God of Illusions/C97 The Second Puppet of the Wild Man Class!(part I)
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God of Illusions/C97 The Second Puppet of the Wild Man Class!(part I)
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C97 The Second Puppet of the Wild Man Class!(part I)

Following Feng Wuhen into a luxurious resting room that was more than eighty square meters, a group of people sat down in groups of twos and threes.

"Everyone, please eat and drink some. The puppet will be delivered soon. Everyone can slowly pick one."

After entertaining the crowd, Feng Wuhen immediately walked out. A dozen man with second puppet s as well as a dozen puppets was not something that could be prepared in a short period of time.

"big brother Fei, big brother Fei, have you thought about how to choose your second puppet?!"

When he came to Bai Xiaofei's side, Mo Ka shamelessly asked. The surrounding people also perked up their ears.

Especially Xue Ying, who stared fixedly at Bai Xiaofei. The choice of a second puppet basically determined Bai Xiaofei's future path.

It was also during the previous discussion with Lei Shan, whether it was the limit or a balance!

"Let's see if there's anything suitable. I feel like we need to rely on fate."

Bai Xiaofei was not as anxious as the others were. What truly made him anxious was how did he manage to contract a second puppet …

"big brother Fei, fate makes no difference, we are about to participate in the assessment. Your strength is an important support for us."

Xing Nan followed along and expressed his views.

"Forget it. I was watching the fights from the side. The real main force is you guys, right?"

Bai Xiaofei was fairly aware of his own strength. Before he truly had the master level, the utility he could play in this kind of battle was quite limited.

"But without you, we wouldn't have been able to continue along like this forever. We need you to lead us, so I feel like class monitor can consider improving her life-saving abilities."

Qi Wei moved closer and said the words inside his heart.

In fact, many people in Savage class thought the same.

In terms of Bai Xiaofei's current influence, as long as he went on stage, he would definitely instantly become the focus of attention. If he had a strong self-protection ability, then Bai Xiaofei would have a very good firepower attraction effect.

That's right, it was the attraction from the firepower …

"F * ck, are you trying to make me the target of your words? Is there a class rep like you!?" I have always been good to you, haven't I? "

Bai Xiaofei was not an idiot, he immediately understood what Qi Wei meant, but no one cared about his complaints.

You're not bad to anyone!

You are just as heartless to anyone as you are!

"Everyone, sorry to disturb you. The golem is here."

Feng Wuhen knocked on the door and walked in, interrupting Savage class's internal strife, the eyes of the group of people instantly lit up.

"In order to make sure that everyone doesn't make a mess with their choices, I decided to send the puppets over in batches, so that you guys can advise each other."

After all, he was the manager, Feng Wuhen thought things through carefully.

"No problem, let's send the first batch in first."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and announced the arrival of an exciting moment.

Following that, under Feng Wuhen's orders, many Qipao Young Lady s carrying trays walked in from the door in a straight line, and stood in front of the crowd. There were a total of eight people, which was eight puppets.

"This time it's for three people, and they are suitable for Alchemist, Forging Puppeteer and auxiliary system to use."

As Feng Wuhen said this, Mo Ka, Shi Kui, Duan Yiyi and Zhu Nuo were simultaneously overjoyed.

Augmentation and healing were actually both part of the auxiliary system. In Stargaze, they studied under the Light of Protection, and many people didn't even explicitly separate the two and chose to dual cultivate.

"First is the choice for the second puppet s as an alchemist. According to this old brother's request, I chose two long distance attacking puppets, the suspended blade s and the crystal arrows."

The two Young Lady s took off the red cloth on their trays, revealing the two puppets inside, Bai Xiaofei had even seen one of them.

It was the crystal clear arrow that Zhu Gan had thrown when she and Zhu Gan were chasing after him.

"There's another puppet?!"

Bai Xiaofei could not help but exclaim in surprise, while Feng Wuhen was slightly shocked.

"Bro, don't you know?"

"What should I know?"

Bai Xiaofei asked back, the doubts on his face did not decrease in the slightest, while Xue Ying, who was at the side, embarrassedly covered his face.

This kind of basic knowledge should actually come from her, but she did not care much about it. Other than training Savage class in close combat for the first month, she had basically had nothing to do with the word "teacher" …

Fortunately, Feng Wuhen did not turn his gaze to Xue Ying and started to patiently explain.

"The puppets are separated into birth puppet and Death Puppet, but regardless of whether it is the birth puppet or the Death Puppet, they both have the same skill effect, and the birth puppet will then inherit one of the abilities of the puppet, and the Death Puppet will be mass-produced when it is created, the only difference is the quality."

"You should have seen a crystal arrow before, because this is the choice of many alchemist's second puppet. However, we usually have a lower level Wind Shattering Arrow and this is a Purple grade arrow!"

Feng Wuhen said as he picked up the crystal arrow from the tray.

"The effect of the Crystal Arrow is that after infusing the elemental strength, it will shoot towards a designated target with a certain tracking ability. The advantage is that it is fast and easy to use, the disadvantage is that it can be blocked and blocked, and its destructive power is relatively stable."

With that said, Mo Ka went forward. This thing was the puppet that he had taken a fancy to, a sharp weapon that could let him escape from the soy sauce party. Under its full strength, its might was definitely above that of Fang Ye's!

"What's the effect of the other one?"

As a person who had been shot by the Wind Shattering Arrow, Bai Xiaofei did not have a good impression of this thing. In comparison, he liked the palm sized golden knife on the other tray more.

"suspended blade, I like this item a lot, but unfortunately, there aren't many people who choose it as a puppet."

After passing the second puppet to Mo Ka, Feng Wuhen continued to explain.

After activating it, the suspended blade will not launch an attack immediately. Instead, it will charge up for at least five seconds, causing it to be in a semi-invisible state during the charging process. After the charging process ends, the suspended blade will be able to launch an attack on any target within the attacking range, and the attack range and power range will depend on the length of the charging time and the height of the suspense.

"There are a lot of advantages to this thing. Firstly, it has an attack ability that has no limit on the theory, and secondly, it is extremely fast when attacking, making it hard to defend when caught off guard. However, it has many drawbacks, not to mention the fact that charging is not suitable for quick reactions, most importantly, the suspended blade's charging can be interrupted."

After finishing the introductions, Feng Wuhen calmed down and patiently waited for Mo Ka to make a choice.

Then, Mo Ka fell into a dilemma.

Just like most people, Mo Ka liked both of them. The Purple Level Puppet was good for him, if possible, he wanted both of them.

It was a pity that he did not have the ability, nor could he choose two puppets with similar functions.

"big brother Fei …"

The indecisive Mo Ka cast a pleading look at Bai Xiaofei.

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