Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C15 Suppress!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C15 Suppress!
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C15 Suppress!

Time seemed to blur after the sermon.

When Ye Tianhan next opened his eyes, he realized he had ascended to the thirty-fourth level, and this journey had stretched over seven centuries.

Overwhelmed with joy at his elevated status and path, Ye Tianhan felt he truly deserved to be a great missionary. The magnitude of this effect, this power, was downright frightening.

Consider that Nuwa had preached for merely a few distinct hours, and in that brief span, he had advanced two levels and extended his cultivation by over two hundred years—a level of terror and abnormality beyond comprehension.

There were many nuances Ye Tianhan couldn't grasp, yet the potential was clear.

"If we allow him to regain his strength and heed her teachings, his power will only grow stronger!"

"Yes, your strength is indeed surging at an impressive rate!"

Nuwa's smile was one of profound satisfaction as her eyes gleamed with pride. She was about to pose another question when a Taoist acolyte burst in, exclaiming, "Violet Rose Sovereign, there's trouble! The Zombie Ancestor Jiangchen is stirring up chaos in the mortal realm again with his zombies. This time, it's going to significantly bolster their ranks since many of the Chosen have joined them!"

"Jiangchen!?" Nuwa's brow creased. As a Saint Lord, she was not to meddle in the mortal realm's affairs.

"Chaos in the mortal realm?"

The following day, Ye Tianhan's eyes sparkled with a hint of excitement.

He was eager to test his newfound strength, spurred by the news, and was skeptical that the Corpse Tribe would so readily present him with such an opportunity.

Yet, Ye Tianhan also recalled the recent recruitment frenzy among the various sects and clans. The Zombie Ancestor had been equally active, drawing in numerous players into the Corpse Tribe, which had significantly amplified their influence.

Missing the chance to capitalize on the Corpse Tribe's surge in experience, equipment, and resources was not something he was prepared to regret.

At that very moment, somewhere in the Wilderness, thousands of players followed several elder zombies in a raid, decimating a Human Tribe settlement.

Despite the tribe's many warriors, they stood no chance against the elder zombies. In death, they were transformed into formidable zombies, far stronger than in life.

In a mere moment, the Human Tribe's society was engulfed in the cacophony of battle cries and roars of anger. Following the old zombies' lead, thousands of players swarmed over the battlefield, scavenging equipment, materials, and gold coins like a plague of locusts, all wearing triumphant grins.

Leading the pack was a player named Weifen, backed by over a thousand others, all hailing from Wheora. With an average level now at 14, they each piloted a small zombie in combat, exuding an air of undeniable coolness.

"Hahaha, with the Human Tribe's frontlines in ruins, our levels should easily hit 15. Clinging to the Zombie Ancestor's coattails has paid off handsomely!"

Little did anyone know, these individuals were all ex-military, having stuck together since their arrival in the Beginner Village. Their choice to follow the Corpse Tribe's path of advancement was a strategic one, informed by military scientists and domestic scholars who had determined it to be a rapid leveling route, offering formidable offensive capabilities right from the start.

"Absolutely. After aligning with the Zombie Ancestor, we've mastered the Corpse Controlling Technique and even learned to spread corpse poison, detonate bodies, and more. Talk about handy!" chimed in another player, nodding with enthusiasm.

As they contemplated their swift rise to the top echelon, they didn't possess the arrogance of the Lord Paramount, but they felt a solid sense of belonging here, fists clenched with resolve.

However, their momentum came to an abrupt halt when the lead old zombie, stricken with fear, froze, his expression morphing with terror.

"Trouble's brewing, a master approaches!"

His words were punctuated by a menacing gnash of his zombie teeth, a sight that sent shivers down the spine.

At this warning, the once jubilant Corpse Tribe players' faces fell, their eyes instinctively scanning the heavens, wondering what force from the Chaos could descend upon them.

These players had put their faith in the old zombies, whose ancestors bore the influence of the fourth generation, each lineage marked by an exceptionally pure strain of zombie blood, endowing them with formidable power.

The older the generation, the richer the zombie bloodline, the greater their strength. Yet, even these purebred zombies were not immune to the sensations of "fear" and "dread."

As the players pondered, a dazzling golden light burst forth in the sky, revealing a massive golden bird that unfurled its expansive wings. Astride the bird, a figure crowned with a halo of virtue approached with blinding speed, leaving onlookers in awe.

"A Golden Roc?"

"Who could be its rider?"

The first Zombie Ancestor recoiled in fear, his voice quivering.

The players trailing behind him wore expressions of uncertainty, wondering which deity from the primordial Chaos could wield such power as to command a mount like the Golden Roc.

Many players from our nation thought of a name, but they instinctively doubted that the Serene Highness had the might to make their revered Zombie Ancestors quake.

Amidst the players' skepticism, a voice as cold as ice declared, "I am the Son of God, the Monster, basking in the pride of the Eastern Emperor. Do not dare to surrender!"

With those words, Fang Luo leapt from the Garuda, clutching an enormous hammer in his palm.

A potent demonic aura erupted from him, engulfing the surroundings with its oppressive force.

The old zombies attempted to speak, but the oncoming demonic pressure stifled them, leaving them gasping for air as their strength waned significantly.

Ye Tianhan, having achieved the Nine Heavens Chaos Saint Body and being of the Demon Clan, exerted a nearly insurmountable pressure with his demonic aura.

Despite the old zombies' superior rank and their Christ-like bodies, he was still able to dominate them.

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