God Abuser/C4 Rules Trash!!
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God Abuser/C4 Rules Trash!!
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C4 Rules Trash!!

"Nonsense! Hurry up and leave. This place is full of condemned prisoners. They will be sent to the battlefield to die in three days. If you want to fight, go to other places to join the army. This place will not accept you. " That soldier immediately treated these two living treasures as if they had lost their minds.

No way! Even if he were to throw an army, he would still be able to bump into walls everywhere? Ye Wentian was almost depressed. He went up and asked the soldier. "Big brother, is there a rule that the Death Prison Camp does not accept other people?"

The soldier was stunned. "No. "

Lo Cangloong heard it and quickly hit the snake with his stick. "Then it's settled. There is no rule that we cannot accept new soldiers. Why can't we accept the two of us?"

The soldiers thought that there was no need for such a rule, because other than death row prisoners, no one would willingly join this camp. One had to know that once this camp entered the battlefield, it would basically be completely wiped out! This place was very different from other people's iron-blooded blood. This kind of battle was meaningless!

But this soldier could not find a way to refute the words of these two madmen for a moment. Both sides froze there and stared at each other.

"What exactly is the matter that caused such a ruckus in the camp?" Huang Yishui was feeling depressed. It was not easy for him to enter the army. In the end, he was assigned to supervise the death row prisoners and send them to their deaths. He could not get any military merits. He saw that the other party had given him a lot of money, but he could not get a single penny. After all, his uncle was the prime minister of the court. Lee Zhengyang did not give him any face at all. Later on, he will definitely let his uncle study a few books properly in front of the Emperor.

When the soldier saw that the commander had arrived, he immediately went forward and bowed, "Commander, these two people want to join Death Prison Camp. "

Huang Yishui was surprised as he used his pair of triangular eyes to size Ye Wentian and Ye Wentian up and down. He thought maliciously in his heart, 'Humph! Humph! It just so happens that I have nowhere to vent my anger. Two idiots came at the same time. If they want to die, I have no reason not to help them!'

Therefore, he pretended to say, "Since you want to contribute to the country, I naturally can't decline. Little Li, bring these two people to register. From today onwards, you will be a member of Death Prison Camp. " After saying that, he directly passed by Ye Wentian and walked out of the camp. Before he left, he gave a cold snort.

"This commander is very strange. But, this is great, Ye Wentian. We finally have a chance. " Lo Cangloong was very excited.

Ye Wentian didn't say anything, he just nodded happily. He thought in his heart, This commander is not a good thing. I have to pay attention to him in the future. That soldier called Xiao Li led the two brothers into the camp. Ye Wentian and the other two came in and found out that there was nothing like the camp inside. It was more like a livestock farm. Tens of thousands of condemned prisoners were tied to pillars on both sides of the road. There were only a few listless soldiers in the entire camp who could move freely. They should be the old and weak soldiers guarding these condemned prisoners.

There was no sound in the camp. The stench was so strong that the eyes of the condemned prisoners were lifeless. They were like a pile of dead ashes and no longer had any desire for survival.

Ye Wentian and the soldier followed the soldier into a simple barracks. The soldier quickly helped them register.

Then the soldier said, "You two can enjoy your freedom in this camp, but from today onwards. . . Without orders from the higher-ups, you can't walk out of this camp as you please. Although this is Death Prison Camp, there are still some rules. Sigh ~ Look at your young age, you really don't know what to do! Why did you come all the way to this Death Prison Camp just to die? In three days, you will be going to the battlefield. Let's pray for our own good fortune. " This soldier was not a bad person. After feeling sorry for these two" idiots, "he left the room.

"Wentian, what do you think? the soldier asked. I roughly observed them. This Death Prison Camp doesn't have any combat strength. Once we enter the battlefield, we will definitely die. We have to think of a good way to protect ourselves on the battlefield three days later! " After Lo Cangloong finished speaking, he lowered his head and started thinking.

Ye Wentian looked outside. He was not worried about the battle three days later.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Big brother, are these condemned prisoners really vicious people? Look, there are about ten thousand people outside, right? It seems to be a little more. "

" Hmph! Although they are condemned prisoners, they are also pitiful people. Most of them have been wrongly imprisoned here, but unfortunately, they are all people without power and influence, so they can only accept this unfair fate!" A tall man with a bare upper body walked in from outside as he spoke.

Lo Cangloong stepped in front of Ye Wentian and shouted, "Who are you?!" He found that this man was emitting a dangerous smell from all over his body. The coldness in his eyes made people shiver.

The man coldly harrumphed and said, "You are the two brats who came to the Death Prison Camp to die? When I first heard about them, I thought that these two were either true heroes with great abilities, or two idiots who had nothing to do and had nothing to do. They simply didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth. It seems like you belong to the second category. "

After Lo Cangloong heard his words, his face stiffened and was about to flare up, but he was pulled to the side by Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian slowly walked towards the man and said slowly, "Judging from your attire, you should also be a condemned prisoner. Why can you walk freely in the camp? "

The man said proudly, "A person who can live in Death Prison Camp for six years, of course he can have this freedom. I've killed at least 300 undying slaves. If I live for another four years. . . With the number of years I have, I will truly be able to obtain freedom. At that time, I'll definitely join the Iron Blood Army. . . I will truly charge into the battlefield and kill a few Xiongnu soldiers! "

Ye Wentian nodded and said, "I can see that. Ye Wentian nodded and said, This big brother can be considered a hero for a period of time. This little brother was full of admiration. Since most of the people outside were wronged, it's not right to die for nothing! "

When the man heard Ye Wentian's words, he gradually felt that although this child looked very thin and weak, he was still quite pleasing to the eye. His tone was also much better.

"Who says so? But since he has already been convicted. . . They could only accept their fate. Although I have the intention to help them. . . I can only try my best to kill a few more undying slaves three days later on the battlefield. But I also know that this is a drop in the bucket. " After the man finished speaking, his expression was a little gloomy. Although he spoke with a tough tone, it could be seen that he was actually a kind person.

Ye Wentian slowly paced around the room. His brows were tightly knitted, as if he was thinking about something.

Lo Cangloong looked at Ye Wentian and waited quietly.

"They will be going to the battlefield in three days. These condemned prisoners outside are our comrades. I want to put them down. " Ye Wentian suddenly said.

"Impossible! Before going to the battlefield, these condemned prisoners had to be tied up. This was the rule. Besides. . . The commander won't agree either. " The man said hastily. He was shocked by Ye Wentian's words.

Ye Wentian turned his head and said, "Brother, what's your name?"

The man replied, "My name is Yuwen Sihai. This little brother, you must not act on impulse. This is the Death Prison Camp that cannot be compared to the outside world. If you do anything that violates the rules, you will lose your life!"

Ye Wentian waved his hand. "Rules are set by people. I want to change the rules. To me, they are not condemned prisoners. They are not innocent people. They are my comrades. On the battlefield, I need them. . . Now they need me. Mr Sihai, are you interested in joining us?" After saying that, he wanted to go outside. Lo Cangloong followed closely behind.

There was a kind of thing that people would never doubt about what their brothers wanted to do. Lo Cangloong was this kind of person. "Wait for me, little brother. Since you have such lofty sentiments, I, Yuwen Sihai, really can't make sense of it if I continue being pretentious. Let's go together. At most, we'll just die. Anyway, this time, we're going to the battlefield. We might not be able to come back alive. " Yuwen Sihai followed the two brothers with two steps.

The sun was bright outside. Ye Wentian stretched comfortably and then stood in the middle of the camp. Surrounding him were the prisoners who were tied up.

Ye Wentian looked around and found that there were old people and children among the prisoners. He frowned and thought to himself, It seems that most of these prisoners are pitiful people.

"Do you want to live?" Ye Wentian shouted loudly. His voice was very loud and spread very far.

"What does he want to do?" A few soldiers looked at Ye Wentian and the other two in the camp drill ground.

The camp was quiet, even quieter than before.

Ye Wentian looked around at the faces that were filled with the aura of death and sighed to himself. It seemed that if one's heart died, there would only be despair.

"Who wants to live?" Ye Wentian shouted again, the same as before.

Lo Cangloong stepped forward and said, "It seems like these people have already lost their will to live. The only thing they can do now is to wait for death. "

Ye Wentian nodded and shouted at them, "Now, we have a chance to live. Be my comrades! You know, there will be a farce that will destroy everyone here in three days! You have no choice. Either you believe that I can keep you alive, or I will kill you right now. I will completely free you from your pain. " Ye Wentian's voice was very cold.

"Why should we trust you?" An old condemned prisoner shouted at Ye Wentian.

"Because in three days, there will only be two types of people there. My people, dead people. " Ye Wentian said with a cold smile.

"With just you? Who do you think you are?" A very uncomfortable voice called out.

Ye Wentian did not refute him, but said to Yuwen Sihai," Mr Sihai, go and bring over the list of all the condemned prisoners. It should record what crimes they have committed, right? "

Yuwen Sihai nodded and said, "The list is very complete. Everyone has committed crimes. " After saying that, he turned around and took the list.

Ye Wentian shouted, "You can choose not to believe me now, because I didn't do anything. However, after I do something later, All of you, think about it seriously. "

The old prisoner looked at Ye Wentian, who was only a teenager, and laughed disdainfully. " If you can do something big. . . So what if I sell you this old bone of mine? But what can you do at such a young age that makes people look at you in a different light? "

Ye Wentian smiled and didn't say anything. He just quietly waited for Yuwen Sihai.

"I got it!" Yuwen Sihai handed the register to Ye Wentian and then stepped back to look at Ye Wentian. He did not understand what Ye Wentian wanted to do.

Ye Wentian opened the roster and looked at it carefully. A few soldiers did not know what was going on, so they walked over together and shouted, "What are you doing? Although you have the right to walk freely, there are rules in this camp. Why are you looking at the roster? Bring it over. It's not something you can read! "

Ye Wentian did not intend to bother with them. He continued to look at the register and frowned.

Lo Cangloong flashed in front of Ye Wentian and shouted, "My brother can read it if he wants to. What else can you do? If you provoke me, I will recognize you. My fist will not recognize you! "

"Huh?! Who the f * ck didn't tighten his belt and expose you? What's wrong? Do you still want to rebel? " A thin and weak soldier clamored.

"Rumble. . . !"

A few of the remaining soldiers suddenly flew out, unable to get up again.

Lo Cangloong put his hand on his waist and did not pull out the knife. He was stunned on the spot.

Yuwen Sihai was shocked and murmured in a trembling voice, "External force of inner energy? This was a distance of 40 feet. But why didn't I feel any true energy fluctuations ~ ~ "

Ye Wentian slowly retracted his hand and continued to stare at the register, as if he had just done a very ordinary thing.

However, his eyes turned cold as he coldly said, "Those who dare to insult my brother, kill them!"

Lo Cangloong looked at Ye Wentian in a daze. He suddenly realized that he actually did not understand this brother in front of him who was very good to him. He could not help thinking in his heart, So this brother of mine is a great expert who has hidden his strength!

Ye Wentian closed the register and sighed deeply.

According to the register, there were a total of 10,348 people here. Among them, only 948 were guilty of serious crimes. The rest of them were basically imprisoned for injustice. Except for the elderly and children who were tortured and disabled in the prison, there were only about a thousand people who were still in good shape.

Ye Wentian slowly walked towards the old prisoner on death row. 。。。。

The old prisoner had just seen Ye Wentian kill the soldiers with a wave of his hand. When he saw Ye Wentian walking towards him, he could not help but panic and struggle. Unfortunately, he was tied up and could not move, so he could only close his eyes in despair and leave it to fate!

Ye Wentian stopped in front of the pillar that tied the old man up. He looked at the name on the pillar. Su San San ~ This old man's name was Su San. According to the name, he was thrown into the prison of enemies.

Ye Wentian looked at the surrounding pillars. There were names engraved on them. He nodded and said to the old man softly, "Tell me, if I kill all 948 criminals on death row here, does that count as a big deal?" 。。。

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