Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C20 Upgrading! Sovereign Level
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C20 Upgrading! Sovereign Level
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C20 Upgrading! Sovereign Level


The words had barely left his mouth when the players who had joined the Violet Rose Palace and the Temple of Unity were completely taken aback.

'So, joining the Violet Rose Palace means we have to present our eldest senior brother with gifts to get the good stuff?'

A nearby leaf flashed a toothy grin.

In his past life, his big brother was often a revered NPC, and players would offer up their most valuable items to curry favor.

But who could have imagined that in this life, his eldest senior brother would switch roles and become him!

Despite their meager means, these players managed to scrape together some worthy offerings. Ye Tian couldn't hide his delight.

Ye Tianhan, having endured twenty years of darkness, understood all too well that in this day and age, nothing solved problems like economic strength. It was the true measure of usefulness, and if it could boost his company's power, he would certainly not be lax about it.

Before long, under the stern gaze of the female Taoist priest, players from the Taiyi Temple presented Ye Tian with their gifts.

While most of the offerings were modest, some players gifted Ye Tian with fine equipment and materials, all of which he gladly stowed away in his bag.

If anyone could peek into Ye Tianhan's inventory at that moment, they would be astounded to find it brimming with rare resources and equipment—a veritable arsenal of top-tier weaponry.

The Taoist priest, observing that most players had brought gifts, finally allowed a truly contented smile to cross his face.

Their generosity wasn't just for show; they saw it as an opportunity to secure Ye Tian's favor.

Looking ahead, as long as Ye Tianhan remained unslain and unoppressed, his growth trajectory was set to be extraordinarily formidable. For that reason alone, they were eager to foster a strong rapport with him.

Shortly thereafter, led by the female Tao Tong, Ye Tian rode back to the Violet Rose Palace.

Upon arrival, he was immediately enveloped by the dense aura of the Five Elements within the palace, its mystical nature particularly striking.

At that moment, the Violet Rose Palace was abuzz with activity. A multitude of players stood in a lengthy queue, patiently awaiting their turn as the Taoist priest meticulously recorded their names, inducting them as servants and disciples of the palace.

As Ye Tianhan made his way through, the queued players wisely knelt, their faces alight with respect.

It was clear that beneath their respectful demeanor, there was a subtle undercurrent of jealousy and envy.

Yet Ye Tianhan paid them no mind, following the Taoist priest into the grandeur of the Violet Rose Palace.

There, the female snail, Nuwa, sat regally, her gaze settling on Ye Tian.

With each step Ye Tianhan took, a flicker of astonishment crossed her eyes.

Her surprise was straightforward: in mere moments, Ye Tianhan's strength had surged, significantly advancing within our nation.

The evil spirit within him exuded a Yezi Day energy so potent, its extent was beyond my knowing.

"My son, without your aid, these zombies may face peril once more, at an unpredictable time," Nuwa began, cutting straight to the chase after her brief introduction. "Time is of the essence. I, the Saint Lord, will now bestow upon you the Five Spirits Technique. Use it well in your life and cultivation."

With that, Nuwa closed her eyes, and a fierce flame began to swirl, settling into her palm.

"This is the Wakan Spell, the deadliest of the five," she murmured.

Ye Tianhan sat before her, absorbing her words in silence.

Eventually, the teachings translated into hundreds of points of understanding for him. He could nearly grasp every word spoken by Nuwa.

Then, melodious tones rang out:

"Congratulations! You have mastered the Fire Curse Spell!"

"Congratulations! You have learned Fire!"

"Congratulations! Your mastery of the Fire Spirit Technique has grown!"

"Congratulations! You have acquired the knowledge!"

"Congratulations! You’ve learned the Ghost!"

"Congratulations! Your insight into Fire God Magic has deepened!"

"Congratulations! You have learned the True Samadhi Fire!"

"Congratulations! You have learned to wield fire as a weapon!"

"Congratulations! You’ve learned to summon the Fire God!"

"Congratulations! Your grasp of Fire Fairy magic has strengthened! You have ascended to Monarch level!"

In the instant the pleasing alerts sounded, Ye Tianhan felt a unique fire element envelop him and his surroundings.

This fire element, as if paying homage to the Flame King, would coalesce instantly at the mere direction of his thoughts.

The sensation was incredibly delightful.

Particularly when he was reminded that his Fire Fairy Spell had ascended to the pinnacle of mastery, Ye Tianhan's excitement soared. He mused that with a female snail saint to instruct him in the five Fairy Spells, her formidable power would be undeniable.

In just a brief span, he astonishingly achieved Monarch status.

It's well understood that the greater the mastery over the Five Spiritual Spells, the more skills one can craft with them, and the stronger the grasp on the related cultural elements becomes.

Once the Five Spiritual Spells are controlled to a certain degree, one can ascend to Monarch status.

At the Monarch level of control, any flame that encounters Ye Tianhan must address him as 'Monarch,' either avoiding him out of respect or willingly submitting.

Imagine, if a BOSS unleashed the True Samadhi Fire only to submit entirely to Ye Tianhan, wouldn't that be a display of immense power?

Yet, Ye Tianhan hadn't anticipated that the Fire Fairy Spell would reach such a supreme tier so swiftly.

He then realized that enhancing the power of the Five Spirits Spell and mastering the practice of the Five Spirits Spell Pearl wasn't as straightforward as it seemed. His rapid progress, therefore, made perfect sense.


In that moment, Nuwa, who had been diligently teaching Ye Tianhan the Fire Spirit Spell, sensed an unusual cultural aura emanating from him. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she exclaimed, "Son of God, has your Fire Spirit Spell truly attained Monarch level?"

Nuwa could distinctly sense an air of submission from the flames that danced around her, as if they were acknowledging Ye Tianhan's newfound status.

"Yes, Violet Rose Sovereign!"

Ye Tianhan confirmed with a firm nod, surprised himself at the rapidity of his advancement.

Without further ado, Ye Tianhan produced a flashlight, aiming to beckon the distant wildfire.

As he gestured, the wildfire responded with an almost sentient agility, bounding towards him. It settled quietly, undulating gently, then bowed before Ye Tianhan in a silent gesture of fealty.

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