Ghost Stories/C10 Bizarre pedigree
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Ghost Stories/C10 Bizarre pedigree
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C10 Bizarre pedigree

Chapter X The Strangest Genealogy

The male Cui Er Shu was actually wearing a woman's red wedding dress.

No, that's not right. This is the one I saw Red woman wearing before.

He hung his voice and sang in a strange female voice.

His eyes were bloodshot as he stared straight at me. There were even purple-red marks on his neck.

"Cui..." Cui Er Shu! " I shouted, too scared to walk.

My mother rushed in, following the sound.

She saw me pointing at the empty window and shouting.

She was so upset that she slapped me in the face.

"I've hurt you!" She suppressed her anger and said in a low voice, "What are you shouting about in the middle of the day for? Where is the Cui Lao Er! Were you scared during these two days? "

I was also stunned. I saw my mother's expression change and immediately stopped talking.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the window was empty again.

"Mother, I don't dare to sleep here tonight …" I was too scared to sleep in my room anymore, and I cried and hugged my mother.

She didn't see it, and I saw it, and I didn't feel safe anywhere on my own.

My mother frowned and finally managed to say, "You can turn on the light at night."

She was also muttering in her heart, didn't they follow Blind Wang's instructions to release something to suppress evil?

My mother knew I was timid, so she let me sleep alone very early. She didn't like to see me look like a glutinous rice ball.

However, my mother was indeed worried about my safety, so she immediately rushed over whenever there was a change in the situation. She also knew that she was not safe and that it was easy for children to see unclean things, so she thought of a compromise.

Let me turn on the light and go to sleep.

I was scared to death, but I didn't dare to disobey my mother. Switching on the lights was better than sleeping in the dark. I never wanted to open my eyes and see anything messy again.

My mother closed the window in panic, but felt that it wasn't safe enough, so she took the salt rice and scattered it outside the window.

However, aside from scaring me, I also felt that something was wrong.

When Cui Shenzi previously said that the Cui Er Shu was missing, he did not think so.

But when I saw the illusion of a Cui Er Shu beside the window, I vaguely felt it.

Cui Er Shu should really be dead.

Sure enough. After dinner, I heard Old Man Zhou from next door tell my mother that Cui Er Shu was dead.

Old Man Zhou described everything vividly, saying that the Blind Wang had calculated something for the Cui Lao Er. He described how it was extremely vicious, and then, following a certain direction, he found the Cui Lao Er hanging on a withered old tree in a wasteland that was very far away from the village.

The state of death was extremely bizarre. She was wearing red clothes that she had found somewhere, or a woman's clothes. Her eyes were bloodshot as she stared in front of her.

Follow the direction of the Cui Lao Er's eyes and we'll go straight to our house.

When she said that, my mother quivered, and then she remembered what I saw in the evening.

She was also scared out of her wits.

As for me, who was hiding behind the door and eavesdropping, I was scared witless.

The way Cui Er Shu dressed before he died was exactly the same as the one I saw before I died.

Old Man Zhou also said that the few people who carried the coffins with Cui Lao Er all fell ill with fever in the afternoon.

The village chief already knew about this matter. He contacted the town's hospital to save people, and on the other hand, he contacted the police station in the town to investigate. Tomorrow, he will return with a few people.

And from their conversation I learned that my father was on his way back.

The situation had reached a very serious point.

He could still feel the bad luck in my house. After sending the message, Old Man Zhou didn't stay for long and left after a while. My mother was left alone in the courtyard, worrying about something.

When she looked back, she saw me behind the door, surprisingly not angry.

He said faintly, "At night, you should just go to sleep …" "I don't feel at ease."

At night, all the lights in Grandpa's room were turned on.

After a while I thought I heard an ambulance, probably those with fever being sent to the hospital for first aid.

I sat alone in the lobby, not daring to listen, not daring to think.

The terrifying scene from before flashed through my mind as if it was being played back on loop. Red woman, this strange dream, this dead Cui Er Shu, they started spinning in my mind one by one.

I was shivering all alone in a corner.

Suddenly, I heard something in my grandfather's room.

Afraid something would happen to Pappy, I almost ran to his room.

"Grandfather!" I cried out. I saw my grandfather fall under the bed, and he seemed powerless to struggle.

"Numb..." "Numb …" He pointed at himself with a slurred voice, his fingers shaking.

"What numbness?" I frantically hugged him, unable to move at all. "Where do you think it's numb?"

He faltered as if he couldn't speak, and I saw that he was clutching a yellowing book in his other hand.

But I didn't have the time to think about it. I was afraid something might happen to Pappy.

The side of his body twitched as if he had a disease, which made him look very abnormal.

When I saw him struggle, I thought it was some kind of evil being. What had happened in the past few days was getting stranger and stranger.

"Mother!" Mother, come over quickly! " I cried out loud, hoping that nothing would happen to my grandfather.

Pong! Pong! My mother rushed in.

"Ya!" My mother glanced over it and frowned. "This …" This is... "A stroke …"

"Watch this old man …" She rushed straight back to the emergency phone.

I saw Pappy's mouth open, as if he had something to say to me.

"Ah …" "Ahh!" He couldn't utter a single word for a long while, and all he saw was saliva dripping down the corner of his mouth.

The hand holding the booklet trembled even more violently.

"You are... "Are you going to give me this?" I looked at my grandfather in panic and carefully pointed at the book in his hands.

He did not reply. His consciousness gradually became hazy, as if he could not hear anything.

I cried out in confusion, calling out to my grandfather.

The small booklet in his hand slowly fell off.

After an unknown period of time, the ambulance's bell rang.

Even though she cursed her grandfather's mother every day, she was still worried when faced with such an emergency.

At this moment, she was just as flustered as I was. Perhaps it was because of this special moment, but she didn't want to cause any trouble. If Grandpa didn't survive this time, then there would be a lot of bad luck in the family.

I picked up the small booklet on the floor. It said "The Cheng Family Tree."

This is my family tree?

Where did grandpa get it? Why was he looking for this?

He was connected to everything that had happened before.

I thought, maybe the things that my grandfather didn't tell Blind Wang and the others before was hidden in this family tree?

It was just that at that time, his grandfather did not remember that he needed to confirm it in the family tree.

I flipped through the family tree. This small booklet held a lot of weight to me. Looking at its simple and tattered cover, I knew that this booklet seemed to be aged.

The last page of the family tree had been turned.

On a name beside my great grandfather, there was a heavy scratch left behind by a fingernail. This name was "Cheng Qinghe." My great-grandfather's name is' Cheng Qingshan ', could this person be my great-grandfather's little brother? Why have I never heard my grandfather talk about him?

Was that the name my grandfather saw?

Thinking about the previous problem with the Blind Wang, could it be that this person had done something so vile?

He was truly filled with doubts.

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