Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C6 The Feeling of Being Discovered
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C6 The Feeling of Being Discovered
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C6 The Feeling of Being Discovered

Surrounded by a toxic miasma, Ye Tianhan couldn't help but furrow his brow in concern.

Despite his team's immunity to the toxin, he was acutely aware that if the situation persisted, it would be decidedly unfavorable for them.

Without hesitation, Ye Tianhan addressed his comrades.

"Everyone, stay alert and stick together. We can't afford to be scattered. If we're caught off guard and ambushed, escaping will be nearly impossible."

His words were met with nods of agreement from the group.

"You're absolutely right. Let's form a circle," one of them suggested.

"Good idea. We'll stand back to back. That way, if we're attacked, we can strike back immediately, without fear of leaving ourselves open to a sneak attack from behind."

"Exactly. Let's get into formation without delay."

With that, they wasted no time and quickly arranged themselves into a defensive circle.

As they completed their formation, the enveloping fog that had obscured their vision cleared.

The poisonous creatures that had lurked around them had vanished.

But as the fog lifted, they found themselves encircled by enemies once again.

This time, however, the situation had escalated—the number of adversaries facing them was growing.

Initially, they managed to fend off the attackers with ease, but as the onslaught continued, the enemy ranks swelled, seemingly without end.

No matter their strength, they couldn't keep depleting their energy to hold off the relentless tide.

Recognizing the urgency, Ye Tianhan knew they needed a swift and effective strategy.

"We must come up with a solid plan immediately. We can't let these assaults continue, or we'll be completely drained before long," he proposed to those around him.

Zhang Feihang, upon hearing this, felt a surge of panic. His mind was a blank slate, focused solely on repelling the immediate threat, determined not to let the enemy land even a scratch on him.

In this critical moment, he found himself without a viable plan to aid Ye Tianhan and the rest in escaping the peril they faced.

He Haoyun remained relatively calm in contrast to the chaos around him. As new enemies emerged, he launched into action, expertly wielding his bow and arrow to eliminate them one after another.

After a period of careful observation, he noticed a common trait among the adversaries. Turning to his companions, he cautioned, "Let's not rush into this. I've picked up on some clues. Have you noticed anything odd about our enemies?"

"Odd? What could possibly be strange about them? They're all out to attack us wholeheartedly, intent on killing us, aren't they?" one of them retorted.

"Exactly," another agreed. "Our priority is to counterattack. We can't afford to let them harm us."

Overhearing the exchange, Ye Tianhan cast a sidelong glance at Zhang Feihang, a flicker of helplessness crossing his eyes. He then recalled He Haoyun's words and turned his attention back to the attackers, scrutinizing them intently.

Upon closer inspection, Ye Tianhan indeed found something peculiar. These human enemies lacked any spark of life in their eyes, as if they were under someone's control, unresponsive to commands.

With a furrowed brow, Ye Tianhan mused, "These enemies before us... they seem devoid of any sign of life."

He Haoyun, standing on the other side of Ye Tianhan, chimed in, "You've seen it too. There's definitely something off. They may be human like us, but it's as if they're being manipulated, blindly attacking us without any other actions."

The other two in the group took note of this anomaly as well. They realized they needed to devise a strategy quickly; otherwise, they wouldn't last much longer against such unrelenting foes.

Given the persistent nature of the attacks, Ye Tianhan deduced there had to be a pattern to the enemies' appearances. He identified that they showed up in groups of three or four, with new adversaries materializing every minute.

There's definitely a mechanism at play in Ye Tianhan's corner. If we can pinpoint its location, I'm certain these adversaries will vanish.

Ye Tianhan addressed the trio at his side, "These foes keep coming at us non-stop, which leads me to believe there's a mechanism hidden nearby. We just haven't uncovered it yet. Our primary objective should be to locate this mechanism quickly so we can clear this obstacle with ease."

Zhang Feihang, upon hearing Ye Tianhan's strategy, was acutely aware that when it came to searching, his abilities paled in comparison to Ye Tianhan's.

Thus, he resolved to entrust the search for the mechanism to Ye Tianhan.

He Haoyun was thinking along the same lines.

"With this revelation, let us handle the enemy. Your main task should be to seek out the mechanism. We'll provide you with cover."

"Exactly, your capabilities are well-known to us. Searching for the mechanism is undoubtedly best left in your hands."

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