Funerary Lady/C19 One more dead
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Funerary Lady/C19 One more dead
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C19 One more dead

Hearing Da Xiong's mother like this, even though my heart is filled with sympathy, it is also impossible for me to not feel resentful.

This woman was a bit unreasonable. She waved her hand without asking for the reason.

I wanted to struggle free, but my body was already becoming more and more powerless. At this moment, it seemed that I didn't even have the strength to speak.

Just at this moment, Liu Songxian blocked it for me as he said:

"Don't you know what kind of thing your own son is?

I originally wanted to give you some face, but since you don't know how to appreciate favors, I'll say it clearly.

Although our two villages are not close to each other, the news spread quite quickly.

That kid's name is very well-known in our village.

Last night, Da Xiong went up the mountain to scheme and plot against Xiao Die. Maybe he found out later and ran down the mountain.

As for how he died, who knew? Maybe he felt guilty and committed suicide. "

These few words that Liu Songxian said caused Da Xiong's mother's face to turn green. He couldn't speak for a long time, and could only pant heavily.

Liu Songxian was quite clear about what happened last night, but he could guess why it would happen.

There was no way to prove that he had seen it all with his own eyes.

At this moment, Da Xiong's mother took a few heavy breaths before he slowly recovered.

Soon after, she said:

"How is this possible? With my son's ability, what kind of girl can't he find? How could he find such a broken shoe?

"You coffin bearer, aren't you ashamed of yourself for saying such words?"

"If bullying men and women can be considered a skill, Big Sis, your Da Xiong is indeed a person with true ability."

Liu Songxian actually chuckled at this time.

After hearing what he said, even though I resented Da Xiong's mother in my heart, I couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, his son had just died. Why would he put salt on his wounds?

These flowers of Liu Songxian's were so piercing to the heart that even the villagers around him were secretly speechless.

After all, Da Xiong's mother was a woman. Even if he was a little shrewd, his mental endurance was limited.

Sure enough, at this moment, the woman could no longer hold it in and started crying. She cried as she scolded me and Liu Songxian at the same time.

"You're talking too much, I don't need you to worry about me."

It was just a simple sentence, but due to the agitation in my heart, I suddenly felt dizzy once more.

In a situation where there was no one else present to help me, I was indeed very grateful to Liu Songxian.

But... I can't hurt a mother who has just lost a child because of what I did...

Perhaps because I had never had a happy family, I also felt an indescribable sadness when I saw someone else's family destroyed.

And Liu Songxian simply ignored me, and continued to say with a smile:

"Cry? "What's there to cry about? When you were doing those things back then, did you ever think that anyone would cry?"

After Liu Songxian finished speaking, my pupils contracted as I felt a bone-piercing coldness.

I didn't know what Liu Songxian meant by those words, but I could keenly feel that the surrounding atmosphere had become heavy.

Perhaps this is due to a woman's natural intuition. I felt that everyone's expression changed.

Even Da Xiong's mother's face had turned ashen, and his wails became a little quieter.

Liu Songxian's words seemed to prick everyone's sore spot, but he was still laughing, completely ignoring everyone else.

At this moment, I suddenly heard him mutter something in a low voice. His voice was very soft, but I was standing behind him.

Da Xiong's mother was standing at the side while being blocked by Liu Songxian, so from the feeling of it, Liu Songxian's words were probably meant for Da Xiong's mother.

Perhaps, only Da Xiong's mother and I could hear this.

"This isn't the end …"

Hearing such words coming out of Liu Songxian's mouth, I felt even more shocked.

It was also at this moment that Da Xiong's mother's face became even more ashen, and his wails became smaller and smaller.

At first I thought it was a change of mood.

But very quickly, I discovered that something was amiss. Da Xiong's mother's hands were covering his chest and his breathing had slowly started to quicken.

This did not seem like a change in mood. It felt like an emergency had broken out!

"Quick, save them!"

I shouted. At this moment, everyone reacted and crowded over.

At the same time, Da Xiong's mother, who was clutching his chest, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, which landed on my face and Liu Songxian's as well.

At the same time, her body trembled as she looked at Liu Songxian.

I don't know why, but what I saw in this woman's eyes, aside from anger, was more … It was actually fear …

Just like how Da Xiong looked at me when he was about to do something violent last night.

Why are you looking at Liu Songxian like that … Why?

I felt my originally cold body start to tremble.

However, the blood on my face was still boiling hot. It touched my heart, causing my pupils to slowly enlarge …

"You all … He would die a horrible death … We will die a horrible death! "

Da Xiong's mother looked back at the corpse behind his, and then slowly kneeled onto the ground. His hurried breathing had suddenly slowed down …

The complicated expression on his face was incomparably sinister as he stared straight ahead. It was a face filled with hatred …

A tragedy suddenly turned into two tragedies, causing everyone to be stunned.

Everything happened too quickly, and Da Xiong's mother had actually died just like that...

Was it because Liu Songxian said too many things to agitate her?

I feel that the Liu Songxian today is somewhat different from yesterday. Even though he's smiling, he seems very cold and indifferent.

Furthermore, his gaze is very strange. I keep feeling that I've seen such a gaze somewhere …

Da Xiong's mother was also dead, and the surrounding villagers were all gathered by her side.

At this time, Liu Songxian said to the two men behind me:

"Let her go. The interrogation is over. We even beat her up."

The two men nodded dumbly, released me, and ran over to Da Xiong's mother's side.

This kind of sudden event caused them to be thrown into disarray, and they didn't have the energy to fight me anymore.

After all, losing two people in a row was a rare event in the village.

However, Liu Songxian didn't mind this at all. He carried me on his back and turned to leave.

"Leaving just like that?"

My weak body made it difficult for me to say a complete sentence.

Liu Songxian ignored me and left while carrying me.

And what surprised me was that Da Xiong's mother's death could be said to be directly related to him.

However, the villagers did not stop him. Instead, they allowed him to leave.

But Liu Songxian could actually feel at ease and swaggered away like this.

"Little girl, do you remember that humans are creatures that bully the weak and fear the strong?

The weaker you are, the more others will bully you. The law of the jungle, this is the law of nature.

Your father didn't teach you, so I'll teach you today.

If you were standing there today, you might have been beaten to death.

But if your father was here, those people definitely wouldn't dare to touch you.

Why? Although your father is hateful, he is truly capable. Everyone is afraid of him.

If you don't want to be bullied, you need to become stronger. You can't always cry. "

"Then what about you? It's because you have true ability that you can swagger away after killing others. Is there no one who can stop you?"

I don't know if Liu Songxian really didn't hear the mockery in my words, or if he acted as if nothing had happened, and only said one sentence:

"I... "He's just a coffin bearer. It can't be that he has any skills, right?"

Although he said that, in the rural areas, no one would want to provoke those who lived for free.

Firstly, there were some people who felt that it was unlucky, and secondly, these kinds of people often came into contact with the dead, bringing along with them some evil spirits.

"Put me down."

I couldn't stand his nonchalance, and even if he had saved me, I still couldn't accept it.

But Liu Songxian said:

"Little girl, you can't walk anymore. I'll send you back first."

After saying that, I sped up my footsteps and walked in the direction of my house. It was only later on that I found out that Liu Songxian's current expression … What does it mean...

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