Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C5 New Teammates!
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C5 New Teammates!
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C5 New Teammates!

Her silhouette was as supple as a white serpent, gliding slowly towards him.

Her lips, a vivid red, spoke with a lightness that teased the senses, her eyes batting flirtatiously.

She had set her sights on joining Ye Tianhan's team for one simple reason: she knew Ye Tianhan had a knack for acquiring exceptional weapons.

By aligning with him, she was sure to reap substantial rewards. Even if the weapons were of no use to her, merging them could significantly boost her energy.

To her, Ye Tianhan was essentially a mobile arsenal.

Beside Ye Tianhan, Zhang Feihang was utterly captivated, unable to tear his gaze away.

The other players, too, were deeply drawn to the woman, with even many female players staring in awe.

Truth be told, even Ye Tianhan felt himself succumbing.

"Isn't that the woman from the Heaven Ranking?"

"Sister Wolf! That's Sister Wolf, the sole female in the top ten."

"Oh my, I've finally seen her in the flesh!"

Through the murmurs of the onlookers, Ye Tianhan began to grasp this woman's unique allure.

He couldn't help but become wary:

"A beauty like you surely isn't short of team offers. Why set your sights on us newcomers?"

The woman smiled coyly, her response breezy and nonchalant:

"Have bad intentions? Far from it. I simply see great potential in you, and teaming up could only be beneficial."

With that, she bit her lip in a tantalizing gesture, but it only served to irk Ye Tianhan.

"No thanks, we're quite inexperienced. You'd best look elsewhere."

After saying so, he took Zhang Feihang by the arm and walked away, though Zhang cast a longing glance back.

Then, out of the blue, an uncle stepped in front of them.

"Even though you've turned down Leng Minya, and my chances seem slim, I'd still like to offer to join your team."

Ye Tianhan sized him up; the uncle seemed dependable.

"And why would you want to join us?"

Touched by Ye Tianhan's interest, the uncle explained:

"The crowd may think you win by luck, but I see a strategist in you."

"You've got a real gift for this game. I may not have made the Heaven Rankings, but I've been in this world for over a decade."

"I'm quite familiar with this place, and I'm sure my knowledge could be useful to you. I hope you'll consider it."

Ye Tianhan pondered for a moment.

"Agreed. My name is Ye Tianhan."

"Hao Yun."

They shook hands.

But Zhang Feihang was displeased:

"You pass up that amazing beauty, and now you want this old guy? Why can't we have both?"

Ye Tianhan was at a loss for words, but before he could respond, Hao Yun interjected:

"You made the right call not letting her join. Her name is Leng Minya, also known as Sister Wolf. She's notoriously ruthless."

"She prefers to work solo. She's been part of a few teams before, and the outcomes were always chilling."

"I once had her on my team, but she betrayed us for the team's resources."

"Our team was decimated by her schemes. I'm the only survivor, and there's one more who's now a lone wolf."

Ye Tianhan felt a shiver down his spine hearing this.

He was lucky, sure, but being deliberately sabotaged was a different story.

And with his childhood buddy Feihang being a bit slow, sticking with someone like her would mean not surviving past the pilot episode.

They'd be lucky to make it through the opening credits.

"Excuse me for interrupting."

A sweet voice suddenly cut in.

The trio turned to see a petite, adorable figure before them, her large eyes brimming with vulnerability.

"Could I possibly join you? I found myself here when I woke up, and I almost died just now..."

The girl was shivering, clearly frightened.

Ye Tianhan, moved by her plight, reluctantly agreed.

"Feihang, you take care of her. You're armed to the teeth."

Zhang Feihang felt a surge of responsibility upon being entrusted with the task.

"No, I'll stick with Uncle here."

She was drawn to the team purely for the sense of security that the sturdy Hao Yun seemed to offer.

"Really? Do you have any idea how lethal my weapons are? This fan..."

Zhang Feihang, slightly miffed, began to boast incessantly about the might of his arsenal.

Ye Tianhan couldn't bear it any longer and shook his head:

"Enough already. Why are you squabbling with a kid?"

He turned to the young girl and inquired, "What's your name?"

"Lin Jiayao, I'm 15," she replied.

Lin Jiayao gazed at Ye Tianhan, her eyes brimming with enchantment. She hadn't expected the man she'd just turned away from to be so strikingly handsome.

Joining this team was a decision she now knew she wouldn't regret.

"Do you have any weapons on you?" he continued.

Jiayao shook her head, "Just this bow and arrow. It's got a blue attribute, but I have no idea how to use it."

Ye Tianhan stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Feihang, why not hand over your fan to her? It might be easier for her to handle."

Zhang Feihang clutched his purse protectively. "But I'm no good with a bow and arrow either, Brother Han."

"Don't you still have your gun?"

Without another word, Ye Tianhan snatched the fan and handed it to Lin Jiayao.

"Brother Han, you're the best! But what about the bow and arrow? It'd be a shame to waste it."

"I'll take it," interjected He Haoyun, who had remained quiet until now. "I've been using a bow and arrow until my weapon was taken. I'm pretty skilled with it."

Ye Tianhan gave a nod of approval. "With that settled, our resources are fairly distributed."

As they finished their preparations, the hall's announcement system chimed in once more.

"The game will commence shortly. Players, please ready yourselves."

Their team alliance confirmed, the four received the same notification for the game room.

Once the countdown concluded, they were all transported into a room together.

Confusion spread as they surveyed their surroundings – nothing but cement walls.

Drawing on his extensive experience, He Haoyun ventured a guess about the game's nature.

"This is a multiplayer game. Many players are thrown in here to fight and steal weapons from each other."

"For some, three hours is a boon, but for others, it's an absolute nightmare."

"Teams and solo players alike are thrown into the mix, all at the mercy of chance."

"Ye Tianhan, to have just entered this world and be faced with such a scenario... you're somewhat unlucky."

Ye Tianhan didn't see it that way; with his luck maxed out, he considered it an advantageous situation for himself.

Dealing with monsters might have been manageable, but being thrust into a situation where he had to kill right off the bat...

Moreover, while he could ensure his own safety, he couldn't fully protect his teammates...

His thoughts were interrupted as the surrounding concrete walls receded.

The game was now in full swing.

A figure leapt in, brandishing an axe and taking a swing at Lin Jiayao.

Ye Tianhan's reflexes kicked in instantly; he swung his Dog Whip with force, toppling the attacker to the ground.

Lin Jiayao, in a flurry of nerves, waved her fan, conjuring a cloud of toxic mist that enveloped the area.

The assailant succumbed to the poison and perished in a moment.

Thankfully, the team was immune to the poison, or else the outcome would have been too dreadful to contemplate.

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