God Abuser/C16 Brother How Can I Give Up!!
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God Abuser/C16 Brother How Can I Give Up!!
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C16 Brother How Can I Give Up!!

"What's going on? Mr Niu, when did these people appear? They don't seem to be Sun Chasing King's men. " Ye Wentian frowned.

"Four Seas and I were paying attention to the situation in the cave opposite us. But after you attacked in the cave, these men in black appeared in an instant. It looks like they've been staring at us for half a day. They attacked us ruthlessly. It seems like they don't want to leave anyone alive. Four Seas and I fought with all our might and took the lives of more than twenty of them in a row. However, they didn't retreat at all. When both sides were in a stalemate, some women in white suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They all had their faces covered, but their skills were extremely high. They were definitely here for the four seas. In an instant, they killed all the men in black around the Four Seas, then they started to capture the Four Seas. The four seas were unable to resist at all, and were instantly captured. On my side, I was tied up by the men in black. I didn't even have time to help before I pulled out a signal to ask for help. Those women took the Four Seas and fled north. It's all my fault for being useless. "

Tang Niu's expression was gloomy. It could be seen that he was in a state of extreme regret. Although he hadn't known Yuwen Sihai for a long time, they had long since become good brothers because of their personalities. Now that the four seas had been captured, it was a huge blow to Tang Niu.

Ye Wentian slowly walked over and patted Tang Niu's back.

"Mr Niu, don't be sad. You have tried your best. Judging from the situation, those girls only managed to capture Mr Sihai, but they didn't do any harm to him. I estimate that Mr Sihai should not be in danger for the time being. However, how can my brother, Ye Wentian, be humiliated! I must get Mr Sihai back! The three of us will come out together, so naturally we will go back together. Didn't they go north? I don't believe that the two of us will go north to look for Mr Sihai! We still can't find Mr Sihai!"

Ye Wentian looked at the north with a determined expression and slowly said. He couldn't make Ye Wentian give up on his brother!

When Tang Niu heard Ye Wentian's words, he immediately became energetic. He pulled out the knife on his shoulder and threw it on the ground.

"Yes! The three of you come out together, so we must go back together! However, if we head north from here, we will enter the territory of the Xiongnu people. There is a very large pass every hundred miles, and these passes take care of each other. They will form a barrier between each other. It could be said that these passes had already surrounded the territory of the Xiongnu like an iron barrel. The most important pass was twelve thousand miles deep. The world knew that they could not be crossed, so they called these passes "Twelve Extreme Walls. " It will be extremely difficult for us to pass through! Only an army can pass through that place. "

Sometimes, this barbaric bull was also a meticulous person.

Ye Wentian looked towards the northern horizon. The horizon was gradually brightening. There were layers of fog in the distance, making it appear extremely ethereal. A gentle breeze blew past the messy hair in front of Ye Wentian's forehead.

He clenched his fists tightly. His mind was filled with the bits and pieces of the past few days when he and Yuwen Sihai were together. What this generous big brother had given him was unreserved trust and loyalty! How could he give up on such a brother? No matter what it is in front of me, it will not stop me!

Suddenly, Ye Wentian felt a heroic spirit surging in his chest. He raised his head to the sky and shouted, "Mr Sihai, no matter where you are, I will definitely snatch you back!"

Tang Niu's eyes became moist. With such a brother, what was there to be dissatisfied about? At this moment, he knew that Ye Wentian, this brother, was a good brother that he would definitely become friends with for the rest of his life!

Ye Wentian said in a low voice, "Mr Niu, is your injury alright? Let's go now. Today at noon, I'm going to forcefully attack the Twelfth Extreme Wall! "

Tang Niu was immediately stunned. " Mr Wentian, why do we have to forcefully attack? There are countless Xiongnu soldiers stationed at each pass. Although they are known as passes, they are all armed to the teeth!"

Ye Wentian had already walked towards the north. As he walked, he said, "Mr Niu. It will take a lot of time for us to sneak into the pass, although Mr Sihai is not in danger for the time being. But there are variables in everything, we can afford to wait. Mr Sihai can't wait! Besides, the reason why I chose to pass the test. . . I want to let Mr Sihai know that we are here. We are here to find him!"

Tang Niu laughed when he heard that. "That's right. We have to let him know that we have not given up on him. Let's hurry up! I haven't seen him for a while. I'm starting to miss this old brat!"

Tang Niu was secretly excited at this moment. Be a good boy and attack "Twelve Extreme Wall" by force! It was too crazy! Following Mr Wentian never needed to worry about boring life. If we succeed this time, Iron Blood Judge, the Violent Bloodthirsty Bull has travelled thousands of miles to save his brother. Attacking the "Twelve Extreme Wall" by force, just the sound of it was enough to make one's blood boil.

Yuwen Sihai was very depressed right now. He had been driven by a few girls all this time. This was an experience that he had never experienced before! When did he become so weak?

His eyes were not blinded, so he could see the outside. These girls in white were moving very fast. In just half a day, they had run for more than five hundred miles. This skill was truly inferior to his!

Four Seas looked at the surrounding situation and his heart sank to the bottom. These women had already brought him into the territory of the Xiongnu people. According to the passing pass, we have already passed the "Twelve Extreme Walls. " The first five passes. From the attitude of the Xiongnu soldiers at the pass, these women in white should have a high status in the Xiongnu people! Ye Wentian and the others did not know how they were doing either. They should have safely returned to the Iron Blood Camp already!

Four Seas did not think that Ye Wentian would come to find him because this "Extreme Wall Twelve" was like a heavenly stream between them. Even if they used the power of the entire nation, they would not be able to pass through it.

Four Seas also decided to leave it up to fate. Although he hoped that Ye Wentian and the others would come to rescue him, he hoped that Ye Wentian and the others would forget about him. After all, it was better to die alone than everyone else. Ye Wentian and Tang Niu had already arrived at the first stage of the "Twelve Extreme Walls. " In front of the Youyun Pass.

The two of them looked carefully and saw that both sides of the entrance were surrounded by mountains that stretched for hundreds of miles. They couldn't see the end of the pass. The pass was right in front of the mountain pass. They used several hundred feet of city walls to connect the mountains on both sides of the pass. The heavy city gates were tightly shut and there was no one outside. It was during the war period, and the Xiongnu people would seal all the passes. No one was allowed to enter or exit.

Ye Wentian and Tang Niu stood on the main road outside the Youyun Pass. Their figures were very thin. Both of them stood there quietly. There was only the sound of the wind blowing the yellow sand around them. A desolate atmosphere shrouded the Dark Cloud Praise. Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At this time, a large piece of dark cloud drifted over from the horizon and stopped above the mountains. After a clap of thunder, a heavy rain poured down.

The Xiongnu soldiers on the Youyun Pass all looked at the two lone men outside the pass.

One of the commanders gritted his teeth and said, "What are they trying to do? Standing in front of the Youyun Pass, could they be the scouts of Xuanyuan? Does Xuanyuan want to attack the Twelfth Extreme Wall? "

A person dressed like a civil servant standing beside him cupped his hands and said," Lord Commander, Xuanyuan Wulei is a steady man. He would definitely not do such an unwise thing. I'm afraid there is something else hidden here. "

This commander waved his hand and shouted loudly, "Archers, listen up! Once they enter the shooting range, immediately kill them!"

After giving the order, the commander continued to nervously look at the two people in the distance. With a calm expression, he muttered to himself, "These two people are not simple. . . "

Ye Wentian took off his clothes and tied them to Tang Niu's injured shoulder. His expression was unusually calm.

"Mr Niu, are you ready? Follow behind me in a while. Don't get too far away from me. "

Tang Niu stared at the Tranquil Cloud City gate and said through gritted teeth, "Alright. Magistrate, don't worry. I won't die before saving the four seas!"

After Ye Wentian entered the battlefield, There's only one name, Judge.

Ye Wentian turned to look at the wall of Tranquil Cloud City and shouted towards the sky, "I, Iron Blood Judge!"

Tang Niu also clenched his fists and shouted loudly. " I, Bloodthirsty Mad Bull!" After that, the two of them looked at each other and suddenly rushed forward together.

"Indestructible Iron-Blooded Blood! ~~~~!!”

The Xiongnu soldier commander at the head of the city realized that the two of them had actually started charging! His eyes instantly widened, and his pupils rapidly contracted.

"Crazy! They were going to attack the Youyun Pass! They don't know the difference between life and death, kill them all! Madman!!" The commander was instantly enraged. This was the first stage of the Twelve Extreme Walls, and if they wanted to rely on these two people to forcefully charge through it, it would absolutely be an insult to the Hun Clan.

"Rumble. . . "

In an instant, hundreds of arrows flew down from the city wall and attacked Ye Wentian and his companion, who had already entered the shooting range.

After all, the enemy only had two people. Hundreds of arrows shooting out was already giving them a lot of face. Of course, this was only what the archers on the top of the city thought.

Ye Wentian's eyes narrowed, and his eyes lit up, "It's coming! Mr Niu! Don't slow down!"

In the midst of the rapid speed, Ye Wentian's figure changed and vanished in an instant. The sound of the air being torn could be heard continuously, and it became more and more concentrated. The tremendous pressure brought about by the spatial distortion formed a huge whirlwind on the ground. The yellow sand on the ground was swept into the air. In an instant, the dust and sand were sent flying, filling the sky. "Wentian Illusion!!!"

Ye Wentian, who had more arrows than arrows, instantly appeared in the air. In just a blink of an eye, Every arrow was caught by Ye Wentian. After that, the "Ye Wentian" in the air waved their hands together and threw all the arrows back to the city wall in the same direction they came from. The difference was that they moved much faster than when they came!

"What!?" The commander was shocked.

"Quickly dodge!"

Unfortunately, it was already too late. In an instant, the hundreds of archers were pierced through the chest by the arrows that he had shot out earlier, causing the city wall to fall into panic.

Some arrows even penetrated through three people. Just like that, there were at least a thousand people on this Tranquil Cloud City wall who returned to the Western Paradise with their souls!

"All archers!! Shoot with all your might ~ I don't believe that he can catch all the arrows! Kill him for me!!" Under the pressure of Ye Wentian's powerful strength, the commander lost his normal state. Now, his voice had become hoarse.

He felt fear, a sense of helplessness that he couldn't match, causing his entire body to tremble.

Arrows that blotted out the sky and covered the earth shot towards Ye Wentian and Tang Niu as if they had gone mad. At this time, the two of them were already a hundred steps away from the bottom of the city.

Ye Wentian sneered and turned around to lift Tang Niu up. A beautiful cyclone surged out from their bodies. "Bang!"

After a muffled sound, the place where the two of them had just stood was only left with distorted space, as well as bows and arrows that had long since lost their target.

The commander of the city looked at the two of them that had disappeared, and muttered, "If this is a dream, then let me wake up ~ ~"

"They are below ~ ~~!” A Xiongnu soldier noticed Ye Wentian and Tang Niu and hurriedly called out.

At this time, Ye Wentian was already standing in front of Tranquil Cloud City's city gate. Tang Niu stood behind him arrogantly with his arms crossed, looking like he wanted to watch a good show.

Ye Wentian gently pressed his hand on the seemingly sturdy gate and said slowly.

"Is anyone home? Ask! Heavens! Extinguish!" 。。。

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