Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C7 The Feeling of Being Lured
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C7 The Feeling of Being Lured
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C7 The Feeling of Being Lured

Listening to the earnest words of his teammates, Ye Tianhan fully grasped the gravity of the situation.

He was acutely aware of his superior observational skills, especially when compared to his comrades—he was undeniably formidable.

Witnessing the resolve in his teammates, Ye Tianhan ultimately gave a nod of agreement.

"If that's the consensus, then it's settled. I'm counting on you three to cover me while I start the search for the mechanism right away," he said.

At Ye Tianhan's command, the trio around him quickly nodded in assent.

Subsequently, Ye Tianhan began scouring the area for clues, eager to locate the mechanism swiftly. Only by finding it could they smoothly overcome this challenge and vanquish the adversaries before them.

Yet, Ye Tianhan's actions didn't go unnoticed and soon drew the attention of others.

The enemies, upon noticing Ye Tianhan's endeavors, launched an assault without hesitation, focusing solely on him.

Despite the other three's attempts to draw fire and assist Ye Tianhan in taking down the foes, it was clear that the enemies were oblivious to their presence.

In that moment, Ye Tianhan became their singular target.

As the enemies advanced on Ye Tianhan, his three teammates stepped in front of him without hesitation, aiding him in swiftly dispatching the attackers.

Once the immediate threat was neutralized, the subsequent enemy waves doubled in size.

With the enemy ranks swelling and one less ally in the fray, they found themselves at a disadvantage.

Observing the escalating situation, Zhang Feihang's brow furrowed, and he addressed Ye Tianhan, who was behind him.

"Ye Tianhan, what's the status? Have you uncovered any leads? The enemy numbers have increased, and it seems that ever since you began searching for the mechanism, they've shifted all their focus onto you."

"He's not wrong," another teammate chimed in. "We tried to draw their fire, to lessen the onslaught on you, but they seem to be zeroing in on your position. It looks like they're intent on preventing us from finding that mechanism."

Ye Tianhan's expression darkened as he listened to the protective words of his teammates.

While he was intent on finding clues to the mechanism's whereabouts, the pressing circumstances made it clear that any further delay would be detrimental to their cause.

With urgency mounting, Ye Tianhan redoubled his efforts in the search for clues.

"Hold on, don't rush just yet. I've pinpointed the location of the clue, but it hasn't emerged. Without it, we're at a standstill; we can't truly locate the mechanism. The other mechanisms that have appeared are merely distractions."

"Look, across from us, there's something twinkling. Could that be the mechanism we've been searching for?"

Upon hearing this, everyone shifted their gaze to investigate and, as expected, spotted a red dot. They were overjoyed by the discovery.

"It might be exactly what we're looking for. Let's go check it out."

"I agree. We can't keep waiting; we'll run out of energy."

Yet, Ye Tianhan remained still, his eyes locked on the source of the red dot. He suspected the situation was not as straightforward as it seemed. He had calculated the mechanism's location to be near him; it couldn't possibly be across from them. Had he miscalculated?

Ye Tianhan pondered deeply and, after some thought, confirmed his target. Meanwhile, Zhang Feihang, struck by a sudden resolve, charged toward the red dot. Just as he was about to press it, Ye Tianhan intervened.

"Wait! Don't touch the red dot; it could trigger a disaster!"

Ye Tianhan's timely warning halted Zhang Feihang's action. However, Zhang Feihang and the others were puzzled by Ye Tianhan's caution.

"What disaster could the red dot cause? It's so conspicuous; how could it not be the mechanism?"

"Right, maybe we're just overthinking it."

Ye Tianhan's friends were visibly concerned as he addressed the group.

"Doesn't this strike you as odd? Why would a red dot light up right when we're searching for the mechanism? Doesn't it seem like a trap, meant to lure us into pressing it?"

Ye Tianhan's words prompted everyone to reflect. After considering his caution, they too sensed the oddity of the situation.

Before they could locate the mechanism, a mysterious red dot appeared out of the blue, beckoning them to press it.

Could it be anything but a lure?

Considering other possibilities, they began to fear that something terrible might indeed occur, just as Ye Tianhan had warned. Consequently, Zhang Feihang swiftly made his way back to Ye Tianhan, intent on steering clear of the red dot.

Upon seeing his teammates regroup at his side, Ye Tianhan allowed a smile of relief to spread across his face.

Then, with confidence, Ye Tianhan turned and pressed the spot he had previously pinpointed.

In response to Ye Tianhan's seamless action, the room began to tremble with intensity.

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