Gate of Rebirth/C7 Hit dog
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Gate of Rebirth/C7 Hit dog
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C7 Hit dog

"It seems that Elder Gu isn't able to cover the sky with one hand on this ship," Xiao Yitian sighed inwardly.

However, it was true that this ship was on a very large scale. Therefore, it would definitely be considered of the highest grade within the Kumer Sea Archipelago. Furthermore, it would most likely be a ship exclusive to the chief of the Seafarers. Judging from the size of the island, it was not impossible to have such a ship.

Although Elder Gu's status was not bad, his strength could not be considered the strongest. Moreover, such a ship would consume a lot of manpower and resources, so the Ocean guest Island would not allow Elder Gu to use so many resources.

It seemed that the Sealer clan leader was extremely fond of Zi Yan. Xiao Yitian's guess was indeed correct. This ship was indeed that of the chief of the Sealers. This ship was not only the most luxurious ship, it was also the safest ship. Ordinary sea beasts would not even be able to break its skin, and in addition, the Seasoul Chief had also sent out a few loyal subordinates at the peak of Body Tempering Stage. In addition to protecting the safety of Zi Yan, he also had the intention of intimidating Elder Gu.

Ever since Elder Gu had returned a few decades ago, he had always been at odds with the Ocean Master. Elder Gu's power regressed, but he still treated him like he treated a weakling in the past. If Elder Gu's strength hadn't declined and he was still that strong, then the Patriarch wouldn't have said anything. But now, Elder Gu was only a Body Tempering martial artist, so no Patriarch would tolerate someone weaker than him criticizing him. If not for the great contribution that Elder Gu had made to the Sealer Tribe, the Sealer clan leader would have started to deal with him long ago. All these years, Elder Gu had been plotting against his daughter, all this time wanting to marry Zi Yan to Gu Zhangqing. All these years, Elder Gu had always been plotting against his daughter, all these years, all these years, he had always wanted to marry Zi Yan to Gu Zhangqing.

Zi Yan let out a sigh of relief as she saw Elder Gu walk away. After all, no one wanted to have a falling out with him until the end. Then, Zi Yan turned around and said to Xiao Yi Tian, "You must be joking. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have fought against Gu Changqing. "

"Gu Changqing and I had a conflict a long time ago, it has nothing to do with you. Furthermore, when I see him sticking to you like candy, I reckon that you are also annoyed by him, so you casually answered him with a few words. Who would have thought that he would just rush up to randomly bite people? " Xiao Yitian explained somewhat helplessly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about him. Oh yeah, the medicine you gave me last night was very effective, can you give me a little more? I'll treat you to a meal, okay?" Zi Yan said with a smile.

"About that, I only did a very small part. I gave it to you yesterday."

"Huh?" When Zi Yan heard that the medicine was gone, her beautiful face immediately collapsed.

"However." Xiao Yi Tian paused for a moment before continuing, "That medicine is very simple. If you want it, I can make it for you immediately."

Hearing that, Zi Yan immediately became excited, thinking that she finally no longer needed to be afraid of seasickness, that kind of feeling was really uncomfortable. Zi Yan happily followed up with Xiao Yitian's words, "Then, I'll treat you to a meal to express my gratitude." As he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Xiao Yitian to say anything and dragged him towards the dining hall.


In Elder Gu's room, Gu Changqing was lying on the ground like a dead dog. Elder Gu supported him up and poured a pill into Gu Changqing's mouth, causing him to slowly wake up. When Gu Changqing saw Elder Gu, it was as if he saw his savior. Grandfather, kill him for me! "

Pow! When Elder Gu saw that Gu Changqing had just woken up and wanted to kill Xiao Yi Tian, he immediately became disappointed and sent a palm flying.

Gu Changqing covered his face with his right hand and weakly fell onto the ground. He blankly looked at Elder Gu, as if he didn't believe that Elder Gu would hit him. Since he was young, Elder Gu had always been kind to him. No matter what, as long as he found Elder Gu, he would definitely be able to get what he wanted. But now, Elder Gu's slap had completely stunned him.

"You disappoint me!" Elder Gu was a little angry as he said, "How do I usually teach you to take action after planning everything? Look at your behavior today. You don't seem to be calm at all. If you are slightly angered, you will immediately rush forward. Think about it, who can you hurt with your kung fu skills? Zi Yan who is much stronger than you to begin with? Or was it Xiao Yitian, who defeated more than twenty mages? "

"But I still can't accept it. Xiao Yitian humiliated me like that. I won't take revenge on this grudge!" And that damnable bitch Zi Yan. " Gu Changqing was stunned for a moment before he said bitterly.

Elder Gu lightly glanced at Gu Changqing and said, "I didn't tell you not to take revenge, but to let you down. There is one more thing, you can only take revenge with Xiao Yi Tian, as for Zi Yan, put aside her status, even the Body Tempering realm people behind her won't let you take action."

Gu Changqing's eyes reflected an excited light as he looked at Elder Gu with hope, "Okay, grandfather, I won't find trouble with that bitch Zi Yan first. Please help me kill Xiao Yi Tian first!"

"Humph!" Elder Gu snorted, "You still don't understand what I mean. I won't take revenge for you. You have to take revenge yourself, and you can't kill him for me. There's still a use in keeping him."

"I can't beat him, but I can't kill him either. Grandfather, how am I supposed to take revenge?" Gu Changqing said in a somewhat depressed manner.

"Don't you think about it? Revenge requires him to charge upwards? Wouldn't it be better to borrow other powers to achieve your own goals? "

"Borrowing someone else's power to achieve your goal." Gu Changqing lowered his head and repeated these words, seeming to have thought of something, his triangular eyes instantly lit up.

Elder Gu looked at Gu Changqing's face and was immediately surprised. Puzzled, he asked, "What did you think of?"

"Hehehe." Gu Changqing smiled sinisterly and said, "Grandfather, just wait and see a good show. I want to make Xiao Yi Tian feel unspeakable pain."


The night was cool and breezy. Xiao Yitian and Zi Yan stood side by side on the deck of the ship. Zi Yan took in a deep breath of air, and said with a hint of infatuation, "So the sea can be so comfortable, enjoying the sea breeze, watching the waves of the sea."

Xiao Yitian smiled slightly and said, "In fact, there are beautiful sides to every place, including the most primitive forests, including the desert known as the Land of Death. In some ways, they are also very beautiful.

"Forest? The desert? " Zi Yan blinked her eyes curiously at Xiao Yi Tian and asked, "That seems to be something that only exists in the continent. Have you ever been to the continent?"

Xiao Yitian was dumbstruck. He thought about how when he was young, he traveled with his parents to many places on the continent, and also experienced many local customs and customs. However, right now, he and his parents were separated by a huge distance, and those places might have long been different from one another. Xiao Yitian raised his head to look at the starry sky and said somewhat complicatedly, "You can say so."

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yi Tian's sad eyes and couldn't help but feel pain in her heart. She consoled Xiao Yi Tian, "I can tell that you are someone with a story. Although I don't know what you experienced, I can tell that it made you feel very painful. If you don't mind, I can help you share some of it. If you say it out loud, you might feel better. "

Xiao Yi Tian turned his head toward Zi Yan and forced a smile. He paused for a moment before saying, "Since you want to hear it, I'll tell you." When I was very young, I lived in a happy family. My parents were powerful magicians, and my childhood was also very happy. Actually, I don't have any wild hopes in my life. I just want to live a peaceful life with my parents, get married and have kids in the future, and then spend the rest of my life peacefully. "But I never would have thought that all of this became my extravagant hope."

"Why?" Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yi Tian with a puzzled expression.

"My parents had something that could be considered a treasure, and in order to seize the treasure in my parents' hands and kill my parents, a powerful force risked their lives to allow me to escape. "From then on, I trained with all my might. One day, I will be able to avenge my parents. That way, they will be able to rest in peace." Xiao Yitian closed his eyes in some pain. His nails dug into his hands without seeming to feel any pain.

Zi Yan was silent for a moment, then said somewhat sorrowfully: "Although I am unable to understand how much pain you are feeling in your heart, but I can feel the hatred that is being emitted from your body, but I want to say, revenge is not everything in life, just as you said, there are many beautiful places in the world, where one should enjoy life when living, don't you think?"

"To live and enjoy life." "I can't afford it. I still need to avenge my parents in the distance. Moreover, I have a dream." Xiao Yi Tian thought of the world before his rebirth. Although that world gave him sorrowful memories, Xiao Yi Tian still wanted to go back and take a look at the world that gave birth to him and raised him.

"Perhaps life is just like this, constantly searching for oneself in pain and difficulty, constantly breaking through. Only this kind of life can have life, and not live for nothing. "

"So I will never back down, nor will any difficulties overwhelm me. I will not surrender to fate once more. It is my style to know the difficulties one has to face. "

Zi Yan blankly looked at Xiao Yi Tian's appearance as if he had just spoken a few haughty words. She couldn't help but be a bit dazed. In her life, there had never been anyone who had said such things to her. The impact that Xiao Yitian had on her tonight was great. Zi Yan really wanted to know what kind of experience had caused Xiao Yi Tian to have such a firm and unswerving character.

Xiao Yi Tian turned his head and saw Zi Yan with her mouth wide open, looking dazed. He couldn't help but think of a way to tease her. Xiao Yitian whispered into Zi Yan's ear, "I forgot to tell you. The water bag that you used to rinse your mouth last night was my personal water bag."


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