Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C32 Heavensent Karma
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C32 Heavensent Karma
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C32 Heavensent Karma

It turns out he was experimenting to see if he could create a human from clay—and to his surprise, he succeeded on his first attempt.

Ye Tianhan quickly caught on, realizing that the comprehension listed in his initial attributes wasn't for nothing. His astonishing ability to understand allowed him to instantly master many things.

For him, crafting a human from earth was a breeze.

After his initial success, Ye Tianhan swiftly set to work, sculpting the beginnings of the human race.

As he shaped humanity, a pleasant, crisp voice echoed:

"Congratulations! You've successfully created a human and founded the human race. Infinite good fortune awaits you, as heaven-sent karma is about to descend!"

Upon hearing this, a light flashed before Ye Tianhan's eyes, confirming his belief.

Indeed, even within this original realm, he could claim the karma that belonged to Nuwa.

Though it had little impact on the Prehistoric World's surface, the power of this heaven-sent karma significantly bolstered his strength.

While he pondered this, a brilliant golden light shot into the sky, followed by a dazzling rainbow that beamed directly onto Ye Tianhan.

The once dim halo of good fortune behind him now shone brightly under the rainbow's glow, emitting a blinding light that seemed to illuminate all corners of the earth.

"Congratulations! You have once again received a great boon!"

"Your Nine Transformations Mixed Yuan Good Fortune Sacred Body is about to evolve into the Ten Thousand Demonic Virtue Sacred Body!"

With the pleasant announcement, the attributes of the Ten Thousand Demonic Virtue Sacred Body were revealed:

This Sacred Body, forged through countless refinements from the Mixed Yuan Good Fortune form, had been enhanced by repeated blessings of good fortune, making its attributes exceptionally powerful.

Under this Sacred Body, a player's attributes would increase by 300, attack speed by 300, movement speed by 300, defense by 300, and physical damage by 200, with physical attacks gaining an area of effect. Magic damage would increase by 200, magic range by 200, and magic cooldowns would be reduced by 200.

Ultimately, the Ten Thousand Demonic Virtue Sacred Body was far superior to the Nine Transformations Mixed Yuan Good Fortune Body, offering even more formidable enhancements to both physical and magical damage.

Ye Tianhan inhaled deeply, feeling the formidable enhancement of his attributes thanks to the Ten Thousand Demonic Goodness Saint Body. It was as if with a mere gesture, he could envelop himself in demonic Qi.

Despite the windfall of heaven-sent karma, the gains were modest since they were merely the rewards from within the dungeon.

His eyes settled on the small clay figures he had shaped, now looking up at him with utter reverence. They regarded Ye Tianhan as a deity, especially after witnessing the recent awe-inspiring event.

Suddenly, with a resounding splash, the figures swiftly knelt before him, exclaiming in gratitude, "Thank you for giving us life, Divine One!"

"Thank you, Divine One!"

"Thank you!"

Their voices rose in chorus, faces aglow with veneration.

Ye Tianhan cast a fleeting glance at them, a hint of a smirk on his lips.

The soil-formed beings, though capable of human shape, were too slow for his liking.

Without delay, he waved his hand, and a gourd vine materialized. Grazing the Tranquility Soil, the vine's touch transformed the earth into figures endowed with spiritual wisdom—a process far more efficient than the manual crafting of beings.

In mere moments, what began as a handful of sentient clay figures burgeoned into a throng of fervent, adoring humans.

Ye Tianhan, amused by the accidental creation of such a multitude, allowed a broad smile to spread across his face, musing on the mundane nature of his soil-sculpting.

As he pondered, a clear, melodious announcement filled the air: "Congratulations! You have successfully created a thousand humans and earned the reward of the Human Emperor's breath!"

A potent force infused Ye Tianhan, intensifying the Human Emperor's essence within him, growing ever more concentrated and formidable.

Amidst his contemplation, one of the small beings approached him tentatively, "Divine child, you have given us life. We know not how to repay you. Might we inquire the name of our Lord God Tian, so we may honor you with a statue commemorating your magnificence?"

"Serene Highness," Ye Tianhan replied, his voice casual yet resonant, echoing with an air of detached authority.

"Serene Highness..."

Several individuals etched this name deeply into their memories, ready to sculpt a statue in honor of his monumental achievements.

The next moment, they knelt reverently and began to kowtow in unison.


From a distance, the young Nuwa, who had hurriedly arrived, witnessed Ye Tianhan create humanity using the gourd vine and supreme Tranquility Soil. Her eyes, already brimming with frustration, now blazed with a fury that nearly drove her to swear aloud.

Yet, ultimately, the young Nuwa restrained herself.

Despite the fact that Ye Tianhan had snatched away the brilliant idea she had barely conceived, she refrained from acting rashly without gauging Ye Tianhan's true power.

Casting a fleeting glance at the young Nuwa, Ye Tianhan, who had yet to complete his mission, was naturally disinclined to linger in the instance any longer.

The following moment, three successive world announcements reverberated across the global channel.

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has triumphantly fashioned humans, earning immense merit and is hereby awarded double points from the original challenge, a gourd vine, and supreme Tranquility Soil. Let's all congratulate him!

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has successfully crafted the human race.

World Announcement: Player Serene Highness has created the human race, accruing boundless merit...

These abrupt announcements left those players who had been eager to enter the challenge but couldn't, utterly dumbfounded.

"What the heck!? Wasn't it supposed to be Nuwa who created humans? When did Serene Highness take over the task of molding humanity?"

"It looks like Nuwa's having a rough time. Ye Tianhan has once again usurped her opportunity..."

"Indeed, it's quite tragic. I had assumed Serene Highness only targeted us unfortunate players, but it turns out he doesn't spare the NPCs either..."

"Shouldn't we be focusing on the latter part of the World Announcement... Can someone explain to me what the gourd vine and Tranquility Soil are?"

"Holy smokes!? A gifted gourd vine!? I hadn't even noticed until you pointed it out!"

While Ye Tianhan didn't linger to engage with the players' chatter, he approached a teleportation node near the young Nuwa.

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