Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C4 I Am the European King!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C4 I Am the European King!
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C4 I Am the European King!

"Hand me the shield."

Zhang Feihang promptly passed the shield to Ye Tianhan.


The Butcher, gasping for air, fixed its nearly blind eyes on them and once again pointed its gun at the duo.

Using the dim moonlight, Ye Tianhan angled the shield to reflect the incoming bullets back at the Butcher.

"Now's the moment."


The jarring clash of metal echoed as the bullet ricocheted off the shield and struck the Butcher squarely in the forehead, just as Ye Tianhan had planned.


A bloody hole appeared on the Butcher's temple, oozing black, putrid blood tinged with the stench of decay, fueling its rage.

The Butcher's grip on the gun tightened, and from deep within its throat came a growl of dissatisfaction as it aimed the shotgun at Ye Tianhan's head.

Block, block!

Two more shots rang out, the bullets unerringly finding their way into the Butcher's eyes.


Overcome with intense pain and now completely blind, the Butcher dropped the shotgun and began to roll on the ground, hands over its eyes.

It collided with a stone altar, dislodging a cleaver that fell blade-first into the Butcher's side.


Now powerless to resist, it could only lie there, groaning in pain.

"Really, you're not too bright, are you? A simple dodge and you might have survived," Zhang Feihang taunted, stepping on the Butcher's head.

As Ye Tianhan prepared to deliver the final blow with the hunting rifle, the flesh on the ground began to rise.

The meaty mass crawled toward the Butcher, transforming it into an amorphous pile of flesh.

"Ugh, ugh..."

The grotesque mass oozed yellow pus as it lumbered toward them.

"Damn it, run!"

Zhang Feihang, seeing Ye Tianhan still stunned, grabbed him and sprinted away.

"You know, having maxed-out agility is quite something," he remarked.

"We're in the thick of it now; cut the wisecracks!"

"But that thing couldn't possibly catch up to us, right?"

As soon as Ye Tianhan uttered those words, Zhang Feihang halted and glanced back.

Sure enough, nothing had followed them!

"What the heck are you doing?"

Ye Tianhan leaped onto Zhang Feihang's back and gave his shoulder a pat:

"Come on! Let's head back and check it out."

You never know what goodies a big boss might drop!


Zhang Feihang's ears could hardly believe it. Was Ye Tianhan suggesting they march back to certain doom? No way!

He shrugged off Ye Tianhan with a shiver.

"No way, absolutely not."

He crouched down, his face a portrait of fear.

"Relax, don't be scared."

Ye Tianhan, uninterested in coddling him, grabbed Zhang Feihang by the collar and started back.

"You sure can run, but after all this time, we're still not there."

From a distance, they could barely make out the house, now nothing more than a pile of rubble.

"Looks like the monster's dead."


Zhang Feihang leaped up, his eyes narrowing as he peered at the debris ahead.

He then yanked Ye Tianhan and they both dashed back.


There it was, a massive meatball trapped under the wreckage, with the weapons that had adorned the walls now embedded in its flesh.

Ye Tianhan chuckled:

"This just goes to show, don't yell when you're transforming. You might just get crushed by the avalanche you trigger."

The sound of their voices seemed to stir the creature, which began to thrash about.


Ye Tianhan plunged his staff into the beast.


The grotesque meatball spewed a torrent of yellow, sticky fluid at Zhang Feihang.

In seconds, Zhang Feihang was completely enveloped in the gooey substance.


Ye Tianhan clamped a hand over his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Sorry, hahaha, I just can't help it, hahahahaha!"


The liquid reeked of decay and burnt hair, a scent no ordinary person could stand.

Zhang Feihang began to retch, struggling in vain to clean the foul substance from his skin.

"Ugh— Why doesn't any of it splash on you? Ugh—"

"Hahahaha, sorry."

Ye Tianhan was nearly in tears from laughter.

He held his breath and came over to help, only to be surprised that the filth recoiled from the proximity of the shield.

Ye Tianhan was amazed. This really was a great find.

"That powerful?"

With minimal effort, he had cleared all the filth from Zhang Feihang's body.

The beast that the butcher had become was now utterly lifeless.

"Congratulations, you've cleared the level and earned 10 attribute points."

Ye Tianhan also got a prompt that his Dogfighting Rod had leveled up.

Two blue treasure chests dropped next to the ruins.

"Congratulations, you've received an Epic chest."


Zhang Feihang spotted the blue chest and erupted into excited monkey-like hoots.

Ye Tianhan felt a twinge of dissatisfaction. He could stumble upon purple chests just by walking, so why did defeating this monster yield only a blue one?

He couldn't wait to open the chest.

"Look, Brother Han, a purple weapon!"

Ye Tianhan gave Zhang Feihang, who was holding a box of origami, a deadpan look.

"What's the use?"

Zhang Feihang beamed with pride.

"Just wait, let me check its purpose... Usage: Passes the time when you're bored?!"

"That's it?"

Zhang Feihang's face fell, and he lamented sorrowfully,

"That's it..."


Ye Tianhan's laughter grew even louder.

"What's so funny! You try opening one!"

Challenged by Zhang Feihang, Ye Tianhan composed himself.

"Alright, I'll show you what luck looks like!"

Ye Tianhan opened the treasure chest.

"Congratulations, you've received: 10 Revival Coins; a Purple Weapon: Folding Fan; and 10 Attribute Points."

Zhang Feihang's face soured even more.

"Fine, I'll put my attribute points into luck this time. It's just a fan, right? For all we know, it might only be good for catching a breeze like mine!"

Ye Tianhan glanced down at the fan's function:

"Flapping this fan can generate a poisonous substance over an area. The poison's effects are cumulative."

"Damn it, is this system messing with me? Both are Epic Chests, why the disparity?"

Zhang Feihang was getting worked up.

Ye Tianhan considered for a moment. Keeping the fan for himself seemed pointless.

My own staff was more than adequate for offense and defense. Holding onto such an ostentatious weapon would just be cumbersome.

I might as well give it to Zhang Feihang, considering it a token of gratitude for not forgetting to take me with him when he fled.

"Here, take it, my good brother."

Ye Tianhan even threw in five resurrection coins.

"For real?"

Zhang Feihang stared at Ye Tianhan, incredulous.

Ye Tianhan gave a confirming nod.

"Wuwuwu, Brother Han, you always treat me the best!"

"Enough, enough, stand up! You're making it weird, man!"

Ye Tianhan hoisted him to his feet.

"Let's head out!"

After the game concluded, they both made their way back to the lobby.

"Hey, young man, is your team looking for more members?"

As they steadied themselves, a woman approached Ye Tianhan.

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