Ghost Stories/C11 A beautiful dream strange dream?
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Ghost Stories/C11 A beautiful dream strange dream?
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C11 A beautiful dream strange dream?

His grandfather might never return.

Maybe he took the answer with him forever.

I should immediately tell Blind Wang and the others about this news. Blind Wang might really be able to deduce something from this name.

I had a feeling that if the coffin was not resolved, everyone in the village would be in danger.

My mother followed the ambulance. She was worried about leaving me alone at home. She wanted me to stay at Old Man Zhou's house for the night.

Old Man Zhou was a little hesitant and refused to let me in.

Due to the neighbor's many reasons, a discerning person could tell that he was a deceiver.

My mother knew he was afraid of bad luck, so there was nothing she could do.

I also wanted to follow my mother to the hospital in town, but she wouldn't let me go either.

She felt that the hospital was not a good place to be, and that it was even more unlucky.

Fortunately, I bumped into Old man Bai who was walking towards the coffin, he told me to stay at his house for the night, so I didn't have to sleep alone at home at night.

When I saw Old man Bai, I wanted to tell him about the family tree, but he was in a rush so I hastily greeted him and left. I could only wait until the next day to tell him about it.

At night, I slept in Old man Bai's son's room. His son went out, so I slept in the empty room.

Although Old man Bai sold coffins, her wife was a tailor, and even had a tailor shop. His family lived here, and was far from the coffin shop.

However, while I was alone in bed, I kept tossing and turning until I couldn't fall asleep.

The lights were on, but there were no other sounds. Old man Bai's wife was sleeping next door, so at least there was someone beside his.

However, his mind was filled with the events of the day. He was both afraid and worried. The messy thoughts in his mind were like a pot of porridge.

In the end, he thought of the name "Cheng Qinghe" and his heart skipped a beat.

I have this strange feeling that every time I think of this name, I feel like I'm being scratched by something. I don't know why.

My grandfather never mentioned the name, but I always felt like I knew him.

But I couldn't hold on to that feeling.

He tossed and turned until it was the middle of the night before he finally fell asleep.

There seemed to be a strange song by his ear.

"Outside the pavilion, by the ancient path, the grass is as beautiful as jade …"

"The night wind caresses the sound of the willow flute, the setting sun shines on the mountains …"

A soft and gentle female voice was singing Uncle Li Tong's "Farewell."

I smelled the faint fragrance of the locust flowers and opened my eyes. There were a few old locust trees standing on the flat ground in front of me.

My head felt heavy, and everything in front of me was strange and familiar.

I had a vague feeling that I was in a dream, that I remembered nothing of what had happened during the day.

Everything before him gave him a sense of reality, a sense of déjà vu.

"Is it nice?" The young girl's melodious voice rang in my ears. I turned my head around and saw a girl dressed in white that looked like a fairy.

She smiled at me like a blooming mountain flower.

No, she was aiming for me...

I suddenly noticed that there was an old boy who looked exactly like me.

"Good …" "Sounds good …" The young man was dumbstruck. The smile on the young girl's face became even wider.

I felt as if my soul had left my body and was looking at everything in front of me.

"He's like a fool. What's wrong? Haven't you seen me before?" Did you lose your mind watching all this? " The young girl was skipping.

"This song of yours must have been learned in the city. The private school teacher over here won't teach you these things." The youth shook his head, looking a little impatient. "It's so annoying to be around every day!"

"There's no meaning in the city …" The girl turned her head to look at the youth. "This place is still interesting."

"This place isn't good either. Even a young miss like you has to wrap her feet around it …" The teenager curled his lip, "There aren't that many rules in the city."

What kind of era was it to wrap their feet around? I looked at the two of them carefully. They didn't look like modern people, but they looked like they were wearing vintage costumes. One of them was wearing a black robe with a white scarf, and the other was wearing an old-fashioned dress with a small lace hat, which made me feel like I was transported back to the past.

The boy and the girl chatted and talked under the locust tree while I listened to what had happened.

They are not people of my time.

As they chatted, the girl looked at the youth seriously. Suddenly, she revealed a faint smile and thought of something.

"Ai …" Do you remember when I was young, playing house with you? "

"This... "I can't remember …" The youth looked embarrassed and embarrassed, even his voice had dropped. "Why are you suddenly talking about this?"

"Did you say you were going to marry me and become my wife …" She giggled as she looked at the young man, "At that time, you even pulled the hook, but you said that you are not allowed to change it even after a hundred years."

Hook to hang? My heart skipped a beat as I vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"If you say so …" I could feel the pleasure in his heart, but I didn't know how to respond.

The young girl was clearly hinting at something like this. The young man seemed to be quite stupid, and was at a loss as to what to say.

"Oh …" Recently, there have been quite a few people coming to our house to propose marriage … " When the young girl saw the expression on the youth's face, she intentionally said these words to tease him.

"What?" The young man exploded like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. "Who asked you to propose to them?"

The youth muttered with anger and anxiety on his face.

"That's too much …" The young girl's face was filled with complacency, yet she didn't forget to secretly glance at him.

I thought it was funny.

However, he still felt a little baffled by the dream before him.

Why did he dream of such things? He could not recall the events of the day from his dream.

In my dream, I became a piece of white paper. At most, I could only remember who I was.

This feeling should be what the elders had said about the "Clear Dream", which was that he had been able to maintain a certain degree of clarity in his dreams.

He vaguely felt that he might have been very distressed, or even afraid during the day.

However, the dream was very relaxed. It was just a young couple flirting under the locust flowers.

What does that have to do with me?

The young man in front of me looked very similar to me. I really did have an inexplicable feeling of familiarity towards him.

That's what I should be like when I grow up. I just looked at the two under the locust tree.

The young girl continued to tease the youth. Not long later, she couldn't hold back her laughter as well.

Tell the boy it's all a lie.

The young man's angry expression was one of relief, as he suppressed his happiness and pretended to be sulking.

Her bell-like laughter echoed in the breeze.

Her smile, as gentle as the sun to my heart.

Just like the young man, I was mesmerized by the sight.

The two of them chased after the locust tree.

She softly called out the youth's name.

"Qing He …" The girl suddenly stopped and turned around to look at the youth. "When are you coming to my house to propose marriage?"

Qing He …

Wait, that name sounds familiar.

I seem to have heard of it somewhere.

Cheng Qinghe?

I sat up, my head covered in cold sweat.

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