Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C19 He Directly Knelt Down!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C19 He Directly Knelt Down!
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C19 He Directly Knelt Down!

"Ah?! Where's the Diamond Boss?!"

"I spent a fortune to get here. Where's the Diamond Boss?!"

"Seriously, the travel costs were astronomical. How come there's no sign of a diamond-level boss? And still no update!?"

Countless players stared at the deserted Human Tribe, utterly baffled and clueless about what had transpired.

The players huddled together, reminiscent of a swarm of ants.

Amidst their heated discussions about the state of affairs, none were aware of the diamond-level boss's whereabouts...

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has triumphantly slain the level 40 diamond-level boss, the third-generation Zombie Chieftain, achieving the first kill for a diamond-level boss and securing the first-kill gift pack. Let's all congratulate him!

Player Lord Paramount Aota has successfully defeated the Level 40 Diamond Boss, the third-generation Zombie Leader, completing the quest.

Player Lord Paramount Aota has successfully defeated the Level 40 Diamond Boss, the third-generation Zombie Leader, completing the quest.

The trio of announcements left the waiting players dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, the diamond-level boss has finally spawned... Wait, what the heck!? When did Serene Highness take down a diamond-level boss!?"

"This can't be right. A level 40 diamond-level BOSS, and we didn't even catch a glimpse before it was wiped out? We didn't get a drop of the action!"

"I should've known, wherever there's glory, the emperor is always one step ahead. No good loot for us!"

"Exactly. It's infuriating."

The players were rooted to the spot in shock, venting their frustrations in the World Channel, their spirits deflated.

With a casual glance at the World Economic Channel, Ye Tianhan hadn't anticipated that defeating the third-generation Zombie Chieftain would be such a breeze, taking only a brief amount of time.

If any players overheard Ye Tianhan's comment at that moment, they'd be seething with rage.

Disregarding the other players, Ye Tianhan proceeded to open the newly-acquired diamond-level BOSS first-kill gift bag. Instantly, beams of golden light shone, and the sound of gratifying notifications filled the air.

"Congratulations! You've earned 20,000 experience points!"

"Congratulations! You've gained 23 days in 20 years!"

"Congratulations! You've acquired the Yellow Emperor's Bracelet!"

"Congratulations! You've been promoted! You've ascended to level 36!"

Ye Tianhan's inventory was bombarded with system notifications, each new item sparking with a brilliant glow.

The Yellow Emperor's Belt and Boots were particularly striking, igniting a gleam in his eyes. He was confident that the full set of Yellow Emperor's attire would soon be his, knowing that only the eleven mighty Faithkeeper swords could unlock the full potential of these garments.

Without hesitation, Ye Tianhan began to analyze and utilize the two pieces of equipment.

As he donned the Yellow Emperor's Boots and fastened the Belt, his presence became more formidable, resembling a mighty general from the future, albeit an imagined one.

With the new gear equipped, the half-set of the Yellow Emperor's ensemble was instantly activated, the golden aura surrounding Ye Tianhan growing more intense and piercing.

Armed with his weapon, he transcended the image of a mere player to that of a supreme boss.

"Not bad at all!" Ye Tianhan murmured, nodding in approval of his new attire.

Indeed, his recent campaign against the hordes of zombies had been profoundly enlightening, yielding a treasure trove of fine equipment and valuable items.

Having just vanquished the third-generation Zombie Chieftain, Ye Tianhan was soon joined by a female Taoist who had teleported over. She approached him with due reverence, her hands clutching divine weapons designed to subdue zombies. She cast a surprised glance at Ye Tianhan.

"Big brother, the Great Master has sent me to aid you in the battle against the zombies," she said, her face reflecting her astonishment.

The disciples from the Female Temple had long been in the woman's service, and although their strength paled in comparison to Donghuang Toao, the Divine Chosen, they wondered how many days had passed since his talent had graced this world.

Initially, the Violet Rose Sovereign had chosen Serene Highness as her prime disciple, presumably out of respect for Donghuang Taiyi, providing the Chosen with a formidable ally. This connection allowed the Violet Rose Palace to forge a tighter bond with Donghuang Taiyi.

In hindsight, the choice seemed politically motivated. But now, witnessing the unfolding events, they couldn't help but feel that the Saintess had foreseen the days of the hidden Lord Paramount. To them, he was more than just a disciple.

In light of this revelation, the two Taoists grew even more deferential. Their looks toward Ye Tianhan brimmed with veneration and a touch of eager anticipation.

In this realm, snails may revere women as saints, yet they wield the least power. Despite nurturing a human tribe, the strength humans can muster is finite.

This very fact has led many beings of ancient nations to scorn the Violet Rose Palace, reasoning that saints and near-saints are commonplace.

But with the Violet Rose Palace now linked to the Lord Paramount, the tide is set to turn.

At the very least, the prestige of the Violet Rose Palace is poised for a significant surge.

"No worries," Ye Tianhan said with a smile, genuinely surprised that the woman had sent a Dao Tong to assist.

The children's gazes, along with those of the players, eventually settled on the gamers who had gathered for the excitement. Their voices grew louder, "You have issues in your enterprises that necessitate players from the Violet Rose Palace and the Temple of Unity to kneel before our eldest senior brother, Serene Highness, don't you?"

"Furthermore, by the court's statutes, if a disciple fails to kneel before their elders, they face expulsion."

Amidst the ongoing chatter, players affiliated with the Violet Rose Palace and the Temple of Unity displayed grimaces of resignation and knelt down without choice.

Among them, numerous players were inwardly frustrated, questioning why they, as fellow gamers, should kneel to other players.

"Moreover, whether they are novices in the Snail Temple or disciples of the outer or inner sects, they ought to extend courteous treatment to the children when they encounter the elders!" The Taoist children of the Violet Rose Palace spoke up once more.

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