Gate of Rebirth/C9 Absolute strength
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Gate of Rebirth/C9 Absolute strength
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C9 Absolute strength

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yi Tian in surprise. She didn't think that Xiao Yi Tian would actually hide his strength. He wasn't an elementary mage. Could he be an intermediate mage? Zi Yan whispered to Xiao Yi Tian, "You are an intermediate level mage? When did this happen? "

Xiao Yitian nodded to Zi Yan and replied, "Yes, I broke through to the Mid Rank Mage realm not long ago."

"But even if you are an Intermediate Mage, going there to scout is still quite dangerous." Zi Yan was still worried.

"Hehe, my strength cannot be measured by ordinary Intermediate Mages. You only need to know that I am stronger than an Intermediate Mage." Xiao Yitian said with confidence.

"But …" Zi Yan was still worried. Although her lover was very strong, she was not afraid of ten thousand.

Zi Yan, there is no need to hesitate any longer. We are already on the verge of doing so. If we continue to hesitate, I'm afraid we will have to delay the deadline." Although I hate Gu Changqing, but the method he proposed does have a certain degree of feasibility. Maybe he's hiding something, or maybe he just chose me, but what does that matter? Right now, they all think that I am a Primary Mage, so even if they have a conspiracy, they would never think that I would hide my true strength. Thus, no matter what kind of conspiracy they have up their sleeves, just come at me. " After he finished speaking, a sharp glint flashed across Xiao Yitian's eyes.

Zi Yan said, "Alright, since you insist on going, I won't stop you. However, I only have one request." A pleading look appeared in Zi Yan's eyes, causing Xiao Yi Tian's heart to tremble. Zi Yan continued, "I don't know how strong you are hiding your strength, but you have to do your best. If you sense danger, come back."

Xiao Yitian nodded solemnly.

On one side of the deck, Gu Changqing came here, said a few words to the crew members who were lowering the boat, then turned around and left.

The other crew member watched as Gu Changqing left, and curiously asked the crew member who was held back by Gu Changqing, "What did Gu Changqing say to you just now?"

The crew member who was pulled back shook his head and sighed. "He asked us to change the ship of Xiao Yitian's Mage who was leading the way."

"Change ships?" The other crew member looked puzzled. "Our boat seems to be the strongest one here. Does he have a better one?"

The crew member who was pulled back said with a strange expression, "Not the better one, but the worst one."

"What!" Another crew member exclaimed.

"Shh, lower your voice. Do you want everyone to know?"

"Isn't, isn't this harming people? Xiao Yitian is a Primary Mage and is favored by the junior family head. If the junior family head finds out … "

"There's nothing we can do about it. With Gu Changqing's personality, if we don't do as he says, do you think we'll still be able to survive?"

Another crew member choked on these words and said bitterly, "With his personality, we definitely won't survive. Plus, he's Elder Gu's grandson, he's an untouchable existence for us, the lowest of the low."

"That's right, the junior family head is indeed merciful. Even if the junior family head finds out about this, at most he would be punished for a bit. If he doesn't do as Gu Changqing says, then he will definitely die."

"When immortals fight, mortals will suffer!" I just hope that Xiao Yitian's Mage is strong enough and that he won't be taken into account by Gu Changqing. "


After arranging everything, a smile appeared on Gu Changqing's face as he thought to himself, "Xiao Yitian, it seems like even the heavens are helping me. I originally had a headache about finding sea beasts for you to practice with, but now I've come to the Blue Demon Whale group. It seems that I don't need these treasures." Gu Changqing looked at the bottle in his hand.

"Hmph. A guy with no foundation dares to provoke me. I will make you die a miserable death." Gu Changqing said to himself as he looked at the distant group of Blue Demon Whales.


Xiao Yitian then sat in the boat and told the crew to put him and the boat in. Xiao Yitian calmly watched the approaching sea without the slightest bit of emotion on his face. To him, this was not necessarily a bad thing because for him who just broke through, what he needed the most was not to continue cultivating, but to constantly familiarize himself with the power in his body and consolidate his foundation. Only then would he be able to quickly increase his strength. Using the Magic Shock to search for the location of the sea beasts sounded simple, but doing so was very difficult and would consume a great deal of magic. However, for an intermediate mage like Xiao Yitian, although this quest didn't consume any magic, it definitely wouldn't consume any of it. Furthermore, it was a very good opportunity to train.

Zi Yan stood on the deck of the ship as she watched Xiao Yi Tian and the little boat gradually disappear into the distance. It was unknown what she was thinking about. At this time, Gu Changqing came to the bow of the ship and looked at Zi Yan. Following Zi Yan's gaze, he looked at Xiao Yi Tian and said disdainfully to Zi Yan, "It has been such a long time since we've arrived at the territory of the Blue Demon Whales, it seems that Xiao Yi Tian's mages are just simply unworthy of their reputation. It seems that their strength isn't enough to posture, otherwise, they might end up in a miserable state."

Zi Yan continued to look into the distance, as if she did not hear Gu Changqing's words. She did not seem to see him either, as if he was just air, as if he did not matter in the slightest. Actually, Zi Yan had thought it through clearly, someone like Gu Changqing had always been self-centered, as if he felt that everyone had to circle around him and even thought that he was doing well. He thought that he had something up his sleeves and yet was able to play with everyone. Zi Yan felt that it was best not to bother with someone like this. Otherwise, the more she thought about it, the more excited she got. Thus, Zi Yan decided to just treat Gu Changqing as air.

Gu Changqing watched as Zi Yan ignored him, and the words he was prepared to say seemed like they were about to die, he was unable to say anything. However, it was true, if Zi Yan did not answer, would he be able to explain himself? Everyone would think that he was crazy.

Gu Changqing didn't seem to want to give up. He made his final effort and awkwardly said, "Today's weather is really good! You see the sun shining, eh. " As soon as Gu Changqing's voice faded, a cloud in the sky covered the sun. Gu Changqing silently cursed in his heart. He could only leave in a dejected manner.


Seeing the group of Blue Demon Whales slowly approaching, Xiao Yitian's expression gradually became serious. For everyone on the ship, his mission was related to the success of this voyage. He couldn't be careless in the slightest.

Xiao Yitian slowly rowed the boat closer to the domain of the Blue Demon Whales. He then used one hand to control the oar and extended his other hand into the sea. Xiao Yitian slowly closed his eyes and circulated the magical power within his body. Afterwards, he slowly gathered it in his right hand and accumulated it to a certain point. The magical power, with Xiao Yitian's hand as the center, spread out below the sea surface.

This kind of magic wave will bounce back when it encounters a magical sea beast or something, and at this time, the user of the magic will also be aware of the location of the magic wave. This kind of magic wave will bounce back when it encounters a magical sea beast or something, and at this time, the user of the magic wave will also be aware of the location of the magic wave.

This method was usually used to search for magical treasures, but it was not very suitable for magical creatures as magical creatures could also sense magic waves. Furthermore, magical creatures could also hide their own magic energy, making it impossible for the prober to detect it. However, for a sea beast like the Blue Demon Whale, its strength was not great, but its magic was deep, and this was all because of its massive size. Moreover, the intelligence of the Blue Demon Whale was very low, and even though it was large, its brain was not even a tenth of a human's.

In the world of magical beasts, whether it was the magical beasts on the ground or the sea beasts on the sea, the domain consciousness was very deep. Using magic to detect in the domain of magical beasts was undoubtedly a provocation, and once it was a matter of the domain, there would be no end to it.

Although the Blue Demon Whale's Magic Perception was very low, Xiao Yitian had no choice but to focus all of his attention to reduce the vibration of the Magic Wave as much as possible. This way, he would have a lower chance of being discovered.

Just like this, Xiao Yitian continuously used magical waves to detect the location of the sea beasts while sending the Blue Demon Whale to the large ship. After an entire night, the people on the boat were finally able to safely pass through the domain of the blue demonic whales. At this time, they were not far from the mainland, and according to the crew's estimates, they would arrive in two days. This made the people on the boat cheer again.

At this moment, Xiao Yitian was also wiping his sweat and paddling towards the large ship. At this moment, Xiao Yitian suddenly heard the sound of the ship's hull. "Zzzz!" He could only see that the center of the ship had been torn apart by about ten centimeters. Although there was still some distance between the water line and the ship, if it were to be torn apart again, the ship would definitely be destroyed. In that case, he would be in danger if he remained alone in the sea. Xiao Yitian began to increase his speed as he rowed towards the large ship. At the same time, he was also wary of the boat tearing again. However, the heavens were unwilling. A single wave had struck the weak ship, yet it had been directly split in half from the middle. The people on the ship couldn't help but cry out in alarm when they saw the boat being torn apart. Zi Yan was even more anxious as she shouted, "Xiao Yi Tian!"

In an instant, Xiao Yitian followed the boat and disappeared into the waves.

Gu Changqing, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but sneer as Xiao Yi Tian and the small boat were both knocked over. He had released magic waves for the entire night, so did the current Xiao Yi Tian still have any excess magic and stamina to escape? Whether or not he could survive was up to him. Although his grandfather had told him to not let him die, Gu Changqing preferred Xiao Yitian to die right now.

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