Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C9 The Feeling of Being Dissuaded
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Game On: Horror Mode Activated/C9 The Feeling of Being Dissuaded
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C9 The Feeling of Being Dissuaded

After realizing the implications of their situation, they were acutely aware that if the two squads didn't engage in combat, a random punishment was inevitable. Yet, they were clueless about the potentially dire consequences of such a penalty.

At that moment, fear gripped them. As the competition commenced, the opposing team was poised to launch an attack on Ye Tianhan's squad.

Ye Tianhan, facing the other team, began to waver. Judging by the weapons they wielded, it was clear that the other team's strength paled in comparison to his own. The disparity in power between the squads was substantial.

A real confrontation would undoubtedly result in the other team's defeat.

Despite the apparent outcome, Ye Tianhan harbored a reluctance to engage in battle under these circumstances.

Seeking an alternative, Ye Tianhan proposed a solution to the opposing team. "I understand that fighting is part of the game's rules, but I have no desire to overpower the weak, nor do I wish to see you face elimination. I hope we can coexist peacefully and navigate through the next few minutes together."

However, Ye Tianhan's words fell on deaf ears.

The other team bristled at what they perceived as condescension. They believed Ye Tianhan was dismissing their abilities because their weapons were inferior, and by extension, their strength.

Angered by this assumption, they retorted, "What? You think you're better than us? Just because our weapons aren't as advanced, you assume we're weaker? Why don't we put it to the test and see who's truly stronger?"

"Yes, do you really believe you can maintain your top position from the last round? Dream on. Now that you've encountered us, it's your turn to be eliminated. This time, the first place is ours."

Ye Tianhan frowned at their response. He saw no advantage in a fight; the game was already excessively violent, and he wanted to avoid such brutality.

Although a battle seemed necessary to determine the victor, he wished to foster an environment where everyone could survive. With a promising strategy in mind, Ye Tianhan wondered if the other team would accept his offer.

Ye Tianhan initiated a conversation with the opposing party to share his idea.

"I believe there's been a misunderstanding. I never implied that your abilities were inferior to ours."

"Our weapons were formidable to begin with, and now they've been significantly upgraded. They're undeniably powerful. But my hope is to avoid a bloodbath when we begin. I want us all to work together to survive until the third checkpoint."

Upon hearing Ye Tianhan's proposal, the other party scoffed.

"People like you are a dime a dozen. You talk a good game now, but when push comes to shove, you might just turn on us and wipe us out."

"No, no, no, you've got it all wrong. I truly don't want that. I genuinely wish for all of us to make it through. You've seen the game rules, and nothing in them says a tie isn't allowed."

"So, I'm suggesting we just go through the motions in our showdown. In the end, we could all walk out of this room together, victorious."

The other party, however, clearly held Ye Tianhan's words in contempt.

"You think we'll just agree to your terms because you say so? Forget it. That's never going to happen. We've been matched up to fight you, so that's what we'll have to do."

"Exactly. In this contest, it's either you or us. So get ready, let's start this for real and not waste any more time. These minutes are flying by, and if we don't fight, we'll face severe punishment."


Ye Tianhan tried to continue, but his teammates, observing the other party's resolute demeanor, understood that further persuasion was futile. They were set on a fight to the finish and wouldn't back down.

Realizing this, He Yunhao spoke up.

"Ye Tianhan, there's no point in trying to convince them further. They've made up their minds; whatever you say now, they won't budge."

"Right, Ye Tianhan, Yunhao's correct. They're unwavering, so let's not waste words. They're clearly not seeing reason, so it's time we teach them a lesson and show them there's no cure for regret in this world!"

After hearing his teammates' remarks, Ye Tianhan lifted his gaze to the opposing team, recognizing the resolve in their stance—it mirrored what his own teammates had expressed. Realizing further attempts at dissuasion were futile, he resigned himself to the inevitable conflict. If they were set on this course, then they couldn't fault him for not holding back when he struck.

With that, Ye Tianhan ceased his efforts to dissuade them.

Noticing Ye Tianhan's silence, the squad across from his team wasted no further time. They launched a swift assault on Ye Tianhan's team, who were already bracing themselves, ready to respond in kind with a counterattack.

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