Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C8 The Feeling of Grumbling
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C8 The Feeling of Grumbling
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C8 The Feeling of Grumbling

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, the group was clearly taken by surprise. Ye Tianhan, fearing the worst, quickly addressed his teammates.

"Don't just freeze there. Let's do as we've done before—backs together, forming a circle. That way, if anything unexpected happens, we'll be ready to respond."

"Right, what are we waiting for? Let's get moving—and fast."

"I've got to admit, I'm a bit scared. Can we really make it through this first challenge without a hitch?"

"Regardless of the outcome, we stick together. If trouble comes, we face it as one. Isn't that the best way?"

"Absolutely. No matter what's next, we're not the type to abandon each other. We'll fight shoulder to shoulder and see it through to the end. That's how we'll claim victory."


As their conversation ended, the scene before them shifted. The darkness was gone, replaced by a vast, well-lit room. The enemies that had previously attacked them had vanished.

They surveyed their surroundings with caution. Then, a strange voice broke the silence, "Congratulations on passing our first test. Now is the time to rest. Everyone can take a moment to relax."

Relief washed over them, signaling they had not only passed the test but also located the crucial mechanism.

The discussion resumed among them.

"Reflecting on what happened in that room, my heart's still racing," one confessed.

"You're not alone. The memory of that bloody scene is still fresh in my mind. I hope we never face that again," another added.

"Let's not forget, this time it was Ye Tianhan who made the difference. Without him finding the mechanism and stopping us from pressing that red dot, who knows where we'd be now?"

"True. If Ye Tianhan hadn't spoken up just in time, I'd have pressed that red dot without a second thought. He was spot on with his prediction. At first, I was reluctant to heed his warning, but his analysis proved he was deliberately guiding us."

Amidst their words, Ye Tianhan couldn't help but chuckle softly before addressing the trio.

"Alright, let's put the past behind us. We've successfully navigated the first checkpoint, so there's no use dwelling on what's already happened. The priority now is to take a breather and brace ourselves for the challenges ahead. We have no idea what's in store for us next."

"Absolutely, you're spot on. It's time to unwind. Given the gruesome events at the first checkpoint, it's clear the next one won't be a walk in the park. I'll do some mental prep to avoid being caught off guard later on."

With that, the group took a moment to rest and gear up for what was to come.

Their respite was brief, however, as soon an unfamiliar voice rang out.

"Congratulations to all for passing the first checkpoint. A considerable amount of time was spent, and according to the initial participant count, only two-thirds remain on the field."

"It must be said, those who remain are truly fortunate to be part of our next game. In the upcoming second checkpoint, I hope you continue to be the lucky ones who survive."

"We've designed three stages for this game. You've all conquered the first, so I'm curious—are you eager for the second?"

"Looking forward to it? Not in the slightest. I just wish it was over already," Zhang Feihang muttered under his breath.

Unsurprisingly, his comment didn't escape the notice of the unseen speaker.

The mysterious voice responded with a chuckle.

"Ha! I just caught a whiff of complaint there. Since you're all so eager, let's not delay the second stage any longer. Give it your all and strive for the best results!"

"As for the rewards, the top-performing team will receive a special prize. This time, Ye Tianhan's team will be rewarded for being the first to locate the mechanism and clear the first stage. Each member's weapon will be upgraded a level—let's hope you continue to impress us!"

"Enough talk, the competition for the second stage begins now!"

As the unfamiliar voice's words faded, the surroundings once again began to shake violently. This time, however, it wasn't each squad in their separate rooms; instead, two squads found themselves together in the same space.

The objective this time was straightforward: the two squads were to compete against each other. If they could endure for five minutes without sustaining any injuries during the match, they would successfully clear the second checkpoint.

But there was a twist. Each room was equipped with a device designed to detect whether the two teams had engaged in combat. Failure to fight would result in severe punishment for both teams, the nature of which was left to chance.

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