Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C18 Equipment Dropping!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C18 Equipment Dropping!
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C18 Equipment Dropping!

Ye Tianhan was unfazed by the earth-shattering announcements that rocked the world; he didn't even spare them a glance.

At this moment, Ye Tianhan was fully focused on battling the diamond-level boss, the third-generation Zombie Chieftain. To him, this sudden emergence of the Zombie Chieftain was nothing more than a social experience pack, merely a matter of management.

"The Son of God will soon see what the third-generation Zombie Chieftain thinks of this!"

With a shrug of his shoulders and a deep, insightful gleam in his eyes, Ye Tianhan dismissed the thought.

No sooner had he spoken than he made his move, not waiting for the Zombie Chieftain to act first. With a casual flick of his hand, a beam of golden light brutally slammed into the third-generation Zombie Chieftain.

Ye Tianhan's actions were swift. The Zombie Chieftain had hoped for a few courteous words, a greeting before the fight, but unexpectedly, the boy struck first.

Yet, this was the third-generation Zombie Chieftain. As Ye Tianhan launched his attack, its limbs trembled, preparing to summon the Zombie underlings.

But the Chieftain's expression soon shifted subtly, aware of the magic at Ye Tianhan's disposal, the formidable Fan Tianyin!

Although Ye Tianhan's cultivation was not profound, preventing him from unleashing the full terror of the Heaven Flipping Seal, the Seal's strike was still a thunderous wake-up call for the Chieftain.

The third-generation Zombie Chieftain had no time to defend itself.


A crisp sound echoed as the Chieftain's face was utterly shattered. Beneath its feet, the ground cracked open with countless fissures, and a vast pit collapsed into the dust. The greater the impact of this strike, the more visually staggering it became.

It was evident that the Heaven Flipping Seal's single blow had inflicted over 4000 points of damage.

Before the third-generation Zombie Chieftain could recover, the Heaven Flipping Seal glowed golden as it returned. By then, Ye Tianhan had already closed in on the Chieftain. With the Mixed Energy Hammer in hand and Chaos Genuine Qi at his command, he relentlessly bombarded the third-generation Zombie Chieftain.

Meanwhile, Ye Tianhan made a swift gesture, and a vast expanse of ocean surged forth, sweeping away the third-generation Zombie Chieftain with incredible speed. It was, after all, a diamond-level Water Fairy Spell, unleashed to its full extent on the open sea. The sky mirrored the sea's ferocity as the waters raged violently, propelling the Zombie Chieftain and his brother headlong into the fray.

The boundless ocean inflicted over 2,000 points of damage in a flash, slashing the third-generation Zombie Chieftain's health by an eighth. Ye Tianhan didn't pause there. As the sea's influence waned, a sharp crack resounded. The tumultuous waves, which had been battering the Zombie Chieftain, were suddenly frozen solid by an icy chill.

Encased in the ice was the third-generation Zombie Chieftain's corpse, frozen stiff as if in suspended animation. This was the mastery of a top-tier water magic technique: Frozen Ten Thousand Miles! This ability, once used to showcase its formidable power in any watery domain, now merged seamlessly with the ocean in near perfection.

Crack! Crack! The ice thickened, and the third-generation Zombie Chieftain struggled in vain against the biting cold that rendered his limbs virtually immobile, turning every attempt to move into a herculean task.

"Mixed Energy Hammer!" At that moment, Ye Tian reached out, his palm enveloping the Chaos Genuine Qi, and the Mixed Energy Hammer materialized in his grasp. Seizing the opportunity while the third-generation Zombie Chieftain was still immobilized, Ye Tianhan delivered a double hammer blow to the massive forehead of his foe, dealing a staggering 8,000 points of damage. The impact caused the Zombie Chieftain's brain to burst, blood gushing forth.

The third-generation Zombie Chieftain was torn asunder in midair, dying instantly with no hope of resurrection. With his demise, the zombies he had summoned disintegrated into a cloud of ash that scattered on the wind.

The battle, swift from onset to conclusion, spanned only a few breaths' time. Ye Tianhan had decisively ended the fight with the third-generation Zombie Chieftain, bringing all conflict to a close.

Immediately, the third-generation Zombie Chieftain was pulverized into a shower of gold coins, with equipment and supplies scattering in every direction. The explosion of loot created a striking visual spectacle from a distance.

"Heh," Ye Tianhan smirked, a slight curl at the corner of his mouth.

Right now, all he needed was the mentorship of an elite player to unlock even more formidable skills. Yet, even with his current arsenal of spells, the Zombie Chieftain was no match for him.

With a mere glance, the items on the ground detonated. Ye Tianhan was about to gather the loot to sell in the online marketplace, thinking nothing of value had surfaced, when a piece of equipment gleaming with golden light caught his eye amidst the chaos.

Typically, gear that radiated golden brilliance was considered premium, and items like the Mixed Energy Hammer and the Faithkeeper were in a league of their own, shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

The rarer and more ancient the equipment, the more profound its impact.

Ye Tianhan scooped up the piece of gear.

Yellow Emperor Battle Armor: This was a legendary suit of armor, crafted exclusively for the Yellow Emperor during the era of the Human Tribe. Its power was boundless. Required Level: 30. Defense: +1030, Attack Speed: +1020, Movement Speed: +1020, Physical Attack: +1020, Magic Attack: +1020.

Being metallic, the armor's combined attributes were extraordinary.

Coincidentally, Ye Tianhan was due for an upgrade on his level 30 armor set, and this was the perfect replacement.

He donned the Yellow Emperor armor without a second thought.

The rare level 30 armor bestowed upon Ye Tianhan an aura of valor and distinction, its golden light pulsing with each movement, enhancing his heroic presence.

Regrettably, he only possessed the Yellow Emperor armor. Had he also acquired the Yellow Emperor boots, belt, and the Faithkeeper, he could have activated the full Human Emperor set's attributes, assuming command over the Human Race as effortlessly as one drinks water with a meal.

Having dealt with the third-generation Zombie Chieftain, Ye Tian gathered the materials, gold coins, and other items, stowing them away. As they prepared to depart, a multitude of white lights flickered, drawing players from all around who were eager to catch a glimpse of the diamond-level boss.

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