Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C30 Playing Tricks
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C30 Playing Tricks
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C30 Playing Tricks

The moment the Primordial Chaos Giant Hammer settled in his grasp, Ye Tianhan swung the divine weapon with such force that the leading Mountain Guardian was obliterated into a cloud of blood mist, utterly beyond the realm of the living.

The other Mountain Guardian Divine Generals exchanged astonished glances, unable to fathom how a mere player could wield such devastating power.

Amidst their hesitation, a radiant golden aura burst forth from Ye Tianhan, enveloping him like a protective shield. This was the Chaos Genuine Qi, now denser and more potent than ever due to his diligent cultivation.

The Qi surged with a life of its own, as if endowed with intelligence and spiritual wisdom, and hurtled toward the remaining Divine Generals with astonishing speed.

"Hmm?" The Divine General tasked with defending Gourd Mountain recoiled in shock at the sight of Qi manifesting such sentience, retreating in fear.

Seizing the moment, Ye Tianhan gestured, and a colossal mountain, as if ripped from the very earth, bore down upon the Mountain Guardians with crushing force, pinning them beneath its immense weight.

In an instant, they were reduced to a drifting blood mist, as definitively deceased as their leader.

With the Mountain Guardians dispatched, Ye Tianhan turned his attention to the gourd vine's location and made a beeline for the summit of Gourd Mountain.

It's noteworthy that Ye Tianhan had employed a sophisticated Earth Spiritual Technique known as Mount Tai. This formidable spell could conjure a scaled-down mountain to overwhelm adversaries with its crushing might.

As Ye Tianhan's power grew, he could effortlessly summon an entire Mount Tai with a mere flick of his finger, a testament to his formidable abilities.

Gourd Mountain was not particularly tall, and with Ye Tianhan's Saint Physique, his ascent was swift. In no time, he reached the peak.

There, the chief Mountain Guardian stood in silent vigil, flanked by his fellow Guardians, their eyes shimmering with an intense chill. They were well aware of Ye Tianhan's earlier conquest and were ready to confront him, seeking vengeance for their fallen brethren.

"I stand as the Mountain Guardian of Gourd Mountain, charged with the protection of one of the ten great Spiritual Roots—the gourd vine. Should you choose to withdraw now, I will overlook your previous actions."

The Mountain Guardian's voice tapered off, the reverberating sound waves subtly shaking the entirety of Gourd Mountain.

It was evident that following the defeat of the Mountain Guardian, the seven gourds on the vine had grown remarkably, each exuding a potent aura of Spiritual Treasure.

It's important to realize that not every magic treasure can radiate such an aura—only those with boundless power and formidable capabilities possess this trait.

And only at the pinnacle of Primal Chaos can a magic treasure emit the Qi of Primal Chaos.

Ye Tianhan's gaze lingered on the distant gourd vine, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. Not waiting for the lead Mountain Guardian to make a move, he transformed into a streak of lightning, bolting forward with the Mixed Energy Hammer hoisted high.

The ground bore the evidence of his passage—massive footprints that testified to the Mixed Energy Hammer's fearsome strength.

The attributes of the Mountain Guardian leader were swiftly revealed before Ye Tianhan.

Mountain Guardian leader: Level 45 diamond-level BOSS. Skills: Five Spiritual Techniques, Yin Yang Divine Thunder.

At the sight of the diamond level, a spark of recognition flashed in Ye Tianhan's eyes.

This Mountain Guardian leader was not to be underestimated. A Level 45 diamond-level BOSS was tantamount to a level 90 creature from ancient times.

Yet, this did not deter Ye Tianhan from his charge towards the Mountain Guardian leader.


Even from afar, the Divine General felt the onslaught of a formidable presence, as if the weight of Mount Tai bore down upon him with relentless force, yet he was the Divine General sworn to defend Gourd Mountain.

His snake spear clanged, emitting a sound akin to a dragon's cry, shrouded in the subtle crackle of Yin lightning and thunder, as it surged towards the Mixed Energy Hammer.

The collision of spear and hammer rang out, and as the Mountain Guardian leader prepared to withdraw, a thunderous explosion erupted. A fearsome aura unfurled in an instant, blasting through the vicinity with such force that it sent the surrounding rocks trembling.

"What incredible power!"

The head of the Mountain Guardians surmised in astonishment that a player could possess such fearsome combat strength. With a single blow from the Mixed Energy Hammer, he was sent staggering back several steps, leaving a horrifying fissure in the earth, as if Gourd Mountain itself had been cleft in two.

Meanwhile, Ye Tianhan showed no signs of retreat. Absorbing the recoil, he pounced forward like a tiger, swinging his twin hammers down directly onto the Mountain Guardian's forehead. The devastating blow cracked the skull, inflicting a staggering 8,000 points of critical damage.

The next instant, as the other Mountain Guardians rushed to defend their leader, Ye Tianhan pointed with a mere flick of his finger. A series of crisp snaps echoed, and amidst a surge of chilling air, the attackers found themselves frozen in place, immobilized.

This was the power of Ten Thousand Miles Freeze!

"Such profound spiritual wisdom!"

The chief Mountain Guardian's expression, already shifting, now transformed with urgency. These guardians, each with a cultivation of at least a thousand years on Gourd Mountain, were effortlessly sealed and frozen by this player before them!

A glint passed through Ye Tianhan's eyes. His own cultivation, normally over 800 years, effectively doubled to 1,600 years with the aid of the Taiyi Art. Freezing and sealing these Mountain Guardians was child's play for someone of his level.

"Yin Yang Divine Thunder!"

The head Mountain Guardian, gritting his teeth against the pain, knew he had to unleash his most powerful techniques or face certain defeat at the hands of this formidable player.

But just as he prepared to strike, a golden aura enveloped the Mixed Energy Hammer and it descended once more upon the Mountain Guardian's head. Simultaneously, Ye Tianhan, wielding the Blood Transformation Godly Knife, cleaved the guardian's head in two.

A series of extraordinary damage numbers flashed before the guardian's head hit the ground, his expression one of shock. He disintegrated into a shower of equipment, materials, and gold coins.

The very next moment, Gourd Mountain trembled intensely. Where the Mixed Energy Hammer had struck, an enormous crack rent the ground, spreading out like a vast spider web.

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