Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C1 Because He Did Not Want to Work Hard He Added All His Luck Points
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C1 Because He Did Not Want to Work Hard He Added All His Luck Points
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C1 Because He Did Not Want to Work Hard He Added All His Luck Points

Opening his eyes to pitch-black darkness, Ye Tianhan couldn't detect even a sliver of light around him. A headache numbed his senses, and as he rose to his feet, a suffocating odor in the room sent him into a coughing fit.

"Cough, cough, what's that stench? What in the world is going on? Where's the light switch?"

Struggling to his feet, Ye Tianhan groped along the wall, searching for the switch from memory. But after a long while, the unfamiliar texture of the wall left him puzzled — where was he?

The system chimed in, "Greetings, player. I am your dedicated system. Welcome to the game. Would you like to activate the flashlight?"


Again, the system said, "Hello, player. I am your dedicated system. Welcome to the game. Would you like to activate the flashlight?"

A system? That meant he must have been transported to another world.


"Turn it on, on, on!"

Ye Tianhan was giddy with anticipation, rubbing his hands together at the thought of his own adventure. He recalled the games he played and the novels he read — weren't they all about striking it rich, surrounded by wealth and a harem? Even the less fortunate ones had their own islands. Now, it seemed, it was his turn for such fortune.

But before Ye Tianhan could savor his excitement, the lights flickered on, revealing a scene that left him dumbfounded.


Blood was splattered all over the floor, and a tightly wrapped corpse leaned against the wall, the source of the room's nauseating smell. Ye Tianhan couldn't help but gag.

This scene was eerily familiar — wasn't this the horror game he hadn't finished?

"What the hell is going on here!"

The system instructed, "Please exit the room."

The light conveniently highlighted the room's sole door.

Ye Tianhan sprinted out the door as if running a hundred-meter dash, finding the air in the hallway a welcome relief compared to the stifling room.

Once outside, he realized he wasn't the only one brought to this world. Suddenly, the horror game didn't seem quite so terrifying.

The system announced, "The game will now begin. Player, you have 100 attribute points. Please select your attribute enhancements."

A display materialized before Ye Tianhan's eyes, showing a hexagonal chart with six points labeled: defense, strength, magic, luck, wisdom, and agility.

If this were a game, you'd expect to save and respawn infinitely, right? But before Ye Tianhan could fully indulge in this fantasy, the System picked up on his wishful thinking and swiftly struck it down.

The System announced, "Friendly reminder: each player has only one life. Infinite respawns are not permitted. Both save and respawn tokens must be purchased with puppet coins. Your current balance of puppet coins is zero."

Only one life? And no free respawns?

Anyone who's played games knows that horror games are death traps. Everywhere you turn, there's a trap or a ghost waiting for an embrace. One life is hardly enough to endure all that.

Rather than fight a losing battle, Ye Tianhan thought it might be better to leave it to fate. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be reborn into some celestial paradise after his demise.

Without hesitation, Ye Tianhan maxed out his luck and zeroed out everything else. With a tap on 'confirm,' a thunderous noise erupted behind him.


Screams echoed all around him.

"Damn it!"

At the end of the narrow corridor, a boulder hurtled toward him, with a panicked crowd surging forward like a tide. Amidst the chaos, Ye Tianhan joined the frantic dash.

"Should've put all my points in agility. Why can't I, why can't I run faster?"

No sooner had he lamented his choice than he spotted someone darting to the front of the pack—clearly someone who had maxed out their agility. Despite his envy, Ye Tianhan had no time to dwell on it—the rolling stone was hot on his heels!

'Forget it, if I die, I die. In eighteen years, I'll be a man again!'



Ye Tianhan hit the ground, and the boulder, tripped up by an uneven stone, soared over him, missing by a hair.



Ye Tianhan rose, scratching his head in bewilderment. What just happened?

"Uh, so, what exactly does this count as?"

The System chimed in, "Congratulations, you've earned ten attribute points and 100 game coins. Please select which attributes to enhance and proceed with the game."

"A hundred? That's generous! I want to shop. Hey System, what can I buy now?"

The System announced, “You can’t make any purchases. Please select an attribute to enhance.”


Is that all?

100 game coins can’t buy a thing?


All the attribute points went straight into Luck.

“Luck value, keep on increasing...”

Due to an unexpected glitch, the System inadvertently maxed out Ye Tianhan’s Luck.

And the display hinted that attributes could be further boosted by completing challenges.

Thrilled, Ye Tianhan knew he should head out first.

No sooner had he shut the interface than his left foot triggered something. A fissure split open the wall to his right, casting a purple glow.

A thunderous boom echoed down the deserted corridor. Initially jolted, Ye Tianhan quickly regained his composure to assess the situation.

Given the game's patterns, after a recent event, it was unlikely another danger would soon follow. Confidently, Ye Tianhan surmised that this crack must conceal a treasure.

The System chimed in, “Congratulations! You’ve found a legendary treasure chest. Would you like to take a look?”

Just as he suspected—treasure!

“Let’s see it!”

Ye Tianhan tapped the chest, and out sprang five treasures:

Space Pouch: Purple attribute;

Function: Stores items and offers a hiding spot in critical moments, allowing observation from within. It's akin to invisibility, but with the added benefit that those outside cannot touch the user.

Block Shield: Black attribute;

Function: Shields against all damage below black attribute level. Currently in its basic form, it can be upgraded later to cover a larger area.

Poison Pouch Dagger: Blue attribute;

Function: Inflicts injury and poison upon enemies, with an 80% fatality rate. Enemies immune to poison only suffer the physical damage.

Dog Beating Staff: Silver attribute;

Function: Mysterious. Its powers adapt and amplify based on the user.

Punishment Immunity Cards x5: Grants immunity from system penalties for game rule violations.

"System, what's the ranking order for these attributes?"

The System replied, "Strength decreases in the following order: Silver, Black, Purple, Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, White. Only the owner can see an item's attributes, while other players can only guess based on the item's aura."

"Seriously impressive!"

Scoring such a treasure right off the bat was unbelievably cool!

Plus, this unassuming stick turned out to have a silver attribute! He had no idea how to wield it, and the silver glow was so close to the white one, it was nearly indistinguishable. Without the system's tip-off, Ye Tianhan might have tossed it aside, mistaking it for something ordinary.

After a lengthy trial, the Dogfighting Rod, despite its modest appearance, proved to be quite handy and unobtrusive. The game was just getting started, and who knew what kind of characters he'd run into ahead? Flying solo as he was, it was best to keep a low profile to avoid unwanted attention.

With his other gear safely stowed in the spatial bag, Ye Tianhan brandished the rod, bounding energetically toward the next map.

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