

It was almost four in the morning, and I was so tired that I fell asleep in a daze.

But I didn't sleep very deeply. I was in a daze, as if I saw my foster father, as if I saw a Aunt Zhang.

It was like he saw his childhood self, carefree and happy …

And the happiness had already passed?

I feel very uncomfortable, there are tears flowing out of the corner of my eyes, not only the heart is very uncomfortable, also the body is very uncomfortable.

He had been in a half-dreaming state, and his mind was in a daze. Strange scenes constantly appeared before his eyes.

My body felt even hotter, and I realized that I must have been sick from the torment of my body and mind.

After an unknown period of time, I suddenly felt that the sky had just brightened when I heard someone knocking on the door. The knocking sound was very loud.

Judging from the voice, the person is definitely here with malicious intent. However, the more it is like this, the more I need to go out and take a look.

Standing up abruptly, I felt waves of dizziness. At this moment, the fever had not subsided yet. My entire body felt cold. My entire body felt weak and drowsy.

It was difficult to stand up, and the wounds on my body hurt even more. I felt that I was strong enough, but at this moment, I couldn't say that I felt wronged.

I hate them in my heart, hate those selfish people, hate my adoptive father, hate people like Da Xiong.

I went out after wearing a set of relatively thick clothes. I had already delayed for a long time by now, so the knocking on the door was getting louder and louder. I could faintly hear dirty curses coming out.

I walked over and opened the door, and there were two fierce faces. They were two men about my age, seventeen or eighteen years old.

I also know these two people, they are Da Xiong's brothers. They are blood related, but they aren't close to each other.

He would usually pretend to be Da Xiong, just like Da Xiong, and bully the weak and fear the strong.

Looking at these two people, I felt an indescribable disgust and frowned.

"What are you guys doing?"

Who would have thought that before I could finish my words, the two of them would suddenly make their move. One of them directly grabbed onto my hair.

I didn't say a word. I wanted to struggle, but someone else was holding my hands tightly.

"This girl is quite unreasonable. Say, last night, did you see Brother Da Xiong with you?"

As I asked, the two of them led me forward. I was in so much pain that tears were on the verge of flowing out of my eyes.

But the two of them didn't care in the slightest.

I know I can't beat them, but I don't want to lose face in front of them, I think... Keep your final dignity.

So I didn't cry, and I didn't struggle. I didn't want to be a joke in their eyes.

I really didn't expect that they, who were of the same age as me, who should have been my friends, would use such filthy words to curse me and look down on me …

They brought me to a place not far from the foot of the mountain. At this moment, there was a group of people surrounding me and pointing at me. It was unknown what they were discussing.

However, the most distinct sound I heard was waves of crying. The crying sounds were very miserable.

What was going on? The two people beside me are Da Xiong's friends, but they just asked me if I saw Da Xiong yesterday.

And this crying, combined with the waves of miserable screams he heard last night, could it be …

My pupils contracted, as if I understood what had happened.

After I was brought into the crowd by two boys my age, the hand that was holding my hair finally loosened.

The two of them grabbed my arms as though they were captives, as if to let me see everything clearly.

His guess was not wrong, what was lying on the ground right now was indeed Da Xiong's corpse.

There was no blood on the ground. Yesterday, when I was sleeping, there seemed to be a shower that washed everything clean, including the blood on the corpse.

As a result, there were only a few spots of red around the corpse. There were no longer any traces of blood.

There was a woman sitting cross-legged next to Da Xiong, crying her heart out. That woman was Da Xiong's mother, who was already fifty years old.

Da Xiong was the only son of the family, so the grief in his mother's heart could be easily imagined.

Looking at Da Xiong's body, I broke out in a cold sweat. Da Xiong … How did he die?

The corpse was very malevolent. The clothes on its body were tattered and there were bloodstains all over.

These wounds should have been caused by Da Xiong's panic when he went down the mountain last night.

It had to be known that Da Xiong ran back with a scream last night. He had panicked while walking down the mountain road, and with the heavy rain, it was normal for his body to be cut into pieces.

Yesterday, when we went down the mountain, the screams that we heard should have belonged to Da Xiong.

But by right, when we went down the mountain, Da Xiong should have already reached home. What was the reason for him to stay on the mountain?

However … The fatal wounds on Da Xiong's body were not because of these tiny wounds.

His fatal injury was the truly unbelievable part …

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