Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C17 Third Generation!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C17 Third Generation!
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C17 Third Generation!

With unwavering resolve, he swung a mighty hammer at the Zombie Chieftain's head, pulverizing it into a pulp!

Upon the demise of the fourth-generation Zombie Chieftain, a burst of golden light erupted, showering the land with a wealth of gold coins, materials, and equipment in the blink of an eye.

The spectacle unfolding before him was visually staggering from a distance.

Ye Tianhan's eyes swept over the loot, his face breaking into a grin at the sight of the vibrant array of gear.

The bounty from the Zombie Chieftain far surpassed that of the White-scaled Demon Dragon in quality.

Without a moment's delay, Ye Tianhan eagerly scooped up the treasures with his key.

"Congratulations! You've earned 25,151 Prehistoric Coins!"

A flood of notifications chimed in, prompting a broad, satisfied smile to spread across Ye Tianhan's face as his inventory swiftly bulged to the brim, packed to capacity.

In that instant, Ye Tianhan opened his real estate bar. He wasn't there to check on the bar, but to his surprise, the mere act of opening the door took his breath away.

Name: Ye Tianhan

Nickname: Serene Highness

Identity: Son of the Supreme, Elf Saint, Female Heir, Amputee, Enlightened, Western Devotee

Level: 35

Strength: 1,456

Agility: 1,456

Spiritual Force: 1,456

Root Bone: 1,456

Comprehension: 879

Fortune: 1,557

Unused Attribute Points: 140

Merits: 12,391

Cultivation Age: 868 years, 15 days

Bloodline: Nine Transformations Primordial Sacred Body

Cultivation Techniques: Ultimate Secret Method, Five Spirits Technique, True Qi Reversal

Magical Artifacts: Fan Tianyin, Divine Snow Blade, Nine Dragons Divine Fire Hood, Mixed Hammer...

His level 35 status alone boasted such extraordinary attributes that it could send shockwaves across the globe, let alone the fact that he had traversed this path for 800 years, now just a step away from the millennium milestone.

Ye Tianhan took a deep breath, allowing himself a moment of composure.

As someone reborn, the Ye Tianhan of his past life could never have imagined achieving such a level and attributes. But now, with relentless effort and continuous growth, he had laid a rock-solid foundation for himself.

The thrill of it all was simply exhilarating.

As Ye Tianhan pondered, the World Channel was abuzz with news of his latest exploits. Players around the globe were in an uproar at this very moment. Yet, Ye Tianhan remained oblivious to the World Announcement, his gaze sweeping the surroundings instead.

There, he noticed the absence of human warriors; they were all watching him with a mix of caution and reverence, as if he were a deity among them.

"Son of God, Son of God, without you today, I would be at a loss!" exclaimed a tribal leader, his voice laden with gratitude.

"There's no need for such thanks," Ye Tianhan replied, eager to move on. The Violet Rose Sovereign awaited him, ready to impart the potent Five Spirits Technique—a critical step in his strategic plans post-rebirth.

"Son of God, before you go, please accept this token of our appreciation," the tribal leader insisted, fearing Ye Tianhan's departure. He hurriedly presented a bow-like object. "This is the Xuanyuan Bow, a weapon of immense power capable of striking down foes from thousands of miles away. I trust you will find it worthy, Son of God."

"The Xuanyuan Bow!?" Ye Tianhan was taken aback.

A memory flashed through his mind: the legendary bow was once sought by the descendants of the Li Family, who believed that the one who could wield it was destined to overthrow the Shang Dynasty.

What Ye Tianhan hadn't anticipated was that the Xuanyuan Bow would originate from this very tribe before him. Fortuitously, he had acted swiftly, preventing the patriarch from falling victim to the zombies, or else this remarkable artifact would have been lost forever.

With a smile, Ye Tianhan stowed the Xuanyuan Bow into his pack. As he turned to leave, the corpses of the human warriors, which should have been lifeless on the ground, suddenly stirred back to life.

"How dare you slay the fourth-generation Zombie. Today, I shall exact revenge for the fourth-generation Zombie!" boomed a commanding voice, echoing throughout the space and sending tremors through the air. A thick miasma of death swiftly shrouded the entire Human Tribe, and even the tribal leader's complexion paled at the sudden onslaught. "This is bad—it's the third-generation Zombie!"

"Third-generation Zombie?"

Ye Tianhan's brow furrowed. He hadn't anticipated that after wiping out the Zombie Robot legion, he would trigger a boss encounter.

Yes, boss against boss.

Players who defeated certain bosses sometimes had a chance to trigger a boss encounter, bringing forth an even mightier boss.

As Ye Tianhan pondered, the ghastly stench of decay intensified, engulfing the entire Human Tribe with the howling wind. Then, a blood-red figure emerged slowly.

This blood-red figure was another corporate zombie, but they radiated an intense blood and corpse aura. Their blood-red eyes exuded an intangible, oppressive force.

"Th-the third-generation Zombie Chieftain!? Could it be..."

The Human Tribe's chieftain was astounded.

Before Ye Tianhan, a figure with attributes beyond his own would soon materialize.

Third-generation Zombie Leader: A descendant of the original Zombie ancestors, this third-generation minister wields formidable Zombie Power and once ruled vast territories. Not even the mightiest of demons would dare to cross him. Level 40, Diamond-level Boss, Skills: Summon Zombie, Bite, Lightning Strike, Spirit Spell!

"A Diamond-level Boss!"

Ye Tianhan's heart raced at the mention of Diamond level.

A level 40 Diamond-level Boss was on par with a level 80 standard control monster—its power was unimaginable!

As the third-generation Zombie Chieftain made its entrance, a flurry of World Announcements followed.

World Announcement: A level 40 Diamond-level Boss, the Zombie Chieftain, has appeared at the Human Tribe (112,441). All players are called to defeat it! Slaying a Diamond-level Boss will yield top-tier equipment, materials, and more!

World News: Level 40 Diamond Boss.

World News: Level 40 Diamond Boss.

Suddenly, the world was abuzz, and players erupted in excitement.

"Holy smokes, a Diamond-level Boss!"

"To take down this Boss, we'll need at least a million players in the fray!"

"I'm already on my way. Let's see who will be the one to take down this Diamond-level Boss!"

Players chattered and jostled, each eager to join the fray.

Meanwhile, countless players opted to teleport to the Human Tribe, all eager to witness the grandeur of this Diamond-class adversary!

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