Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C16 Super Boss Legion!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C16 Super Boss Legion!
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C16 Super Boss Legion!

Before Ye Tianhan's eyes, the social attributes of the ancient zombies quickly became clear.

Fourth Generation Zombie Chieftain: A descendant of the Zombie Ancestor, Level 40 Yellow-Gold Boss, Skills: Bite, Poison Blast, Plague, Infection!

Fourth Generation Zombie A: Level 35 Gold Boss, Skills: Bite, Poison Blast, Plague, Infection!

Fourth Generation Zombie B: Level 35 Gold Boss, Skills: Bite, Poison Blast, Plague, Infection!

Fourth Generation Zombie C: Level 35 Yellow-Gold Boss, Skills: Bite, Poison Blast, Plague, Infection!

Any players witnessing this moment would be astounded to discover a super boss legion led by the fourth generation of zombies!

Ye Tianhan's vision blurred slightly as he took in the zombies' traits.

In his past life, this zombie legion had reached its zenith. Players had waged countless group wars against them, yet never succeeded in their destruction.

Of course, as the Late Period progressed, the players within the zombie army grew significantly stronger, making the legion increasingly formidable and its domain ever more fearsome. Players found it increasingly difficult to defeat them, and ultimately, we became one of the prime agents of chaos.

Despite this, the players of the Corpse Tribe boasted that among all the races, they were the strongest! All other races combined were no match for them!

Lost in thought, Ye Tianhan closed in on one of the fourth-generation zombies. He swung his Chaos Great Hammer mercilessly, delivering a staggering blow that sent the zombie flying!

The damage exceeded 2000 points, erupting in an instant!

The players trailing behind witnessed the destruction with disbelief. How foolish they had been!

Damn, I've only got 200 pieces at most! And here's a whopping 2000!

"He's incredibly fearsome! Such staggering damage..."

"Look at the weapon in the hands of Serene Highness. Isn't that the hammer used by Emperor Tang Tian?"

"Fantastic, we're saved!"

The human warriors erupted into excited cheers, their gazes upon Serene Highness filled with both awe and elation.

Before us, the Son of Demon Race, Serene Highness, had already bestowed upon them the knowledge of kindling fire from wood and the use of medicinal herbs, significantly improving the daily lives within their tribes. Not to mention, they had previously assisted the Great Yu Tribe in managing the floods, indirectly benefiting them as well.

Now, witnessing the Son of Demon Race among them, the people were ecstatic.

At that moment, numerous human soldiers exchanged glances and converged from all directions, eager to lend their strength to Ye Tianhan.

Then, a series of sweet, crisp voices rang out, momentarily startling Ye Tianhan, before he was filled with elation.

Indeed, having acquired the Human Emperor’s Fate, he was able to aid the Human Race and, in turn, gain societal merit, enhancing the aura of the Human Emperor.

It's no surprise that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of future generations could cultivate such formidable economic prowess without causing a stir. Even during the apotheosis tribulation, they could ascend to sainthood within the Fire Cloud Cave. The sheer merit of this feat was astounding.

Of course, Ye Tianhan's mission was to rescue humanity, to accumulate merit in his righteous indignation, and to elevate the Emperor's aura.

With the support of the human warriors, Ye Tianhan's intention sparked into action. The Chaos Genuine Qi swirling around him immediately latched onto the Mixed Energy Hammer, propelling it forward with the power to control objects through the air.

The Mixed Energy Hammer was a force that even the fourth generation zombies dared not reckon with. One after another, they were pulverized, their blood scattering wildly.

Simultaneously wielding the Chaos Genuine Qi, Ye Tianhan also clutched another artifact—the Five Spiritual Pearl!

Beneath the influence of the Five Spiritual Pearl, the five elements within him surged with newfound strength, granting Ye Tianhan an exceptional level of mastery over them.

"Wind Blade, arise!"

Abruptly, Ye Tianhan gestured into the void. In the blink of an eye, as countless fourth-generation zombies lunged toward him, a wind blade of unparalleled terror sliced through the air, shredding the oncoming horde as effortlessly as a razor-sharp sword.

What's more, these were not mere leaves caught in a breeze. This time, the leaves carried by the wind spanned several meters in radius, dwarfing their predecessors tenfold.

One could only imagine the sheer magnitude of that wind.

Yet Ye Tianhan didn't pause; he swiftly cast another Five Elements Spell: Boundless Sea! This formidable spell, among the world's elite water spirit techniques, materialized as Ye Tianhan gestured. Terrifying waves, conjured in the blink of an eye, engulfed the previously dry ground, cascading down with the force of a celestial deluge.

Unsuspecting, countless fourth-generation zombies were swept up into the heavens by the relentless surge.

In mere moments, the battlefield transformed into a vast, tumultuous river, echoing the ferocity of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers.

The players, poised to strike, were instead carried off by the torrent, drowned before they could even engage. The zombies fared no better, meeting their demise or suffering grievous injuries.

With the Boundless Sea's task complete, Ye Tianhan soared upward, the Mixed Energy Hammer landing in his grasp with a resonant clang. He brought it down with brutal force upon the fourth-generation Zombie Chieftain's skull.

The level 40 gold-tier boss, realizing the imminent threat of Ye Tianhan and his hammer, attempted to evade the physical onslaught.

In the heat of battle, the Zombie Chieftain came to a stark realization: Ye Tianhan, the Son of the Demon Race, though a recent arrival, wielded a power that was formidable indeed.

The potency of his spells had even the Zombie Chieftain recoiling in fear. What puzzled the chieftain was Ye Tianhan's mastery of witchcraft and his chilling efficiency in combat.

Alas, the Zombie Chieftain was afforded no time for contemplation. As he dodged, Ye Tianhan anticipated his move, unleashing two colossal hammers, brimming with explosive, aberrant strength, that thundered down upon him!

Striking the chieftain's head, a vulnerable spot, the blow was lethal.

Moreover, it activated the Mixed Energy Hammer's passive ability to ignore defenses, dealing a staggering 8,000 points of damage in a single strike, depleting the Zombie Chieftain's health completely!

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