Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C11 God's Gift!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C11 God's Gift!
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C11 God's Gift!

The conversation had barely begun when a system alert interrupted them!

[Beep! Congratulations to the players who are still alive. You are now entering the Primordial World. Please prepare yourselves!]

[Announcement: The items you've just acquired will not be reset to zero. Instead, they will transform into different items.]

[Countdown commencing!]





In the midst of the countdown, Ye Tianhan suddenly lost consciousness and slipped into a dream. Vague figures flickered through his mind, some clear, others hazy.

Upon awakening, he found himself in a legendary place, suffused with immortal Qi.

Before them stood a figure they recognized from television.

The Heaven-Connecting Saint Lord!

The absence of others made Ye Tianhan anxious, but the Saint Lord seemed utterly at ease. He gazed at Ye Tianhan and spoke gently, "You have passed my test. This object is my gift to you!"

As Ye Tianhan looked at the Mixed Energy Hammer floating before him, its details flashed through his mind.

"Thank you, Heaven-Connecting Saint Lord!"

With a wide grin, Ye Tianhan's form flickered, and he effortlessly caught the immensely heavy Mixed Energy Hammer from midair.

Upon Ye Tianhan's return to the ground, the earth trembled beneath him. His stance left footprints inches deep, a testament to the Mixed Energy Hammer's formidable weight.


Suddenly, the ground around Ye Tianhan fractured, splitting into countless vast chasms that shattered and scattered like debris. The earth itself seemed resistant to collapse.

Ye Tianhan smiled as he beheld the attributes of the Mixed Energy Hammer.

The Mixed Energy Hammer, a divine weapon bestowed by the Way of Heaven Hong Jun to the Supreme Saint Lord, possessed boundless power. Its attack power ranged from +300 to +400 (with potential for growth), and it boosted physical attack damage by 50. There was a 20% chance it would unleash a devastating skill capable of bypassing all forms of defense!

Considering the Mixed Energy Hammer's traits, its performance seemed straightforward yet extraordinary.

Above all, its defensive penetration made it the ultimate weapon against formidable bosses—a superweapon for a super adversary!

Ye Tianhan swiftly gathered up Yuan's hammer and bag.

High above, the Saint Lord of the Heavenly Dao watched Ye Tianhan, who appeared unfazed and unharmed by the Mixed Energy Hammer, and couldn't help but smile broadly.

The hammer, weighing a hefty ten thousand jin, was not something one could lift effortlessly. Moreover, it had fallen from the heavens, and without the requisite power, one couldn't wield the Mixed Energy Hammer.

Tian Tongfou, in fact, saw this as a chance to gauge Ye Tianhan's potential.

And he was thoroughly impressed with the outcome.

Consider that in just two days, a Chosen had evolved to such a formidable level—it was nothing short of terrifying.

On the first day, he had glimpsed eyes deeply infused with the essence of the cosmos, eyes that seemed to peer into the very soul of the Catholic Church's humble master.

Ye Tianhan's performance had indeed met with the approval of the Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning.

His own disciples, given the same few days, would struggle to even begin their training, let alone attain such a level of cultivation.

The Quasi-Sage, meanwhile, was visibly sweating, not out of fear for Ye Tianhan's gifts and potential, but because the Vipers Cult had long endured in a desolate land, lacking the favor of Hong Jun and the boon of significant magical treasures.

Should the welcoming gift for Ye Tianhan prove meager, it would surely invite ridicule from nations whose saints were more generously endowed.

"Cough, cough, cough. Who would have thought that my junior brother Tongtian would bestow such a divine weapon as the Mixed Energy Hammer as a gift! It seems I must also make a grand gesture," he declared.

Above the nine heavens, the venerable elder sat in silence. With a swift gesture, a golden radiance streaked towards Ye Tianhan.

It was evident, despite the Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning's divine demeanor, that his eyes betrayed a flicker of distress.

Indeed, it was a pang of loss.

He had initially intended to offer a modest welcome gift, but with Nuwa and Junior Brother Tongtian setting the bar so high, he felt compelled to up the ante to preserve national pride.

After all, he could not afford to let the Expounding Cult be shamed.

Golden light descended, and Ye Tianhan carefully caught it.

Amidst the golden radiance, two items shone with a dazzling glow. One was the disciple token of the Expounding Cult, and the other, equally significant, resembled the protective Golden Bell Cover.

This artifact, akin to the Golden Bell Cover, radiated a soft, brilliant golden light, giving the impression of nine five-clawed golden dragons entwined around it, creating an extraordinary visual impact. The dragons seemed so lifelike, as if they could spring to life at any moment.

"Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier?" Ye Tianhan narrowed his eyes in contemplation.

This magical treasure wasn't an offensive weapon like the Mixed Energy Hammer or the Blood Technique Blade but rather a superior defensive artifact capable of warding off numerous negative conditions as well as physical and spell attacks.

In essence, its defensive prowess was comparable to the Linglong Treasure Pagoda wielded by Lee Jing.

Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield: A magical treasure held by the Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning, this defensive artifact can generate a shield with a specific health capacity, thwarting various attacks from adversaries. Should the shield shatter, it reduces physical and magical damage by 20 points each and enhances resistance to detrimental states by 30 points!

Never underestimate the Nine Dragons Fire Hat. As the late period approaches, the importance of magical weapons like this grows exponentially. Without such a formidable magical weapon, one would be utterly vanquished.

Even the mighty Sun Wukong of later times, with his sparse collection of treasures, was doomed by an obscure demon on his journey westward. This lack of magical support was the reason for his downfall.

To navigate the world during the primordial era, one must possess a balance of martial strength, magical power, spiritual cultivation, and magical treasures.

From afar, the Heaven-connecting Hierarch watched with a subtle smile, surprised that the Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning had employed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier to win over Ye Tianhan.

"Ota Tian, from this moment forth, you shall be a disciple of the Pope. I trust your father, Taiji, will rejoice at this news!"

The Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning felt a surge of pride, yet the loss of a supreme magical treasure like the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier left him with a lingering sense of discomfort.

"Thank you, Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning!" Ye Tianhan said with a smile, his gaze eagerly shifting to the final Taoist priest. Regardless of the circumstances, Ye Tianhan was determined to reap every possible benefit, ready to undermine the worth of anyone who stood in his way—even if it meant challenging an inferior adjudicator, he would not hold back.

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