Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C10 The Feeling of Being Exposed
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C10 The Feeling of Being Exposed
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C10 The Feeling of Being Exposed

As the minutes ticked by, Ye Tianhan's team emerged victorious in the game. The opposing squad was eliminated according to the rules and vanished from Ye Tianhan's sight.

Where that team disappeared to was unknown to Ye Tianhan and his teammates; all they knew was that they wouldn't face them again. Nor could they predict the fate of the eliminated team or whether they would ever encounter them in the future.

After their smooth success at the second checkpoint, Ye Tianhan and his team took a well-deserved break in the lounge.

Unbeknownst to them, Sister Wolf had also joined the game.

She had aligned herself with a different set of weapons, becoming part of a strong team in the hopes of securing a victory to ensure her survival until the end. However, things didn't always go as planned.

Sister Wolf had her own agenda for participating in the game and, to achieve her goal, she didn't hesitate to betray her teammates.

Her team was clearly outmatched by their opponents, prompting her to sabotage her own teammates in hopes of defecting to the stronger side and claiming victory.

But Sister Wolf was acting purely out of self-interest.

Her treachery was quickly discovered by her teammates. Contrary to Lang Jie's expectations, it was their team that clinched a pivotal victory at the end of the second stage.

Back in their room, the victorious teammates confronted Sister Wolf.

"What were you thinking during the competition? Why betray us? Don't you remember we're supposed to be a team, supporting each other? Your actions have deeply disappointed us," they questioned.

"You should have considered the repercussions of your actions," another added.

"We're supposed to be united. If you're judged for your betrayal, do you really think you'll be safe? It's impossible. And if you think the other team will welcome you after your betrayal, think again."

"We thought having you on our team would be beneficial, but the outcome was completely unexpected. Given the circumstances, you no longer belong with us. We can no longer consider you a teammate."

Sister Wolf's face turned sour as she absorbed their words. She had meticulously planned her scheme, never anticipating that the tables would turn, leading to her team's unexpected victory and the other's defeat.

His scheme to betray his teammates was laid bare for all to see.

How could he accept being cast aside by them? Without a team, he had no chance of advancing to the third round, which would mean certain elimination.

He was well aware of the dire consequences of being eliminated and did not want to face them, leading him to plead for mercy from his teammates.

In a twist he never anticipated, his attempt to betray his teammates backfired, and he found himself locked in the Poison Room.

The room was thick with toxic fumes that posed a severe risk to anyone inside for too long, potentially proving fatal.

But the door had been locked from the outside, and there was no other exit.

Trapped inside, Sister Lang was frantic with worry.

She pounded on the doors and windows, hoping to be heard and rescued by someone passing by. Otherwise, she knew her life was at stake.

In this desperate situation, Ye Tianhan learned of her plight. He couldn't bear the thought of Sister Lang perishing in such a way.

Regardless of the circumstances that led to her confinement, he refused to stand by and let this tragedy unfold.

His own strength was insufficient to break the door, so he turned to his weapon for aid.

With a mighty blow, Ye Tianhan shattered the door.

Inside, he found Sister Lang unconscious on the floor.

Without hesitation, Ye Tianhan rushed into the miasma and carried her to safety.

Once outside, he checked her condition, assessing whether she was still in danger or even alive.

Thankfully, his timely intervention meant that she could be saved; any later, and it might have been too late.

After some urgent first aid, Sister Lang regained consciousness.

Upon opening her eyes and seeing Ye Tianhan, she realized he had been her savior.

She immediately expressed her gratitude, saying, "It must have been you who rescued me. I can't thank you enough. If not for you, I might not be here, awake and alive..."

Upon hearing those words, Ye Tianhan quickly responded, "Don't mention it. I couldn't just stand by and see you in harm's way. Luckily, I arrived just in time, and you're safe now."

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