Funerary Lady/C5 Unwilling to die
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Funerary Lady/C5 Unwilling to die
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C5 Unwilling to die

Ever since Aunt Zhang died, the adoptive father had become fond of studying evil ways. These photos... Was it something the foster father was studying?

My adoptive father had taught me to make money, as if he didn't care about anything, and he'd taught me to make money.

Among Funerary Slave s, there was no rule to keep pictures of the dead. One dies, one disappears, all sorts of things happened in life should have gone with the wind, and accompanying Funerary Slave s was merely accompanying them on the last leg of their journey, there was no need to leave the pictures behind …

Looking at the picture in my hand, my heart was unable to calm down. What was my adoptive father plotting all these years?

This was not the end …

These words seemed to be filled with extreme hatred. Could it be that Second Uncle Li's death was related to his adoptive father?

I separated the photos from the money and carefully put them away, because I had a feeling that these photos would be useful in the future.

My foster father was clearly dead, but I don't know why, but when I was with his corpse, I kept feeling a little panicked. I kept having this strange feeling …

I don't understand this feeling, is it fear? It shouldn't be. He had seen a lot of deaths these past few years. Logically speaking, there was no longer any fear towards the dead.

But now … I thought for a long time before slowly coming back to my senses. I kept feeling that my adoptive father was staring at me. Although my tongue was stretched out, I felt that my adoptive father was talking to me. It seemed that there were still a lot of things he wanted to say to me …

And I have a feeling that things aren't over yet... It feels like something even more terrible is going to happen...

Perhaps, this was the innate instinct of a woman …

It was still early today, so I tried my best to calm my heart down a bit before heading to the next village to get help.

Our village is called the Withered Vine Village, and the neighboring village is called Old Bull Village. They are all destitute and remote places, and in this kind of place, it is easy to find people to take care of their lives.

Foster father's reputation in our village is too poor. Even if he is rich, no one is willing to help him.

But the neighboring village was different. Although the adoptive father's bad reputation was also rumored to be in the Old Bull Village, it was not that well-known. At least, there was still someone who was brave enough to help.

It took me more than five hours to get to the next village, but to me, who had been with my foster father since childhood, this was nothing.

When we returned, it was the people from Old Bull Village who brought us back in a tricycle. For villages like ours, although they were small, they were full, there were all kinds of paper jobs, carpenters, and all of them were there. Of course, the main business of the villagers is not farming, these are just side businesses.

After buying all the items for free and distributing the money to everyone, he had spent almost all of the money in his hands.

At this moment, it is already late. I brought the people I invited to help arrange a spirit shed at my house, and a flower wreath is placed at the entrance. The doorman who is wrapped in paper hangs up a white cloth, and the coffin in the spirit shed is already placed down.

Then, I brought the coffin bearers to Aunt Zhang's doorstep, wanting them to carry my adoptive father's body back.

In the countryside, someone who had died in someone else's house should be picked up immediately and brought home. According to superstition, if they didn't return home soon, their soul would be lost and they wouldn't be able to find their way home.

The moment I walked into Aunt Zhang's house, I sucked in a breath of cold air, feeling a chill on my back …

When I left, my foster father was clearly lying on the floor. At this moment, the corpse was unexpectedly lying on the floor, and due to the change in my posture, some blood flowed out from the body of my foster father.

As for the corpse's tongue, it was still stretched out long enough to touch the ground, seeming to be licking the blood …

Why? Why did the corpse... How could there be such a huge change?

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva as I felt my body slightly tremble. Even if there was some sort of reaction after death, it would still be impossible for the corpse to make such a big move!

Could it be that when I left, someone moved the corpse of my foster father?

Whether the cause of my adoptive father's death was really suicide is unknown, and after I left, his body became passive again?

Could it be that someone was secretly observing them?

After all, those who lived here were all rural people, so logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a cruel person appearing. Moreover, they were already dead, so what was the point in moving the corpses again?

"Girl? Girl? "What's wrong with you? Are you going to move or not?"

At this moment, the people I brought with me to help with the corpse interrupted my train of thoughts. I then realized that I had lost my mind and almost cried out in shock.

"Move... Move... Let's do it, thank you brothers. "

I bowed to the men.

These people often carried coffins and had some strength. After all, they had to be careful when carrying coffins. From the beginning to the end, they couldn't land.

However, at this moment, the expressions of the few of them are also a little ugly. When we first found them, I told them that the deceased died miserably, and I even specially gave them more money.

But even so, when these people saw their adoptive father's corpse, they were all startled. They looked somewhat unwilling, but … Since he had already agreed, it would be inappropriate for him to go back on his words.

The few of them used a rope to tie up their foster father's corpse. This was the usual way of carrying a corpse. The corpse would leave the ground and directly enter the coffin.

At the start, everything went smoothly. The few of them lifted up the corpse and I stood in front while the others followed behind me while carrying the corpse.

However, just as we reached the entrance, a few people suddenly stopped in their tracks. Seeing the two people in the lead, I unexpectedly frowned.

Although the corpses were heavy, it was reasonable to say that there shouldn't be any problems when carrying a total of four people.

"What's wrong?"

I asked tentatively.

"Nothing, nothing …" Come on, let's go! "

The man in the lead shouted, then gave a horn, as if he was trying hard to take that step, but at that moment, I heard a snap, then a bang, and the rope snapped, and the body fell to the ground.

The leader kneeled on the ground due to the powerful impact. He panted heavily. After recovering for a long while, he stood up. The men carrying the corpses had even more ugly expressions on their faces.

Of course, my face wasn't good either. I had brought this rope with me, and after careful examination, I found that the rope was very strong. Not to mention a corpse, even if there was one more, it would definitely be able to withstand it.

However, the rope was broken, and the foster father's body returned to its original position of licking the ground.

"Yes …" Is the body too heavy? "

I was scared, but I didn't want to mix this kind of thing with the so-called supernatural. That would only make me more scared.

The corpse bearer's surname was Liu, he had helped people carry coffins from the age of twenty until now, and he was already in his forties. Although I called him big brother, he was actually around the same age as my foster father.

Because he had carried the coffin for too long, everyone in the village called him Liu Songxian, but in reality, they were expressing their longing for the dead.

"Little girl, you are just wasting your breath. You should understand this matter …" "Your father seems unwilling to leave this room …"

Liu Songxian frowned, his voice was unnatural and trembling slightly.

Hearing Liu Songxian's words, my heart also started to feel apprehensive. From last night to now, strange things happened one after another, and as a profession, I naturally believed in the words of the gods and spirits. It's just that I'm not willing to admit it … He might have really seen a ghost …

"Maybe it's just that the rope has been placed for too long. It's so weathered, where did all these ghosts come from?"

To comfort myself, to comfort these people.

But at this time, Liu Songxian suddenly picked up the rope on the ground and said:

"Little girl, look at this rope. It's as if it was cut off. It doesn't look like it was snapped at all. There are some things that you have to believe in."

Just as Half-Immortal Liu was speaking, I suddenly heard a crisp sound from another room, as if something was shattered …

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