God of Illusions/C47 Challenge!
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God of Illusions/C47 Challenge!
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C47 Challenge!

Seeing Xue Ying who was deliberately trying to be suspenseful, the entire room became silent. Having learned the lesson from the previous incident, if Xue Ying did not finish his words, Savage class would no longer dare to relax.

"You mean the matter of the bounty board?"

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei's brain was working fast enough, so he immediately thought of what Xue Ying meant by "avoiding disaster".

"That's right, the principal called me over this morning. Your problem has already been resolved, but the method is a bit unexpected."

Xue Ying said as he poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip, ignoring Bai Xiaofei's look of anticipation.

"Do you really want to know what the principal's method is?"

Smiling faintly, not only did Xue Ying not immediately tell Bai Xiaofei his intentions, he even took the initiative to keep Bai Xiaofei in suspense.

"I can guess, do you believe me?"

After realizing Xue Ying's plan, Bai Xiaofei's attitude immediately changed by 180 degrees. He stared straight at Xue Ying and asked slowly.

"Believe you? Right now, even if I believe you, I won't believe you. "

With a cold snort, Xue Ying revealed an expression that said "I have already seen through you".

"Then how about we bet? If I'm right, you treat this meal. If you're wrong, I'll treat you again next time."

With that said, other than Xue Ying, the rest of the people started to boil in excitement.

In any case, they were all beneficiaries, and if the bet was set, they would most likely have a big meal.

As a result, everyone turned their gaze towards Xue Ying. Whether the bet would succeed or not, it all depended on her.

"Can I understand that you're provoking your form teacher?"

After holding it in for a long time, Xue Ying chose to protect himself. Furthermore, the method was extremely shameless, but being a rogue was not a rogue.

"big sister Xue, I was wrong. Just say it, I can't guess …"

Bai Xiaofei, whose face was filled with bitterness, immediately took back his previous seriousness. While acknowledging his loss, he did not forget to make Xue Ying regret a little.

As expected, as soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Xue Ying immediately felt that he had taken a huge loss. After he coldly glared at Bai Xiaofei, he also no longer had the mood to tease Bai Xiaofei.

"Before I left, Qin Lingyan, who had a bounty on her head, was first called over by the Principal. Under the coordination of the Principal, she agreed to remove the bounty on her own head, but she also said that she had to vent her anger."

Bai Xiaofei's expression of not wanting to give in at all appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind, and he could not help but let out a bitter laugh.

As expected, if he were to pay for the sins he had committed …

"Can't I apologize …"

"What do you think?"

As long as it was a normal person, they wouldn't be able to accept such a simple form of apology. Considering what he had done that day, even one or two beatings might not be enough to solve the problem …

"Then what is she going to do?"

Bai Xiaofei who had given up struggling asked. At the same time, he started to prepare his heart for the incoming storm.

"I don't know about that, but she decided to tell you face to face. That is also why we are here right now."

Xue Ying spread out his hands, indicating that she was just a messenger.

"Face to face? "Here?!"

Suddenly, Bai Xiaofei had a bad premonition, and this premonition quickly turned into reality.

The door to the private room was pushed open, and a cold, frosty Qin Lingyan walked in. Behind her, there were two "Giants" who seemed to be weighing at least one hundred and fifty kilograms.

"I brought two friends with me. I don't think so, do I?"

With a cold laugh, Qin Lingyan looked at Bai Xiaofei and a chill crawled up his neck.

This was the first time the two had met since the incident in the dorm. The expression on Qin Lingyan's face was already sufficient enough to explain her current attitude towards Bai Xiaofei — — Why didn't you die earlier!

However, Bai Xiaofei wasn't paying attention to this point yet, he was more concerned about the "friend" Qin Lingyan brought over.

Are these two really friends? Not two vindictive machines?

In the end, even Bai Xiaofei himself did not convince himself that these two big guys were definitely specially made by Qin Lingyan!

This point was quickly confirmed as the three of them took their seats!

"These two friends of mine are rather good at eating. I don't think you guys would mind me adding more dishes."

"Of course not, go ahead and order, Bai Xiaofei is treating."

Xue Ying immediately replied. He didn't even give Bai Xiaofei the chance to speak, and for a moment, Bai Xiaofei even felt like the two of them had long since discussed things …

After ordering another dish that was at least twice as delicious as the one that Xue Ying had ordered just now, Qin Lingyan "satisfyingly" put down the menu in his hands.

For the first time in his life, Qin Lingyan felt that ordering dishes was actually a very happy thing.

"What are you guys talking about? You guys can continue. I'll just listen."

Qin Lingyan looked at the others with a kind expression, but when he turned towards Bai Xiaofei, his face immediately turned long.

"Speaking of Sis Ling Yan, how do you plan on settling the matter between us? Since the others can't give you the answer, since senior is already here, then we won't randomly guess."

Fully using his shameless spirit, Bai Xiaofei directly ignored Qin Lingyan's expression and forced himself to the point.

"One month's time, I'll give you one month's time. One month later, I'll bring four people with me, and I'll bring as many people as you want. We'll have a spar. Of course, teacher is not allowed to take action. "

The moment he said that, the entire hall was shocked.

Fighting with senior sister?! And fighting five at once?!

They were going to fight to the death!

"Ok, deal!"

Before the remaining people could recover from their shock, Bai Xiaofei had already agreed to Qin Lingyan's challenge, as if he did not think at all.

"I will revoke the bounty, but from today onwards, you are not allowed to use me to build up your momentum, and you are not allowed to use useless words. If I were to find out, the bounty will be resold!"

Qin Lingyan did not say what "fake" words Bai Xiaofei had said, but her expression told him everything.

"No problem."

Smiling slightly, Bai Xiaofei did not take this to heart. Right now, he no longer needed Qin Lingyan's identity.

"That's all I have to say. I hope you can fulfill every single one of them."

After he slightly heaved a sigh of relief, the stone that was hanging over Qin Lingyan's heart also fell to the ground. As long as Bai Xiaofei didn't speak anymore nonsense, she would be able to dispel the effect that had been created in the past few days.

The two of them spoke amongst themselves, while the rest of the people watched with their mouths agape. They knew that Bai Xiaofei was very brave, but they never thought that he would be this calm when talking to a senior who had been angered by them!

During this period of time, the dishes on the table had also been served.

"Anyway, sitting together is fate, how about we have a toast?"

Lifting his wine cup, Bai Xiaofei smiled and stood up.

Everyone in the Savage class raised their wine cups immediately, and at the same time, all of their gazes landed on Qin Lingyan.

"I hope you won't disappoint me in a month."

After he coldly said that, Qin Lingyan raised his wine cup and downed it in one gulp.

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