Ghost Stories/C3 Dreaming's grandmother
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Ghost Stories/C3 Dreaming's grandmother
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C3 Dreaming's grandmother

"Old, sigh …" I could hear Pappy crying from a distance.

I've just woken up from a nightmare myself, and I'm in a state of shock.

In the room next door, his grandfather suddenly started crying again, which made people even more frightened and frightened.

Could it be … Haunted again? Cold sweat dripped down my forehead. I looked around subconsciously, but I didn't see Red woman.

There was a commotion outside the door, and I saw my mother walk towards her grandfather's room in a flustered manner. As she went, her mouth was still filled with curses and her mind was in a state of restlessness.

I pushed open the door and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

Hearing the sound of my grandfather's crying getting louder and louder, I hurriedly followed behind my mother barefooted.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? " When my mother opened the door, she looked very flustered.

I stepped out from behind my mother's back and saw my grandfather leaning out with one hand on the edge of the bed, looking like he was going to crawl under it.

"Old East (West)... "Eunuch, what are you doing …" My mother frowned and carefully walked over.

She looked at the old man, wanting to support him but not daring to.

His grandfather desperately tried to climb out of the bed, but his original wailing turned into silent sobbing.

When I heard grandfather call you Old, didn't I also have a nightmare? And you dreamed of Grandma?

"Grandfather, you should first lie down well …" I also followed along. Unlike my mother who was cowering in fear, I directly supported my grandfather.

Today's matter caused my mother's heart to be in a mess. She felt worried and sighed before following me to start holding my grandfather's other hand, wanting him to lie down peacefully on the bed.

Grandfather looked at my mother with resistance. He wanted to pull his hand away but didn't have the strength to do so. He looked at me with tears flowing down his face.

My mother stared at my grandfather unwillingly, but she didn't dare let go.

"Xing Yazi..." Grandfather closed his eyes, feeling the sadness. The old man started to cry and howl again. "I've seen your grandma …"

My mother's heart thumped once again. She originally wanted to let go, but now she didn't dare to move recklessly. She calmly laid down on the bed according to the old man's wishes.

"Go away …" My grandfather seemed to not want to bother with my mother, "I have something to talk to Xing Yazi about, you can go!"

My mother couldn't suppress the anger in her heart. Seeing that the old man didn't have a good attitude towards her, she finally let go of his hand gently.

"Go …" "Let's go!" Pappy began to lose his temper at my mother. He didn't want to see her in the room.

I didn't know how to persuade her otherwise, so I could only say to my mother in a gentle voice, "Why don't you go out first, Mother?"

My mother grinded her teeth as she stared at my grandfather. She forcefully sighed, then rubbed her chest as she left the room.

I watched her leave. Her temper was usually so bad that she didn't even dare to slam the door, and she was filled with resentment towards whom. She walked faster and faster, probably heading to the lobby to call my dad.

Pappy waited until my mother was out of earshot before he put on a kind face.

"Sigh …" Your dad isn't as lucky as me... "Married to such a wicked woman …" Grandfather sighed and shook his head, unwilling to continue pondering. He remembered what he wanted to tell me and turned around to look at me seriously.

"Your grandmother... "Your grandma asked me to …" "Let me tell you about this dream first. Tomorrow, help me find the Blind Wang in the village and let him explain it to me."

Pappy began to recall his dreams.

The place was cold. Not a single person was left alive.

It was night, and the fog was hazy. At the end of the fog was a white river, and in the middle of the river stood a stone arch bridge.

At the other end of the bridge, it was quite lively. There were many people coming and going with the bright lights, and only Grandfather was standing in the middle of nowhere.

I saw my grandmother wearing the same birthday jacket, her face pale as she slowly walked over from the other side of the bridge.

At that time, I was both crying and laughing, wanting to follow to the bridge to meet my grandmother.

But Grandmother waved her hand when she saw I was about to get on the bridge.

"Old man …" "You can't come up here …" Your grandma looked teary. "You died before your time!"

I could only agree with tears in my eyes as I watched her approach step by step.

As he spoke, tears started to fall from Grandfather's eyes again. Listening to him talk about our reunion in the dream, I couldn't control my emotions and wiped them away together.

Grandfather continued to reminisce.

In the dream, Grandma looked at me and said, "Old man... A daughter-in-law is not filial... "I've let you suffer …"

"I'm not suffering... The Underworld is so cold … "You're the one who's suffering …" I stopped crying and looked carefully at your grandmother.

"Sigh …" Grandma sighed, "It was alright when I came here previously. The master in charge of the Underworld said that I did good deeds while I was alive and did good deeds, so I haven't suffered in here before."

When I heard this, why did I sigh without suffering?

"If you didn't suffer, then what are you sighing for, Old?" I wanted to ask, "What's the problem now?"

"I haven't been here very long." Your grandmother frowned. "Another person has moved into my place."

"What?" When I heard this, I was shocked and angry. "What do you mean someone moved in again?"

Was it a wild animal? I asked. Wild animals are also wild animals.

"It's not a wild animal …" Your grandma's brow creased, "I was squeezing out... "It's so crowded …"

What was going on? The more I listened, the more confused I became.

"Since someone is squeezing you, what else can't you see?"

"Can't see …" I can't see it … "

"Then... Can you tell me what the solution is? "

"Go find the village …" Then your grandmother's voice trailed off.

Slowly, it disappeared.

After he finished speaking, his grandfather's expression was heavy as he looked at me, "Xing Yazi, don't let your mother know about this. Go find Blind Wang early tomorrow morning."

"Grandfather." I suddenly remembered that the Blind Wang might come here because of what happened during the day, and I hadn't told Grandfather about the strange things that happened during the day.

He wanted to say something, but he hesitated. Should I say it or not? Tell Grandfather when Blind Wang comes?

"Xing Yazi, what do you want to say?" Grandfather asked as he looked at my conflicted expression.

"There's no need for me to look for Blind Wang tomorrow." I gritted my teeth and decided to let my grandfather have a breather first. After all, having this dream at night allowed him to mentally prepare himself.

"Something happened during the day." I thought about it, "It's also related to Grandma's matter, the Blind Wang will be coming over tomorrow."

"Mm …" No wonder your grandmother asked me to... "So …" His grandfather seemed to be deep in thought. "Alright, I'll wait …"

If he didn't have a cushion to directly tell his grandparents that the coffin was out, then his grandfather's body wouldn't be able to take it.

"Grandpa, you should be mentally prepared …" I solemnly looked at my grandfather. "This matter is really scary."

Thinking back to the day, my heart was still chilled.

Fear began to beat in my heart again, but I had no choice but to pretend to be calm in front of my grandfather, like my mother.

When I went out the door, I heard my mother holding the phone, shouting curses at the top of her voice. She was probably venting her anger at my father.

However, during the day of the second day, they did not wait for Blind Wang to come knocking.

Something strange had happened again.

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