God of Illusions/C49 New Arrangements!
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God of Illusions/C49 New Arrangements!
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C49 New Arrangements!

Leading a group of people who had yet to recover from their shock, Xue Ying once again arrived at the square where everyone was in so much pain that they wished they were dead.

But the difference from before was that this time, not only did no one complain, there was even a hint of expectation in everyone's eyes.

"In the coming month, the first thing you guys have to do is to raise your physical strength. Girls should be trained as boys and boys should be trained as animals. If you guys can't take it anymore, you can ask to quit now. I definitely won't look down on you."

Xue Ying was exceptionally serious when she said this, but none of the 16 people responded to her.

"If no one quits, we can begin."

Taking a deep breath, he saw that the Demon's class teacher, Xue Ying, had officially come online!

"Within an hour, finish two laps. No one is allowed to fall behind! The time starts now! "

After Xue Ying finished her sentence, the originally well-prepared crowd felt a sense of resistance from the bottom of their hearts. However, this feeling was quickly digested by them.

It was just two laps, but it was much stronger than yesterday!

As they comforted themselves, the 16 of them started their journey once again!

His legs, which were already sore to the point where he could not move, were measuring the length of the plaza step by step. However, no one let out a wail like last time. Everyone clenched their teeth and persevered.

Because this time, they had a target!

To most people, an hour was like the flick of a finger, but to the current Savage class, this hour was simply torture.

As everyone was sweating profusely as they passed the finish line, an unprecedented feeling of comfort gushed into their hearts.

"Limits have always existed. However, they did not exist to become an obstacle in your progress. Rather, they existed as a node for your advancement. If you were to break through a limit, you would become stronger."

Facing the panting crowd, Xue Ying's emotionless voice could be heard.

"Rest for five minutes and run once more!" It will end in forty minutes! "

Everything he said before was just a preparation. This sentence was the most important part. It was also this sentence that allowed many people to understand just how precious medicine for regret was …

Compared to the previous hour, these five minutes simply flew by. Mo Ka didn't even have time to catch his breath before he had to start off again.

"Wu Chi, Shi Kui, Xu Chen. The four of us will run to the back. Xing Nan, Sisi, Wang Hang, Qi Wei, you four run in front. The rest of you stay in the middle. No one will fall behind!"

Before they started running, Bai Xiaofei took the initiative to assign the location according to everyone's physical strength. It looked like a simple run, but for them, it was like a war had started.

Everyone started to follow Bai Xiaofei's instructions immediately. A four-by-four team once again started their journey to conquer the square.

Every time there was someone who couldn't hold it anymore, the four people behind would push him back to catch up with the team. When they reached the last stage, Bai Xiaofei and the other three were already running with two each.

But no matter what, they still collectively passed the finish line before the time was up.

This time, their stamina had truly been depleted. Not a single one of them in the group wasn't breathing heavily like a worn-out blower.

"Rest for five minutes. Let's find another place."

It was as if Xue Ying did not see the state of the crowd. There was no pity in her ice-cold voice. It was as if she had become a completely different person.

Once again, five minutes passed in the blink of an eye. The group of people behind Xue Ying no longer had the strength to think anymore.

Fortunately, Xue Ying didn't bring them to any places where they could train this time. Instead, she brought them to the medicine district where the incense burner resided. It was also the only place in the entire academy that wasn't in the business district.

"Boss, buy some medicine."

As Xue Ying said this, she took out her jade token. The Xingluo stone she plundered from Bai Xiaofei and the other three became the main source of funds for this purchase.

Soon after, Xue Ying recited a long list of medicinal ingredients, and each one was followed by a terrifying number.

Bai Xiaofei and the others gulped as they listened, while the boss of the pharmacy became more and more energetic.

By the time Xue Ying left with her group, half of the drug store was already emptied. Xue Ying had also ordered the next batch of the same medicine.

Of course, in exchange, the number of Xingluo stone on the jade token had already turned to zero …

"From today onwards, all of you are not allowed to use spatial type tools, but you can use puppets."

Just when Bai Xiaofei, Fang Ye and the rest were about to put the mountain-like herbs into their storage rings, Xue Ying poured a bucket of cold water over them.

"So many things …"

"Relying on my own hands?!"

Da Ming and Xiao Ming started the synchronization mode, expressing their common surprise.

"You can also use your head to poke it. In any case, as long as it's a part of your body, you can use it. That is your freedom."

Xue Ying watched the crowd until Wu Chi stood up and started to fall onto her body one by one.

Fortunately, the pharmacy owner gave him a lot of rope, so he could carry a lot of it besides moving around.

With Wu Chi's starting point, the rest of the people also followed one after the other. With the idea of boys taking more girls or more, a small mountain was quickly divided up.

"Let's go to the next stop, the business district!"

Under Xue Ying's instructions, the sixteen people that had "returned with a great fortune" followed closely behind her. At the same time, they recalled the distance between the business district and the incense burner, and their hearts couldn't help but turn to ashes.

Another trip across the square!

Now, if someone were to ask Savage class's group where they hated the most in this life, then Xingluo Academy's plaza would definitely blurt it out immediately!

When they arrived at the business district, the group of people, who had just about recovered, were once again half dead. Medicinal ingredients were extremely heavy and there was no room for confusion at all …

Fortunately, Xue Ying didn't have many things to buy here. After taking a walk around the shops, Xue Ying soon completed her shopping plan.

And perhaps it was because the sixteen of them could no longer take anything out, this time Xue Ying directly put it into her Space Ring.

However, what puzzled the group of people was why Xue Ying would buy so many vats and tents...

"You guys wait here for me. I'll be back soon."

After a rare break, Xue Ying disappeared from their line of sight.

"Squad leader, what do you think big sister Xue will do next?"

It seemed that they had finally gotten to know each other. Other than Lin Li, the first person among the girls to talk to Bai Xiaofei had appeared.

It was none other than Qi Wei.

"I'm a bit afraid to say it, because I'm afraid to say it."

With a bitter face, Bai Xiaofei looked like he didn't want to believe it.

"What do you mean?"

The more he spoke, the more interested he would be in her. This was one of the common characteristics shared by boys and girls of this age, and Qi Wei was one of the best.

"Say, do you think there's anything in our academy that can be used as a tent?"

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