God of Illusions/C81 Update Your Three Views!
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God of Illusions/C81 Update Your Three Views!
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C81 Update Your Three Views!

"Senior, do you know my name?"

The originally confused senior felt a trace of confusion on his face after Bai Xiaofei's question, and his heart began to beat up.

F * ck, could he be a friend of some big boss!?

Impossible, the elders have all said hello!

"You are …"

He asked weakly. The senior was ready to apologize. For the sake of protection, he couldn't afford to offend an overpowered person.

"Bai Xiaofei."

Bai Xiaofei smiled. The three seniors were stunned at the same time.

It wasn't because they were scared by Bai Xiaofei's name, but rather, they searched their minds to see if any big boss mentioned this name.

"Holy shit, I remember!" You are the brat who was awarded the Frost Goddess's bounty! "

A senior standing behind him had an expression of realization as he pointed at Bai Xiaofei and shouted.

"Hehe, so it's you who doesn't know whether you're dead or alive. What kind of person do I f * cking think you are!" You've already used up all of my patience! "

The leader of the group, a man with a buzz cut, sneered twice. With a flash of light, the entire puppet set appeared in his hands.

"Sigh, it seems like you won't get the chance to do your homework!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished his sentence, Mo Ka immediately crushed the light white ball in his hand. Before the three seniors could make a move, a cloud of white mist instantly spread out.

In fact, smelly grass was a better choice, but it was banned from the dorm. The side effects were too great!

However, for the few of them, the fog was enough!

Crackling sounds could be heard endlessly. The three seniors even took out their defensive puppets, but under such a situation where they couldn't see anything, the gap between their levels had already been narrowed. In a place like the dormitory, where turning around was extremely difficult, what they were looking at more was their bodies!

And the health of Savage class was very good as well!

"Hold down one!"

"I'll hold down another one!"

"We're holding down the last one too!"

In the thick fog, Wu Chi, Xing Nan, and Shi Kui's voices sounded one after another, and the sounds of fighting also stopped.

"Mo Ka, open the window!"

As the wind blew into the room, the fog quickly disappeared. The scene in the room was enough to cause anyone who saw it to have endless thoughts.

Aside from the three seniors who were pressed on the ground, Bai Xiaofei and the others had taken off their shirts at some point. The nine naked men made people feel like they were not in a dormitory but a bathhouse …

The three seniors lying on the ground suddenly realized something.

No wonder they were able to tell which ones were on their side...

"Do you know what you are doing? Even if you control us, when we go back, there will only be more people coming. The protection fee isn't something the three of us will be collecting! If you let us go now, you guys might have a chance to live! "

The buzz cut young man did not show any signs of fear. From his point of view, Bai Xiaofei and the rest did not think much of it. As long as he made it clear …

'Bang! 'a resounding slap echoed in the room.

"Looks like our seniors still don't understand what's going on. Help them wake up."

Bai Xiaofei started the conversation, and then the remaining eight people all gathered around him...

After the devastating scream rang out, the three seniors were beaten to the point that they couldn't even form a human. Their gazes towards Bai Xiaofei turned from fearless to dodging.

F * ck, this guy is a retard!

Wasn't he afraid of being found out?

[What is with these brats' strength?]

Was this a f * cking freshman?

All sorts of thoughts and complaints swarmed through their minds, but none of them dared to say a word. If they spoke now, they would truly be foolish.

"I don't care who stands behind you, but from today onwards, the protection fee for the freshmen area will absolutely not fall into your hands!"

With a sneer, Bai Xiaofei took the jade plates from the three seniors and showed them the Xingluo stone without hesitation.

"All you know is that Qin Lingyan offered me rewards, but you don't know why she withdrew the rewards right?"

As Bai Xiaofei said that, the short-haired upperclassman revealed a frightened expression.

Of course, it was impossible to tell what expression he had on his face now …

Bai Xiaofei didn't continue to explain as he left the three of them with unlimited space to indulge in their fantasy. Instead, he helped up the overturned bed and slowly sat on it.

"Make some preparations. A customer is about to arrive."

As soon as he finished, Mo Ka and the rest started moving again. This time, they knew who Bai Xiaofei was talking about. It was almost noon …

Time passed minute after minute, and for the first time, the bound seniors found their time in the freshmen area difficult to bear.

Moreover, they had the urge to cry! It had to be known that they had spent a great deal of effort in order to obtain this opportunity to collect protection fees …

F * ck, trying to come over and get a beating, have you ever seen it!?

Finally, when the three seniors were about to collapse, the guests that Bai Xiaofei was talking about came. What they didn't know was that their nightmare had just begun!

Bai Xiaofei's words from yesterday's class had penetrated the minds of several classes. When the time came, no one dared to disobey Bai Xiaofei. Nine people, without exception, all arrived.

Then, when they arrived at the door, all nine of them were stunned.

The first reason was that he didn't expect there to be so many people in Bai Xiaofei's dorm. He was confused by the senior who was tied up on the ground.

What was going on?

"The dorm is too small and there are too many people, so let's make do with it. Mo Ka, move out of the way."

Looking at Bai Xiaofei who lifted his weight as if it was nothing, the class leaders who did not know how deep he was weakened once again. His obedient appearance was comparable to that of a Xiao Er in front of a chick.

"Do you know any of these seniors?"

Bai Xiaofei pointed to the three people on the ground and asked. The nine of them looked at them and shook their heads in unison.

They had been f * cking fighting, but even if they knew each other, they wouldn't be able to recognize each other!

"They're here to collect protection fees, so I left them here as soon as I got an itch. Do you think I did the right thing?"

Bai Xiaofei said without changing his expression. After hearing that, the nine class reps all gulped.

He had thought that Bai Xiaofei was capable, but he didn't expect him to be so daring. The senior who collected the protection fee actually said he would stay, what should he do after that?

"Why, is this question hard to answer?"

The nine class reps, who had yet to figure out what was going on in their brain, swallowed their saliva once again.

"Radix Atractylodes Macrocephalae, this... "We …"

One of the squad leaders stammered on, but couldn't get a complete message out.

"If I cut the protection fee in half, do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?"

Bai Xiaofei had achieved great things without shocking anyone with his words.

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