Funerary Lady/C7 Vigil
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Funerary Lady/C7 Vigil
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C7 Vigil

When the flame of the candle started to flicker, my body emitted waves of cold air, as if something had grabbed onto me.

This feeling was very normal, as it would always appear during the rebirth.

Not long after, the candles in the corner all went out, and the entire room once again sank into darkness.

If the candle was extinguished, it meant that the deceased had agreed to let the Funerary Lady accompany him on his final journey.

Seeing the dark sky outside, I told Liu Songxian and the others:

"Brothers, let's do it. It's getting late."

Liu Songxian nodded his head, and they changed a rope to bind the corpse again.

I saw a man whose face had turned ashen. It was obvious that he had suffered a great shock. He still felt his entire body tremble.

It looked like Liu Songxian was not lying. The few of them had indeed seen their foster father's eyes move, which was why they were in such a panic.

When I thought back to the scene I saw in the house just now, I really didn't know if it was an illusory figure, but in the end … Was it an illusion?

Could it be that the curse written by the foster father on the table had really come true? Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang... Had he really become a monster?

The house we are in is also a haunted house?

Even though I believe in the existence of ghosts, I really don't want to believe that this sort of illusory thing would really appear in my life …

He nervously looked at Liu Songxian and the others, it had actually gone smoothly this time, he directly carried the corpse out, and did not encounter any mishaps.

Could it be that the Funerary Slave could really bear a part of the grievances of the dead? Was it because the resentment had been reduced that she was able to leave?

Also, if what Liu Songxian said was true, then why wouldn't the corpse of the adoptive father leave? Is there anything in this room that's worth being nostalgic for?

There were too many mysteries that I couldn't explain, and I didn't want to think about them. Since people were already dead, as long as nothing else happened in the future, I could just let it pass …

However … Can we really go over? The graves on the mountain have all been dug up. If I don't give the villagers an explanation, it would be difficult for me to establish myself in the village …

After putting his adoptive father's corpse in the coffin, he definitely wouldn't be able to carry it up to the grave tonight. He could only stay in the spirit shed for the night.

My foster father died miserably. According to the rules of the village, the corpse cannot be left for too long, so I plan to bury him in the mountain first thing tomorrow morning.

As for tonight … There are still some empty rooms in my house, so I let the few people I invited rest first. I stayed by myself in the spirit shed, doing my duty as an adopted daughter and as a Funerary Slave.

Those who invited them did not care too much about it. They were all people who ran around all year round, some laid on the floor, some slept on the brick bed. After eating, they went to sleep early in order to preserve their physical strength.

When they went to sleep, I found out when I went out that in a short span of a day, the news of my adoptive father's death was already widespread in the village. Everyone in the village said that Aunt Zhang died due to my adoptive father's death.

Right now, the death of the adoptive father and the death of the Aunt Zhang were similar.

Furthermore, the more they spread, the more evil they became. Some even said that the soul of the Aunt Zhang was still wandering around the house, whoever got close to it would die …

There was no point in listening to or thinking about these rumors. Walking in the village, I could feel the hostility the villagers had towards me, as well as the disdain in their eyes …

Those gazes were like they were looking at a bug, a disgusting bug …

My heart was clearly very cold, but when I felt those gazes, I couldn't help but feel waves of heartache …

Why did you do this to me? I clearly didn't do anything wrong, so why does everyone treat me as an enemy?

It's all because of him... It's all because of my adoptive father. If it wasn't for that man, my life wouldn't have been like this!

All along the way, I was walking with my head lowered. I hurried out and came back in a hurry. My face was red and I felt like tears could flow out at any moment.

Sometimes, you clearly did not do anything wrong, but under this burning gaze, you feel that you really did.

I didn't even know what kind of emotions I was feeling. When I went back, I ruthlessly kicked my foster father's coffin twice.

"Why!? What have you done in your life! Why do you have to bear such pain when you're dead! "

At this moment, the surroundings were completely silent. There wasn't a single person around. I finally squatted on the floor, hugged my head and started to sob softly.

He didn't want others to see his weak side. Without any backing, he could only secretly cry in a corner …

What could be more sad than this?

After staying in front of the coffin for an unknown period of time, he suddenly heard a series of footsteps coming from the courtyard.

Our village's courtyard is very big, it's the same for our village and Aunt Zhang's house, it's just that right now, the entire courtyard is filled with weeds, although the house is clean, but from the looks of it, it's been a long time since anyone has lived here.

The sudden sound of footsteps made me abruptly raise my head. The one who walked in was actually an old lady in her seventies.

I know this old lady. She's from the village, and people from the village look for her when they have a headache or when their child is frightened.

But the old lady wasn't a doctor, she was a surrogate. In the countryside, some children were often sick because of their poor health, or they often came across something unclean. Usually, they would use straw as a surrogate and move all the diseases to the surrogate.

Everyone in the village called this old lady Grandma Daocao. Although she was also a member of an evil clan, Grandma Daocao was different from a foster father.

The Grandma Daocao is very respected in the village, unlike us who are despised by others.

At this time, the adoptive father had just entered the coffin and the coffin hadn't closed yet. Logically speaking, it was the time to mourn, and whenever this happened, people would come and see the last corpse. This was also the meaning of the existence of the spirit shed.

I thought that it would continue to be desolate, but I didn't expect that the respected Grandma Daocao would actually come.

I hastily stood up, walked to the front of the Grandma Daocao and kowtowed to him.

Grandma Daocao wanted to help me up, but I was old and my body wasn't that nimble. I was even using a walking stick, and the moment my body leaned forward, I almost fell to the ground. I quickly stood up to support Grandma Daocao.

In fact, ever since I can remember, I have never interacted with the Grandma Daocao, and have only greeted them a few times.

"Thank you for coming …"

He didn't know what to say, so he could only lower his head and say these words.

You have to understand that, for a person as respected as the Grandma Daocao to visit a scum like my foster father, if word of this were to spread in the future, it would affect her reputation.

Grandma Daocao stabilized her footsteps, then shakily walked to the side of her foster father's coffin and took a look.

I roughly arranged the remains of the adoptive father, but his face was still as malevolent as ever. According to our rules, we have to completely close the coffin before we can wash the corpse and change its clothes.

When Grandma Daocao saw her adoptive father's corpse, she was clearly shocked as well. However, she quickly calmed down:

"This kid is so young, why must he suffer?"

Grandma Daocao was more than seventy years old, so calling me an adopted father was not an exaggeration. After that, Grandma Daocao walked to my side and said to me:

"Girl, your life is also miserable. You've been relying on this since you were young, now that it's suddenly gone, I wonder how much suffering you'll suffer in the future."

Hearing Grandma Daocao say this, I shook my head.

"I never needed such a support."

Depend on... If the suffering he had endured since he was young could be counted as a form of reliance, then what was the point of relying? It was just adding to his grief!

After Grandma Daocao heard what I said, she was slightly stunned for a moment, and then said:

"It seems that you have a deep prejudice against him. Your father must have had his own difficulties …"

Grandma Daocao seemed to have something in her words, as if she wanted to remind me. At the same time, she lightly placed a hand on my shoulder, and then tiptoed and tried her best to whisper into my ear. It was as if she wanted to say something to me.

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