Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C12 Ye Tianhan Who Had Made a Huge Profit!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C12 Ye Tianhan Who Had Made a Huge Profit!
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C12 Ye Tianhan Who Had Made a Huge Profit!

Subsequently, Lord Tian Tong, Celestial Yuan, Fu Nu, and Yin Peng Shi Yao all turned their attention to the Supreme Emperor, eager to see the gift he would present.


Qu Zhe harbored a sense of bitterness.

Had he known that this battle for allegiance would devolve into a lavish display of wealth, Qu Zhe would have decidedly abstained from participating.

Yet, with the multitude of eyes fixed upon him, it wasn't appropriate to voice his reluctance. He had no choice but to steel himself for the moment.

Considering that the two deities had offered a hammer and a fire shield, surely they hailed from a place where Western culture thrived, albeit modestly. Despite our own scarcity, in light of Fellow Daoist Aotian's remarkable talent and innate gifts...

"Let this magical treasure serve as a meeting gift for Fellow Daoist Aotian and the Vipers Cult!"

With those words, Qu Zhe gestured, and a brilliant golden light materialized in Ye Tianhan's palm—a relic.

"This relic of the Golden Plum Blossom is the cornerstone of our path. Take pride in it, and should you ever feel discontent, remember you are always welcome to join my Vipers Cult. I trust you will bring the Western methods to your own practice."

Qu Zhe's face soured with regret. We may not have offered a superior divine weapon, yet we still bestowed upon him a Golden Lotus relic, a treasure rivaling the Mixed Energy Hammer.

The contest for possession appeared to have drawn to a close!

Ye Tianhan gingerly stowed the Golden Lotus relic in his bag, having anticipated that Si Ta would not be overly generous. Nevertheless, the relic promised to significantly enhance his abilities.

Before long, all the Saints had exchanged their gifts and vanished into their solitary retreats, awaiting the day they would ascend to heaven.

As they departed, Concealed Arrow and Demon Master Yin Peng gave Ye Tianhan a meaningful glance, their eyes conveying a message of admiration: "Child, you have done well."

Watching everyone disperse, Ye Tianhan couldn't contain his joy.

In this endeavor, he had not only succeeded in claiming the merits of Great Yu's water management but had also amassed a fortune in divine weapons and magical treasures from the likes of Nuwa, Carp Roc Demon Master, and Heaven-connecting Hierarch.

Truth be told, his aim was simply to leverage the Water Bureau's advantages to garner the sects' attention and reap some benefits along the way.

In the end, he not only completed the mission but exceeded all expectations.

The Mixed Energy Hammer, Five Spiritual Beads, and Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier had catapulted his combat prowess to a whole new echelon.

Of course, this marked the most crucial step since his rebirth.

While Ye Tianhan pondered this, the world channel was in an uproar.

Announcement to the world: Player Serene Highness has triumphantly joined the Violet Rose Palace as the chief disciple. Let's give him a round of applause!

World News Report: Player Lord Paramount has proudly become a member of the female palace.

World Announcement: Player Lord Paramount has proudly entered the Nuwa Palace.

"Damn, first place! We're nothing but servants, and yet Eastern Emperor Ao Tian becomes the chief disciple!"

"Holy smokes, if he's the chief disciple, doesn't that mean he's Nuwa's direct disciple, learning all sorts of spells under her tutelage?"

"I didn't get a good look at her, but judging by the photocopy, she's the world's most beautiful woman... I'd give up ten years of my life to be with her!"

"Absolutely, I'd trade years of my life in a heartbeat!"

Players were abuzz with national pride, tripping over themselves in the world channel, which was bursting at the seams.

But their chatter was soon quelled by a fresh world announcement.

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has joined the Cutting Cult and is now a direct disciple of the Heaven-connecting Hierarch. Congratulations are in order!

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has joined the Cutting Cult...

World Announcement: Player Donghuang has proudly joined the lecture circuit as the esteemed disciple of the Yuan Family's Celestial.

Congratulations to him!

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has joined the Expounding Cult...

World Announcement: Player Eastern Sky Emperor has proudly become a part of the Vipers Cult, assuming the role of Prospective Saint. Kudos to him!

World Announcement: Player Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning has joined the Vipers Cult.

Subsequent World Announcements set the world channel ablaze. Players who had been vying for attention were stunned to see Ye Tianhan suddenly become the disciple of several sects, especially as a Holy Disciple, causing a wave of shock.

The world channel fell silent for a few seconds, as if time itself had paused.

"What? What is this!? Can someone explain this to me…?"

"Aren't players supposed to join just one sect? What's happening here?"

"This is insane! A player has joined multiple schools at once!?"

"Guys, we're missing the point. It's not about us; it's about the Heaven-connecting Hierarch, the Heavenly Worthy of the Beginning, the Prospective Saint, and the folks from the Violet Rose Palace. These are the Six Saints of Prehistoric, the powerhouses of their own mighty nations! Imagine the future society once you become their direct disciple!"

"I just tried to emulate Serene Highness at the Violet Rose Palace, pleading with Nuwa to take me on as her direct disciple. Next thing I know, I'm being tossed out on my ear by a Taoist boy… Ouch, that hurt!"

"...To the person above, number 666!"

"Upstairs, have you forgotten how many times Serene Highness has been graced with heaven-sent karma?"

Watching the players' banter, a slight smirk played on Ye Tianhan's lips.

Sure, being a disciple in other sects was a bit of a hit to his pride, but if he could acquire formidable skills and get stronger quickly, it was all the same to Ye Tianhan.

In the Prehistoric World, strength is the ultimate currency.

As he pondered this, his system management tab had indeed spontaneously opened up the sect column.

Within this column, the sects that had taken him as a personal disciple were now accessible. Those he couldn't enter directly remained dimmed.

Ye Tianhan clicked on the Violet Rose Palace.

"Congratulations! You are now the chief disciple of the Violet Rose Palace. Having reached level 20, you are eligible to become a Violet Rose Successor. Would you like to proceed with the occupation change?"

Violet Successor: A disciple under the tutelage of Nuwa. She wields formidable five-elemental magic and possesses the power to heal and save lives. An essential force in the wild world.

"Upon changing your occupation, your five-elemental spell power will increase by 50, strength growth by 10, spiritual force growth by 100, agility growth by 10, bone structure growth by 10, and comprehension growth by 10!"

Upon seeing the alert, a subtle smile played at the corners of Ye Tianhan's mouth.

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