Gate of Rebirth/C10 Red heart
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Gate of Rebirth/C10 Red heart
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C10 Red heart

At this moment, Zi Yan was truly panicking. She realized that Xiao Yi Tian had already occupied an unerasable position in her heart and her mind was being affected by Xiao Yi Tian's every move.

For the entire night, Zi Yan watched Xiao Yi Tian's every move without blinking as she prepared to give the order to rescue him. Fortunately, everything was fine, which made Zi Yan heave a sigh of relief. Looking at Xiao Yitian's back figure, Zi Yan was thinking about how to reward him when he suddenly disappeared into the sea in the blink of an eye. This caused Zi Yan, who had just relaxed, to tense up again.

Just as Zi Yan was about to get off the boat to search for her, someone on the side pointed to a spot on the sea and shouted, "Oh my god, look over there!" Everyone looked towards the direction he pointed. All of them, including Zi Yan, could not help but stare with widened eyes. What did they see? Xiao Yitian stepped on a long wooden board and twisted his body into a strange position. His legs were stretched out in front of him and his arms were stretched out. Then the wooden board floated to the sea and the ocean waves carried Xiao Yitian and the wooden board towards the direction of the ship.

It turned out that the moment the wave approached, Xiao Yitian already knew that this shabby little boat would definitely not be able to withstand the wave's impact. What should he do? Suddenly, a strange idea flashed through his mind. He remembered that in his previous life, he went surfing with his father, and when he looked at the damaged boat, he immediately used the power of a martial artist to pluck a long piece of wood from the side of the boat. He recalled that in his previous life, he had learned surfing techniques. He then followed the waves and continued forward.

They never would have thought that someone could use just a broken wooden board to quickly travel across the ocean. Even Gu Changqing was stunned, he never would have thought that Xiao Yitian would have the ability to surf, not to mention that Xiao Yitian had the memories of his previous life, not to mention that the people of the Kumi Sea Archipelago revered the sea, so they didn't even dare to think about surfing on the sea. Thus, the impact of Xiao Yitian surfing on them could be imagined.

Zi Yan was the first to react. She quickly said to the crew members beside her, "Hurry, prepare a rope ladder around the ship to help Xiao Yitian board the boat." The people beside her were jolted awake. They quickly complied and ran to the side of the boat to put down the rope ladder. As he neared the ship's hull, he aimed at a rope ladder and leaped upwards, both hands grabbing onto the rope ladder. At the same time, the people on the boat also began to pull Xiao Yitian upwards, and that wooden board, without the magical support of Xiao Yitian, disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Xiao Yitian stepped onto the deck, Zi Yan rushed to his side. Not caring about the wet Xiao Yitian, she pulled him up and looked around to see if he was injured. After confirming that Xiao Yi Tian wasn't missing an arm or a leg, Zi Yan was once again relieved. She suddenly thought of something and turned around to shout at the crew members, "Who set the boat up yesterday? Get out!"

In their minds, the young patriarch had a very good temper. As long as he used this move of kneeling, no matter how angry the young patriarch was, it would be possible to subdue his anger. Unfortunately, this time, it involved Xiao Yitian, so no matter how good Zi Yan's temper was, she definitely wouldn't let them off lightly. Zi Yan chanted an incantation. Her two hands formed two water whips, and then she controlled the water whips to fiercely lash at the two of them. At the same time, she also controlled her strength to not let the two of them die, because Zi Yan had other things to ask them. However, even if Zi Yan showed mercy, the two crew members were still beaten until their flesh split open.

Zi Yan looked at the two who were on the verge of death, retrieved the water whip in her hand and coldly said: "Speak, what happened?" Xiao Yi Tian, who was at the side, pulled Zi Yan and softly said, "That's not good. We can't blame them even if the boat breaks down."

Zi Yan gave them a fierce look and said to Xiao Yi Tian, "You don't know that the boats that are giving the pathfinders a path are all specially made. How can a mere wave tear it apart? "It's absolutely impossible. Not to mention a wave, even if I go all out, I still might not be able to damage it. The fact that your boat was damaged by the waves must be because of them.

Xiao Yi Tian's gaze became colder and colder as he looked at the two crew members. What he hated the most was these villains who stabbed him in the back. If it wasn't for Zi Yan, he might have rushed forward to kill them.

The two people gritted their teeth as they fought fiercely with their thoughts. Zi Yan coldly looked at them and spoke again: "Are you not going to speak? It seems that my tolerance for you all these years has given you the illusion that I am useless. Since you guys aren't going to say it, then there's no use in keeping you guys alive. "

Zi Yan recondensed her magic, but this time it wasn't a water whip, but a water arrow specializing in water mages. In a split-second, the water arrow pierced one of the crew members' temples. When the other crew member saw Zi Yan mercilessly kill one of them, he immediately cried out, "I said, I said, Gu Changqing ordered us to change the ship. He wanted to kill Xiao Yi Tian Magic, I was forced to do so. After saying that, he quickly crawled to Zi Yan's side, while Xiao Yi Tian kicked him away in disgust.

When Gu Changqing heard that the crew member brought him up, his face suddenly changed and he quickly shouted, "Don't you slander him!"

That crew member also threw caution to the wind and also shouted at Gu Changqing, "I didn't spit blood. Today, I also threw caution to the wind. Even if I die, I will spray a mouthful of blood at you." All these years, I've been enduring you. To be honest, I genuinely admire the junior family head, but towards you, I'm spitting. If it wasn't because of Elder Gu, what could you count as? All these years, the second day after my brothers didn't listen to you have mysteriously disappeared, you dare to say that you didn't do anything? "

Gu Changqing was so angry that he almost lost his temper. He never thought that a small crew member would actually dare to challenge him. With a gloomy face, Gu Changqing coldly threatened, "You dare to slander me, I think you must be tired of living."

The crew member laughed and spat blood at Gu Changqing, then shouted, "I've never thought of living today, since we're all going to die, why should I be afraid of you." After that, he turned around and knelt down towards Zi Yan and said, "Young Patriarch, I have let everyone down. I have let Xiao Yi Tian Magician down. I can only apologize with my death." He stood up, pulled out his dagger and stabbed himself in the heart.

Everyone on the ship fell silent. No one expected the crew member to be so unyielding, to actually use death to apologize.

The crew member felt his consciousness start to blur. After struggling for a bit, he said to Zi Yan, "Young Clan Leader, I am already a dying person. Please … Please believe... "Trust me." Then, he fell to the ground and died.

As a result, everyone, including Xiao Yitian, was shocked by this crew member. Just what kind of determination would make them die? They had to prove that they were being ordered to do so.

Zi Yan sighed deeply, "Put his corpse away properly. After returning to the Sea Master Island, let him be properly buried, because he is a hero. Now, the death of our hero will expose a man. " As soon as Zi Yan finished speaking, everyone looked at Gu Changqing.

Cold sweat broke out on Gu Changqing's forehead. He had never felt that kind of venomous look from that crew member before he died, but now that everyone was looking at him, he felt even more pressured. He felt that no matter what he said now, it was all useless.

It was unknown when Elder Gu had appeared behind Gu Changqing, but Elder Gu had walked out and sighed. He then bowed deeply towards Zi Yan and said: "Young Patriarch, for my sake, let Changqing off this time. If the young master wants to be convicted, then I shall accept the punishment in place of Changqing."

Zi Yan looked somewhat awkwardly at Elder Gu. Elder Gu's humble attitude made it difficult for her to do so, as she was not the junior family head yet. Zi Yan said helplessly, "Elder Gu is too serious, I just hope that in the future this kind of thing will never happen again."

"Young Patriarch, don't worry. This old man will definitely discipline him strictly from now on." With that, Elder Gu left with Gu Changqing.

"I'm going back to rest as well." Xiao Yitian said to Zi Yan.

"Mm, have a good rest."


In Elder Gu's room, Gu Changqing was standing on the side, ashamed. He said to Elder Gu, "I'm sorry, grandfather, I failed again."

"No, you did well. What happened today gave me a reason to carry out the plan." Elder Gu said with a smile.


Xiao Yitian returned to his room. He kept thinking back to today's events, thinking about human nature, and life. Today's incident had a huge impact on him, and he suddenly felt like he had thought things through. Gradually, he immersed himself in cultivation.

He couldn't help but bitterly smile as he said, "I thought that magic would break through first, but now that I have broken through to the late stage of the Body Tempering stage, I can finally be considered to have the strength to face off against Elder Gu."


On the deck, Xiao Yi Tian came to Zi Yan's side. He smiled and said to Zi Yan, "Today, I will explore the way. After all, this is a good opportunity to train my mana."

At this moment, Elder Gu's voice sounded out, "Why don't you let this old man and Xiao Yitian go together. Let me protect Xiao Yitian's mage. The junior family head can rest assured. I will apologize on behalf of Changqing!"

Xiao Yitian and Zi Yan both looked at Elder Gu in astonishment.

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